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City vows crackdown on motorized dirt bikes, including effort to get them banned altogether

Operation Kickstand comes the day after a 4-year-old was shot in Harambee Park by somebody who then used a motorized dirt bike to escape.

Initially, Boston Police and city transportation workers are being directed to tow illegal dirt bikes, specifically ones without registration, being driven in parks and being driven by drunks or other reckless people. However, Mayor Tom Menino says he will file a home-rule petition with the state legislature for permission to ban the vehicles completely from city streets:

These types of loud, dangerous vehicles are allowing individuals to intimidate our residents and cause disruption in our neighborhoods - and it must stop.

The city and state define a motorized bicycles as

A pedal bicycle which has a helper motor or a non-pedal bicycle with a motor that does not exceed 50 cubic centimeters of cylinder capacity, has an automatic transmission and cannot go faster than 30 miles an hour.

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This is unclear. Are they only banning ILLEGAL ones, as in, ones that don't conform to what a motorized bicycle ought to be, or are they going to ban any motorized bicycle?

There is no reason whatsoever to ban scooters that are being used appropriately.

As I said in another post, how about if they just enforce existing laws regarding these things? The people who are terrorizing neighborhoods with them are doing exactly that; weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, riding on sidewalks, running stop lights, etc. They also hardly ever wear helmets, so could be stopped based on this and asked for ID then checked for warrants etc.

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I'll let you know what I find out, because I had the exact same thought after reading that nonsensical press release.

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I think it's cute that you think they will stop.

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I'm all for cracking down on this. It's ridiculous to use these things in the city.

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Unless they are doing something wrong (at which point it's a driver problem, not a bike problem), then why is it ridiculous? As long as they confirm to noise laws, any applicable environmental laws, and the same definition of motor vehicle as other 2-wheeled vehicles allowed on the road, then what makes them any different as usable vehicles?

This whole thing is a problem with a set of drivers misusing a certain type of vehicle...so the answer is to ban the vehicle? And in the process setup all sorts of hypocritical/paradoxical laws/bans?

The press release points to the ban in NYC of motorized bicycles. Well, guess what? The NYS legislature is now having to work on a new law that allows electric motorized bicycles back into NYC because BLANKET BANS ARE STUPID.

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This is to get rid of the riding of 2-stroke motocross-type dirtbikes on city streets, which are already NOT LEGAL so I do not get this.

Ever been into the middle of Roxbury or Dochester? People ride KX-80s around everywhere.

This isnt about legal scooters, or it at least isnt intended to be.

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they are unlicensed, noisy, and frankly unsafe for kids to be tooling around on ignoring traffic laws and not wearing helmets. hell, i'm all for dirt bikes....on dirt trails as they were designed to be used. the little mini motorcycle things are just serious accidents waiting to happen in the city.

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They are loud, obnoxious and generally driven by ass-hats who drive them recklessly. Unless you are participating in motor-cross event where you drive them around a dirt track, I see no need for 'em.

If you want to ride something motorized, get a scooter or a moped.

Reduce violence? Probably not. But that still does not mean there is a good reason for 'em in the city.

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Yeah, banning "motorized dirt bikes" is really going to reduce violence. Why don't they ban cars for the same reason?

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All forms of transportation faster than 2 mph should be banned in the City of Boston. That way, anyone who commits a crime will still be nearby when the police eventually show up. (It goes without saying that this law would not affect the existing operations of the 28 bus or the Green Line.)

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I understand from what I heard this morning, the shooter actually fled on foot. I know, let's outlaw feet!

Really, this is just stupid. Cars are also used by criminals to "terrorize" neighborhoods, are they next? No, of course not. The problem isn't the vehicle, it is the behavior. This call for a ban is just political window dressing.

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Imagine a gang of ~30 kids riding dirt bikes (without proper safety lighting), four wheelers, trikes, and mini bikes, all without mufflers or any sort of respect for road rules screaming down a main street at 10 o'clock at night. I know this doesn't happen in downtown (I hope) but I have seen this several times while driving through Dorchester. Like a scene out of Mad Max, they most certainly are intimidating and it is this type of behavior that is being targeted by the new laws. He's not talking about registered powered bikes and Vespa type scooters.

