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The finest hand-crafted subway map in the world

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Dani B. reports one of the maps on Red Line car 01632 looks "a little different" from all the rest.

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I suppose this sums up the state of the T at least as well as any standard 500 page report (well, at least as good as the other story this morning of the bike beating the Red Line).

The stop between Central and Charles/MGH is a particularly good indicator of how grave the situation is - and of how a "good enough" mentality is the norm.

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I don't believe this was put up by the T but rather a local "guerrilla" artist. I hope the T leaves it in place as it gets the job done and adds a little levity and art to the daily commute.

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The sign may or may not be a commentary on the 'T, but it certainly isn't a direct result of poor performance.

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I didn't mean to suggest that this was put up by the T. I did assume (an assumption that might have been unwarranted), however, that it was in place of where a real plan of the line should have been, and that regardless of who put it up, "Kendell" was an indication of either the T's "good enough" mentality or the general population's "good enough" mentality - neither of which I find particularly encouraging (but given the T's financial problems, I can almost understand).

However, perhaps it is art, and I'm just too blind to see it (whatever "it" might be).

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I actually think it was an indication that "Ken Dell" would be available at that particular stop for autographs and cheese samples.

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In the never ending battle between the guerilla artists and the Transit Police the artists outfoxed them again. They put their art in trains, tunnels and subway walls places where the subway police never go.

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How is a hand drawn T map "guerilla art"? Granted, it's not supposed to be there, but I'm not sure it qualifies as art. On the other hand, practically speaking, it is quite useful. It even seems a bit more readable from a distance than the usual T maps and I admire the panache of whoever did it, save for the spelling error. If people are going to be "guerilla", I would rather have something useful like this than incoherant graffiti vandalism that is of no use to anyone.

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In my mind (other than the misspelling) this map is more useful as it shows the silver line which most red line maps omit.

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Seems like the usual quality T signage, to me.

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