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Finally: A gubernatorial candidate with the guts to declare himself anti-Orc

Ed Lyons posts a copy of a fundraising note by noted homophobe and, thanks to nearly 600 Republican delegates, a candidate for governor, at least until Sept. 4., Scott Lively, in which he says he needs money to fight off the Orcs of Mordor. Lively describes himself as "a simple pastor, with no political ambitions or dreams of grandeur," even though he is now making his second attempt to get elected governor, but maybe he's come to terms with how he'll fare in the primary.



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I am fairly sure you meant to say he is "now" making his second run for governor, rather than "not."

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Thanks, fixed.

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Let's stop calling the Trumpists conservative but never forget, conservatives and the tea party were necessary precursors to the Trump era, and Trump is a symptom of our oligarchical idiocracy. .

The Republicans lost control of their base and they lost control of their party and it's their own damn fault and we all have pay for it. God save the Republic.

Last night, Chris Cuomo interviewed the Republican U.S. Senate nominee from Virginia, Corey Stewart, a Trump pick with a taste for prejudice and white supremacy. Watch!

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Adam, as someone who pays more attention to state politics than most, I would have never heard of Scott Lively without you. How many posts about him with drastic language now?

What I gather is that the pastor is opposed to gay marriage which many religious and others are. I also understand that he is an alternative to Charlie Baker who many in the Republican party and unenrolled dislike after he cast a blank ballot for President. By garnering 27% of the vote at a convention almost entirely controlled by Baker operatives, Lively obviously has a chance, however slim.

As noted when Josh Zakim won the Dem nomination for SoS, if the Dem primary heats up and only a handful of Republicans and unenrolled choose a Republican ballot, the numbers will be miniscule but there are 1,000,000+ Trump voters in MA looking to send a message to Baker. Keep writing about Lively, it reminds us that the best chance to knock out Baker is in the primary since neither Democrat has a chance in the final.

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Against Lively, though? Please.

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Don’t forget there are many more unenrolled voters than Republicans. We even out number Democrats by a large margin. I for one am going to pull a Republican ballot in the primary specifically to vote for Baker and send a message to Lively and the like. Baker is far from perfect but he is going to crush this moron.

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A quick check would reveal that the "simple pastor" flies across the world spreading his diseased mindful hatred of gay people. We know he wants to criminalize gays. Considering his trip to Uganda coincided with the Ugandan legislature considering to legislate murder of gay people calling him a "simple pastor" is revealing at least the kind if ignorance that fits Churchill's description of democracy.

Fish: Don't be a fool if you are just a lazy fellow refusing to learn facts. Lively is a monster. He wants gay people to disappear - just like Nazis wanted Jews to disappear. Or do you, like Livley (an ironic name) also spread Lively's lie that the Nazi regime was run by gays?

You don't read either the Globe or Herald? You don't listen to any radio or television news? You don't read any other news source on the internet?

If not for Adam's reporting you would not have heard of Lively? Darn Fish. You made some pretty transparently disingenuous statements but this tops them all. Scott Lively really doesn't need you as a supporter if he wants to win. You do a darn good job of showing what to expect from a human monster such as Lively.

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All I know about Lively was read here and his brief interviews on talk radio after the convention. As mentioned before, I canceled the Globe after the fake Trump front page and the Herald only has limited original content, mostly Associated Press.

I won't tempt a massive reaction by saying that "I have gay friends" but it was nice this week to see them enjoying Pride. If Lively truly wants to exterminate gay people, I couldn't vote for him. Do you you have a citation for Lively saying that?

Regardless, my point is that the Republican primary may be decided by a Wyoming size vote (tiny), perhaps only a few thousand. Of course Baker should win, but there are many who believe him a coward for casting a blank in the Trump race. Baker's toughest race this year is the primary. I have no dog in the race.

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Fish: Read his what he posts on his web site. Look up news reports about him in Uganda. It's all there in pixelated black and white.

In other words why are you playing the ingenue? Makes you look silly.

Will give you credit for how you played the rhetorical game of "I wont' mention something which I now will mention." It was not as transparent as most folks' use of the trick.

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All I know about Lively was read here and his brief interviews on talk radio after the convention.

That's because you're lazy, ignorant and ill-informed - not qualities to boast of. He did this before, you know, and the information has been out there, not exactly hidden away.

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Here's one story where he's suing Baker and the MassGOP:


Note the date. It was just under two weeks ago.

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The kind that spend more time thinking and talking about gay sex than a table full of drunk guys in chaps at Bear Week.

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He assaulted a photographer who won a judgement against him. He and the OCA have never fully paid that judgement. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/or-court-of-appeals/1286927.html

You really want a violent felon who skips out on restitution to be your Governor? http://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2018/05/Stauffer-Docs.pdf

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Considering his trip to Uganda ...

I had read about him, but didn't remember his name or pick up on his being local. Christ, what an asshole.

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Why is he still here and allowed to post?

Did he apologize?

Did he promise to dial it back until the next time he makes an utterly repugnant comment?

Why isn't he facing any consequences for his bad behavior?

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Even though he has a hard time figuring some things out: Like, when I delete a comment about a presidential candidate because it has no real relevance to an obituary about a particular person, he tries to post the same idea again, and when I delete that, he tries to get the message (which I've since learned was blazing a trail across rightwing media) in again, so I deleted that, too. Fortunately, the software makes deleting messages pretty darn easy.

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Lively has endorsed Diehl and Trump. Where's the Christian conservative love? Is it forbidden?

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... yet.

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I take that line to be a jab at Baker's presidential ambitions. Wouldn't surprise me if it's as soon as 2020.

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...have raised a mighty army they call The Blue Wave by which they intend to crush our rebellion...

With no war chest, I guess he could only afford to to hire TLF ghost writers.

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Lively will be on the Jeff Kuhner radio show on WRKO this afternoon.


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