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Why should we pay to help people live right on the ocean?

With Plum Island washing plum out to sea, David Robichaud asks the question.


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Painful game for Patriots fans

Mats Tolander: Stick a fork in them.

Angela: So bad, I could almost taste vomit:

There have been few Patriots games I have watched with my dad in which he becomes so enraged, he storms out of the room. This afternoon was one of them ...


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Big balls


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Dorchester-born blacks have higher rates of asthma than blacks born abroad

The Globe reports on a study by researchers at Tufts and BU; one possible explanation: Americans are just too darn clean, so their kids' formative immune systems aren't exposed early on to substances that later on cause their immune systems to overreact.

Researcher Doug Brugge explains his findings in this NECN video from earlier this month:

Article abstract (you'll have to pay to read the whole thing).


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Body found in harbor

Man in his 50s, by the Black Falcon Terminal, Channel 4 reports.


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Eastie back in the day

Jimbo runs across a site that has copies of some post cards showing East Boston scenes 100 years ago.


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Don't be a hoser: Vote for Canadian Red Sox blog

Joy of Sox is once again one of the finalists for Best Sports Blog in the annual Canadian Blog Awards. Let's not have a repeat of last year when it didn't win. This year, click here and put Joy of Sox in first place.


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Herald readers see things

Herald photographer Mark Garfinkel reports that a couple of readers contacted him about a photo he took at a five-alarm fire on Prince Street in Cambridge last week: One thought the flames looked like Mother Teresa, the other thought they looked like the devil. Judge for yourself.


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63 local Web sites you must see before you die - and this one

Michael Prager does a nice job with his list of must-see Boston Web sites.

It got me to thinking, though: New blogs pop up around here all the time. How to find them? A lot of them submit their URLs to the Boston Blogs directory. But I should probably start highlighting the new ones here. So here goes with the first batch:

Phantom of the Movies
"Great Movies, Great Stuff."

Sacred Cods and Holy Mackerals
"Following Massachusetts politics is both my hobby and profession. I feel I bring with me a unique perspective as both an idealist and pragmatist, who knows what goes on in the smoke-filled backrooms and why, yet still holds out hope for good government that is responsible to and held accountable by We The People. Hopefully through this blog I can bring you, the reader, some additional information on what really goes on in the marble corridors of the State House. Sorta like a 'spin-free zone,' but without the douche-iness and pomposity. This will also be a 'whackjob-free zone,' so leave your xenobhobia, paranoia, and general hostility towards mankind at the door."

Dracut Musings
"A Dracut guy's take on state and national politics."


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Alleged tools charged with stealing tools

Boston Police report that when officers saw a couple of guys moving a table saw from one van to another at 13 Kimball St. in Dorchester shortly before 2 this morning, they stopped to ask what they were doing. One volunteered the owner of the first van was a friend of his and said he could borrow the saw.

Officers asked for the friend's phone number; the guy said he couldn't remember it. Unfortunately for him and his alleged accomplice, the van was a commercial vehicle and had the owner's number painted on the side. Which the officers then called:

While speaking to the owner, the owner of the van stated that nobody had permission to be in his van and he would never loan out his tools. A search of the suspect's van enabled officers to locate and recover additional tools stolen from the victim's van.

Darren Duffy, 33, of Dorchester and Thomas Washington, 42, of Dorchester, were then arrested on charges of larceny over $250 and breaking and entering a motor vehicle.

Innocent, etc.

Sat, 11/29/2008 - 20:46


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