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Protests against Israeli actions against Gaza in front of BPL


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Headline seems a lot tame. If you look at the signs and what they said, many of those people were calling for the elimination of Israel, i.e. "From the river to the sea."

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many protestors once again took to the streets to show their support for the Israel-Palestinian conflict

Clearly, they did

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Was that sentence written ironically, or did LiveBoston just publish a Bushism?

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Live Boston either has no clue what's happening or are intentionally lying.

"protestors once again took to the streets to show their support for the Israel-Palestinian conflict"

Showing support for the conflict? That is not what protesters are doing. This sounds more like a truth social post or something from OAN.

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Why are none of the people who claim to be so concerned with human lives protesting against Israel and not Hamas? As a terrorist organization, Hamas thrives on its public perception and if their public supporters protested for an end to attacks on Israelis and the return of Israeli hostages they may just listen

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So Boston held an anti semitic rally? How are women treated in Palestine? What about gays? I bet they are very trans friendly people too. Would they welcome other races and religions in Palestine?

As a side note, where do all these supporters come from? I have never once seen a Palestine flag or heard of anyone being supporter or from there. Where do all these “Palestinians” come from?

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"As a side note, where do all these supporters come from? I have never once seen a Palestine flag or heard of anyone being supporter or from there. Where do all these “Palestinians” come from?"

They have a head removal from your ass procedure at MGH. Avail yourself of it. Your attempts at whataboutism in regards to women, gays, and trans people in order to deflect are pathetic and childlike.

If you say you have never seen a Palestinian flag or seen someone from there you are a bald face liar. You are trying to dehumanize a group of people in order to hasten the destruction of them.

Fuck you.

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Lol what? Why did my honest question set you off? Take a chill pill and get some anger management. Don’t be such an elitist. Relax Johnny.

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While John could stand to use less invective, he's got you pegged, and your taunts are as dishonest, stupid and childish as everything else you've written here. If you claim to have never seen a Palestinian flag, you are either a liar or a stunningly ignorant provincial. Your ignorance of a thing does not mean a thing doesn't exist, it just means that you're willfully ignorant.

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So Palestine supports Jews, gays, trans, and has a strong DEI initiative? I suppose they also believe in gun control?

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Palestinians have a right to exist and not be subject to war crimes. Just like Israelis. Just like anyone.

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So you're an intellectually dishonest bullshitter and a maker of strawman arguments? So you're a mentally challenged simpleton who is compelled by your own cognitive deficiencies to reduce complex situations to "good guys" and "bad guys"?

It's gotta be one or the other, heh heh. Although it could be both!

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