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When you only have time to inhale your coffee

A company founded by a Harvard professor is rolling out inhalable coffee, the Crimson reports:

In celebration of the official launch, a group of 30 Le Whif employees and fans gathered yesterday in Cambridge restaurant Tory Row to sample the newly released inhalable coffee lipstick-sized tubes—each of which contains the same amount of caffeine as one shot of espresso.


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Why nurses might hesitate before getting major elective surgery

They tend to see the worst cases. Kristen, a nurse who lives in Randolph, is blogging about her life after gastric bypass surgery - and how hard it was at first for her to even think about it:

... Working as a medical nurse for 5 years, my only real knowledge about weight loss surgery came from the patients I cared for that came in with some really horrible complications. The one I will never forget was the woman who was one-year post op and was only ever able to eat eggs and cheese. Anything else made her vomit. Literally, just plain eggs ... and cheese. (This is my personal version of hell on earth) She made me swear to never ever get this surgery and told me she regretted it everyday. I was mortified. ...

But then one day she met another nurse who'd had the procedure and seemed so, well, normal.

Via Paul Levy.


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The Debbie Downer of Boston sports media

Who knew there was somebody the CHB hates more than Curt Schilling? Or that Shankapotamus had a medical degree?


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Two links not to click on if you're hungry or addicted to chocolate

William McAdoo takes us on a two-part chocolate tour of Harvard Square here and here.


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What's the 2010 census got to do with Sam Yoon?

Driving home last night, I caught part of an episode of On Point with Tom Ashbrook. The topic was the 2010 U.S. Census. I've been interested in the forthcoming census (forms will be mailed next week): its dessimination, its implications, and, of course, the breakdown of our nation by race and ethnicity.

Ashbrook nailed the question I want to know most: When will the U.S. be a majority minority country? At what point in the next few years will the scale tip?

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Ideal apartment for Celtics, Bruins fans

Given all that's happpened over the past five decades between Leverett Circle and Causeway Street, it's kind of amazing that this West End holdover on 900 square feet of land at 42 Lomasney Way behind the Garden is not only still standing but still occupied. And it's mere steps away from the West End memorial wall that few people see, given how it forms part of the ramp from 93 to the circle (the engraving was so big I couldn't fit it all into a single shot - it ends "... of heaven"):


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More than one F'ed up site in Boston

Third Decade thinks it's good the mayor may finally do something about the mess that is the Filene's Hole downtown, but wonders when he'll do something about the derelict Ferdinand's building in Dudley Square - which the city already owns:

... C'mon, Mr. Mayor, address development in the city in a holistic manner. What's good for downtown is also good for the neighborhoods. Address our problems as aggressively as you're addressing those where the tourists and suburbanites go. We want progress, too!


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New restaurant to help fix Fenway's nacho deficiency

The owners of the Chicken Bone, 1260 Boylston St., are transmogrifying the feathered eatery into a new place called Fenway Cantina that will serve up TexMex stuff.


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Undertaker finally arrives to pick up mouldering remains of Columbus Center project

So those steel girders can just slowly turn to dust now - unless some enterprising soul puts some boards across them and turns the ex-construction site into a teeter-totter park.


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