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You mentioned it right there in your comment. It is the behavior which is the problem. Downtown (Crossing, to be precise) has had issues with large crowds of kids on foot. What do you ban there? The kids? How about drive-by shootings? You've never had some jerk in a car zoom after you while in a crosswalk? Banning any sort of bike will have zero effect on crime in this city.

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I saw a group like this near downtown last week on Washington Street outside of the Paramount Theater. They were on dirtbikes and mopeds. I think there was a vespa-type scooter in there too because I remember how hilarious the sight of a scooter doing a wheelie was.

This was around 7PM on a weeknight.

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...one bike leaves?"

See, even in post-apocalyptic Bartertown, they blamed the people not the vehicles.

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Menino does this brilliantly.
To be fair, though, it's really hard to know what to do about urban crime. I fear that if the economy keeps getting worse we'll see even more hopeless losers doing despicable things. The only growth industry will continue to be the state Department of Corrections.

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Yes, Mumbles, let's continue to prove your impotence in stopping the illegal gun traffic in this city, let's just ban dirt bikes and maybe 4 year olds will stop getting shot.

Once again, if this had happened on the Common or Quincy Marketplace.......

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Do you mean if this had happened downtown, the press wouldn't be mentioning it in every broadcast? It wouldn't be top local story on every Boston news website? The mayor would not be posturing?

What, exactly would be different dvdoff? Perhaps Menino would break out that magic wand he's put aside and instantly levitate the guilty party out of the crowd and into Azkaban? I'm no fanboi for daMayah, and he's insulting our collective intelligence with this bike-ban nonsense, but I seriously doubt he's holding back any juice on this one because of the four year old's address.

What precisely are you trying to get at, with the remarks you keep dropping into all these threads? Because it sure sounds like race-baiting to me.

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by race baiting? And the fact that black on black crime in this city is virtually ignored escapes you?

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They actually made this shooting their page-one story yesterday, rather than the latest from Whiteyville.

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Double entendre? ;)

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or stolen dirt bike sales ;)

or dirt bike accessories like do-rags

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I see ads for four scooters on the right column of this page.

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Thank the contextual-ad might of Google Ads.

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Just wanted to see if I could summon a WH ad.

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Trying to summon Cthulhu?

The Whole Foods ads aren't via Google. The way they work: Any post I've tagged as being about "Jamaica Plain" gets one, as does the home page when one of the top three posts there is tagged as "Jamaica Plain."

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If you refresh a few times you will get it. I usually get it the first time.

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The problem certainly isn't:

Gangs -Illegal
Guns -Illegal unless licensed and properly carried
Lousy police -You're just now cracking down on intoxicated drivers of motorbikes on sidewalks, pathways, etc? And you've gotten complaints about them before?

It also doesn't help that the neighborhood culture is 'no snitching' which allows things to build to the point of playground shootings.

I feel like this happens every summer. Wasn't it some kid on a basketball court last year? Some kid waiting for a bus to school?

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It would be helpful if the cops ever did something about it- that's the real problem. I'm sure some people don't ride them in a way as disturb the general public, but I have yet to see it. Instead I see kids poppin' wheelies in Franklin Park, revving their engines and being generally obnoxious. I've even see a group of them circling a traffic island/barrier close to Dudley while regular traffic was trying to get through. There was a cop car right behind me- I thought- oh good, maybe he'll do something about this stupidity. Nope. Kept going right past the idiots.

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Talk about knee jerk reaction. What about crimes that happen from gangsters walking around? I demand a walking ban. No driving either, that just makes drive-by shootings more likely. Ya'know what- no one is allowed outside. No one. Bad things happen outside. Stay inside and watch Little House on the Prairie all day.

Maybe it would be much more simple to just make shooting someone illeg- oh wait.

