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A haiku for today

Richard Howe reaches into the cellar for an appropriate poem.


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Tax breaks for jobs not working out too well in Massachusetts

Companies keep tax breaks even as they shed jobs, Globe reports:

Hundreds of the projects delivered fewer jobs than promised, and some companies actually slashed employment. Many firms won subsidies for projects they were set to build without state assistance; in some cases, incentives that were approved long af ter the projects were underway or complete. And many got generous packages though they agreed to create only a handful of low-paying jobs.


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Local liquor store offers some advice for this weekend

Scott captured the scene on McGrath Highway in Somerville the other night.

Copyright Scott. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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Heat rises: Basement contractors set fifth floor on fire at Emmanuel College

The Boston Fire Department reports heat from contractors taking apart old pipes in the basement of the Emmanuel College administration building traveled up five floors and set wooden flooring on fire around 2 p.m. today.

Nobody was injured in the fire in the 400 Fenway building, undergoing renovations, the department says, adding damage was estimated at $50,000.


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Everybody was kung-fu fighting, especially Crazy Ming

Chinatown Blogger recalls Ngau Ming, or, in English, Crazy Ming, probably one of the neighborhood's top kung-fu fighters - who didn't mind getting into fights at the local bars:

... When I met him I realized more clearly why it was easy for him to get into a fight. He had a crazy stare that just looked off and made you nervous even if you were his friend. Whether he was born like that or became like that over a lifetime or a combination of both is unknown to me. ...


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Early morning argument at South End gas pump ends in stabbing

Boston Police report a man pumping gas at the Sunoco station at 895 Mass.

Fri, 03/12/2010 - 00:34
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Little signs have big impact on one Beacon Hill resident

Ross Levanto notes he can now sleep in on Saturdays if he'd parked his car on Beacon Street the night before, thanks to a change in the city's parking rules for the street. It's no small thing in the over-parked neighborhood:

... The local Beacon Hill Civic Association has a parking committee, with a charter that basically boils down to preservation of the precious parking spaces. Generally speaking, if you find an open parking spot on Beacon Hill, the driver has to assume there is something wrong with it. After deftly performing a parallel park into an open space, I get out of the car and spend a few minutes investigating the spot. I generally follow a mental checklist ...


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