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Fog eats Pru


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. . . fog bank over the North of the city this morning. Charlestown is gone. Very thick.

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Good photo, but it could have waited.

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So tell us, oh arbitrator of all things tasteful, how many days away from an anniversary of an event that happened 300 miles away would be appropriate? Should we tell the weather to hold off on fog until that O-FISH-Lly declared date?


And I bet you rail against the sensitivities of "lib-ruls" and the "politically correct."

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. . . but I think that might be sarcasm and if not- well- to each his own.

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Sometimes an ethereal photo of a local landmark in the fog is just an ethereal photo of a local landmark in the fog. I never would have even thought of 9/11 if I hadn't seen your comment, but maybe that's because I posted it after getting back from a trip to Forest Hills in the fog, during which the kidlet and I talked about the fog in San Francisco.

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...Chris called this one right and Fishy is chuckling at the response he's getting. The alternative is just too silly to imagine.

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Even after his comment, I haven't got a clue what this has to do with 9/11. The WTC wasn't eaten by a smoke monster. There aren't any planes in this picture. The Pru isn't on fire. Copley Square isn't littered with bodies and sirens. Nobody's photoshopping fireworks into the background (oh, sorry about that last one, that's 7/4 not 9/11).

Talk about your Freudian insertions, O-FISH-L. When they show you ink blots, do they all look like Muslim terrorists too? You seriously need help. This is a picture of a weather event. It isn't even remotely evocative of a building collapse. It wasn't posted with a headline that said anything stupid like "What if it'd been us?". It's FOG...and a BUILDING. You think we need to cordon off a month or so around 9/11 every year to not look at pictures of FOG and BUILDINGS because it makes you reminiscent? Maybe you just need to re-tune your sensibilities. Here, let me help:


Portland, OR:


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Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Los Angeles from Boston via American Airlines on what was once flight 11 (now renumbered as flight 25) ten years and eleven days after 9/11. Is that distasteful? Should I be worried about the fog eating the Pru?! Should I cancel my trip in memory of those who died that day?! Oh, so many questions, too few answers.

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If it were on the same day, I could see your point, but not now.

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They hatin

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There's something not right in O-fishs' head.

Reminded me of Cloud City.

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...on the 31st anniversary of the Imperial Invasion... real nice.

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Nicely done.

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In the photo or in O-Fishy's mind?

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Every time I see this headline, my mind reads it as "Frog eats Pru" and I expect to see either a picture of a gigantic mutated frog photoshopped in, or a large number of regular, real-life frogs besieging the building.

Also the thought has occurred once or twice to pair this with "Dog eats Pru", in the classic "Dog bites man"/"Man bites dog" journalism fashion.

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