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It's much easier just to make new laws that won't be enforced.

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is that when there are no shootings and the police crack down on illegal bikes or other minor nuisance crimes that are only comitted by a certain group (young black males), racial profiling complaints go up, Captains get calls from city counsul offices to focus on more important crimes, and police in general are forced to ignore them.

But I do know there are several traffic/comm service units who have been in charge of reigning these bikes in over the past few years. I have not seen the numbers from this unit, but I know its there.

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I'm sure that's not what was contemplated in the ban, but this whole thing seems hasty, desperate and irrelevant to the real problems.

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Considering loud scooters, dirty bikes, etc. have been used to terrorize Dorchester, JP and probably every other neighborhood for at least 10 years that I can account for, charging out with a law now seems a little late. I understand the blanket ban however; the complaint of BPD is that they can not arrest the mini-thugs on the maxi-noise bikes because noise laws are hard to enforce, catching the prepubescent detroyers of worlds while they are scooting around would require setting up road blocks, etc.

Banning the bikes would be the simplest method. Prevent the problem rather than chasing after each infraction. Draconian? Yes. Is there a better solution that does not result in cops chasing after loud babycycles? If there is let's use it.

Then apply that solution to the motorcycles, boom boom and hippty-hop cars which pollute neighborhoods with noise.

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A few years ago, he proposed an ordinance to ban these things, after somebody started selling them right in the middle of his district (on Fairmount Ave.).

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If the existing noise laws are hard to enforce, how is the outright ban going to be easier to enforce?

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I asked them to clarify just what vehicles they were intending to ban with the home rule petition and this is the relevant portion of their response:

We are focusing on motorized minibikes, dirt bikes and All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) that do not belong on City streets and have been creating serious problems in neighborhoods – not motorcycles or motorized scooters (like Vespas).

We are mainly focused on cracking down on those three categories and we are working with all parties (BPD, BTD, RMV, etc.) to target precisely the nuisance vehicles and those who are using them illegally. The strategy is to approach this using a surgeon’s knife, not a sledgehammer.

In terms of “illegal,” dirt bikes are not inherently illegal if they’re used in accordance with the law, but certain elements of their use and operation can be illegal.

They continued by highlighting the improper use as being anything outside of the rules they wrote in the press release (over 25 mph, without a helmet, etc).

They also elaborated on their example of the DC ban as an example of what they would like to implement here. The DC ban outlaws dirtbikes and ATVs while allowing motorized bicycles, Segways (ironic?), and scooters.

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That we had a trio of teens/younger guys on ATV's in our neighborhood last summer, they would screw through our streets to get off the main ones like Washington St (in Roxbury) and sit and idle and rev those damn things before screeching off at all hours of the night. Yes, we called it in but it happened nightly all last summer. So annoying. Honestly, what the hell do you need an ATV for in Roxbury? I mean, a Hummer I can see....but an ATV?!!

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some of the same people I see wanting to ban firearms think that banning scooters is unjust because it's a "behavior" or "social" problem with the scooters(but somehow not with firearms.)

UHub, I love you.

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You're just noticing the UHub double standard now?????

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These kind of bikes don't belong on city streets. It seems kinda clear that this shooting brought the bikes to the Mayor's attention. These things have been a major nuisance for a while so it's good he's taking this step. Maybe it's a little kneejerk but it's a good move overall.

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With loud engines, exhaust systems or loud thumping stereo systems? There are plenty of those in my neighborhood and I'm pretty sure that they violate noise laws but nothing's ever enforced.

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Pulling over dirtbikes in some of these areas is the proverbial "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic". If they pulled over every illegal vehicle, then they'd have no manpower for the gangs, drugs, and endless violence that have plagued these same neighborhoods for 40-50 years now. A small percentage is ruining life for everybody else. And yet, it goes on and on.

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First they came for the Segways
And I didnt say anything because I didnt own a Segway
Then they came for the motorized bikes
And I didnt say anything because I didnt own a motorized bike

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