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Maybe he needs the money to buy a car

Bank suspectThe FBI is looking for a guy who's robbed three banks over the past couple of weeks, most recently, the Brookline Bank branch at 1016 Beacon St. yesterday.

The man, who appears to be a middle-aged Hispanic man according to police and surveillance photos, always gives a teller a note demanding cash, then makes his getaway on foot.

He's also wanted for hitting the Citizens Bank branch at 315 Harvard St. in Coolidge Corner on Jan. 26 and the Sovereign Bank branch at 487 Harvard St. near the TJ Maxx on Feb. 4.

Know him? Contact the FBI at 617-223-6136, ext. 6136.


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Snow, rain pancake a garage in Jamaica Plain

Flattened garage in Jamaica Plain: Inspecting the garage. Photo by Coutney SaccoInspecting the remains of the garage. Photo by Courtney Sacco.

A garage came down this morning at 27 Clive St. Officials report no injuries.

Photo copyright Courtney Sacco. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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Jury acquits man on murder charges for shootout in which he didn't fire the fatal shot

A Suffolk Superior Court jury today found Kevin Louis not guilty for the murder of a Hyde Park teenager in a shootout, but found him guilty of several gun charges, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Prosecutors did not allege Louis fired the fatal bullets that killed Roniel Marc - police continue to hunt for the shooter - but tried him for murder under the "joint venture" doctrine under which somebody can be charged with murder if their actions contributed to the victim's death.

Prosecutors charged that Louis and two other men showed up at a July 4th cookout on Wood Avenue to settle a beef with Marc and that Louis and the actual shooter chased him through several yards before engaging in a shootout with him at Wood and Edwardson Street.

The jury found Louis guilty of unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition and unlawfully carrying a loaded firearm. He will be sentenced on those charges Thursday morning, the DA's office says.


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Oil spilled on Route 128 ends up on Somerville bike path?

Davis Square LiveJournal members are speculating that an oil sheen seen today on the Somerville Community Path may have originated from a diesel fuel spill yesterday afternoon on Route 128 in Lexington. Participants report oil slick sightings on streets in Stoneham, Arlington, Cambridge, and elsewhere.


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Body found in Jamaica Plain; possible homicide victim

Tue, 02/08/2011 - 07:45
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MBTA chief vows better communication

Richard Davey's effort may have intensified this morning. Needham Line rider Mike Davis tweets the signboard at his station this morning read:

Train to Boston NOT MOVING at this time.

Davey made his comments at the MBTA's monthly board meeting yesterday, in which he noted the worst commuter-rail performance in four years and "weaknesses in our fleet, particularly in our Orange and Red Line," as exposed by their performance during last month's cold snap.

But he praised T workers for making the system safer - only 2 passengers reported snow-related injuries and the T is now taking charge of clearing snow from bus stops it had previously just left to the sun to clear.

Separately, Davey hopes to close at least part of an impending deficit through royalties on the sales of T-related merchandise. What would you put on a T T-shirt? Some initial proposals.


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Never a dull moment in Brookline

If it's not shrimp-stealing desperadoes, it's vicious beasts. Brookline Patch reports:

Police were called to Tappan Street on Feb. 6 after someone reported a possum sitting on a fence.

Also note the first item on that Patch report, about the "shaking" pickup truck.


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Happy Truck Day

How are you celebrating?


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Boston area leads way in Web sites selling customized stuff

Xconomy reports on the latest wrinkle to the local high-tech set: Web sites that let you customize everything from T-shirts to home decor; quotes one venture capitalist:

We [in Boston] are good at assembling - taking raw components and building blocks, and then fashioning them into something whole greater than its parts. Mass customization is a natural extension of our strength because it's assembling something new and doing it both systematically and repeatedly.


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