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Senate candidates and the Catholic Church

The Globe provides the fight coverage.

Jay Fitzgerald thinks Coakley and Capuano delivered solid upper cuts with their references to the pedophilia scandals:

... [T]hey were extremely effective, well-chosen punches that make it hard for the church to respond. …


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Trash fire at Haymarket station disrupts late-night riders

A small trash fire on the Green Line tracks was extinguished by a Green Line driver late tonight, but there might be something else going on at Haymarket. Around 11 p.m., Boston_Fireman tweeted to expect delays on both Green and Orange lines. Green Line service in both directions was stopped, while power on the Orange Line between Haymarket and State Street was turned off. However, the T was given the OK to restore service on both lines around 11:40 p.m.


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Tom Lehrer fan in Cambridge?

Wicked Local Cambridge reports some Woburn guy was arrested on animal-cruelty charges when he was spotted stuffing a pigeon into plastic bags in Inman Square. No word on his plans for the oven-stuffer roasters birds.


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Alrighty, then!

Welcome, finally, to the new (and soon to be improved) Universal Hub. Fire away with comments, complaints, etc.

A couple of changes:

If you have an OpenID account somewhere, you can now use it to register/log in here (click on the login/register link in the upper right).

If you post an article, you'll notice a new "Split" button on the posting form. Put your cursor where you want your article to be "split" - the top part will show up on index pages as a teaser to the entire article.

More to come.

And what was it that kept blowing up?

Grr, I feel so stupid about this, but here goes: The new version of Drupal in use here uses a lot of caching to reduce database loading - basically, if you're the first person to look at a page, the database makes a copy so the next person who comes along gets that instead of a freshly made page assembled out of lots of database queries (yes, Drupaloids, I realize I'm simplifying that a bit).

Turns out there was one field in one of the caching tables in the database that never got built when I upgraded the software for some reason. So every time every single page on the site was called up, not only wasn't the caching going on, but there were all sort of errors getting built as the system tried to access that field. It didn't affect the test server because I had caching turned off so I could play with changes in templates and stylesheets and modules. What was first thing I did when I installed the software on the live site? Turn on caching. What was the second thing I did when I installed the software on the live site? Watch the entire server crash as the database went berserk trying to write to and read that field. Grr. It made me appreciate why the favorite saying of one of the IT guys at my old job was "You're killin' me!"


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City volunteers to knock on doors near school where guy got shot

Tomorrow evening, volunteers from the Boston Violence Intervention and Prevention program will try to knock on 400 doors near the John Marshall School to talk to residents about last week's shooting in the school gym.

The mayor's office says the goal is to both tell residents about city programs on violence and to gather data for a community meeting Dec. 12 at the school, which is also just around the corner from where a man was shot to death on Nov. 3.

Families living on Bowdoin Street, Geneva Avenue, Dakota Street, and Westville Street will be approached by volunteers.


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So who's still paying for wireless at Logan?

OK, savvy travelers know there's free wireless at Logan for the holidays.

Ben Ostrander reports, though, that when you connect to loganwifi, you're given a choice: Free wireless or the traditional $10 wireless.

Anybody know if the paid WiFi is better somehow (better throughput?)? Or is it just for the sort of person you'd expect to see on a Chance card in Monopoly, using a $10 bill to light a cigar?


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Developer who tore down historic theater to make way for a hole in the ground proposes similar idea on Mass. Ave.

Well, of course, the Kensington Investment Co. says this time it won't just scoop out a series of buildings on Mass. Ave. and then replace it with several gazillion tons of fill like it did with the Gaiety Theatre on Washington Street. Still, as John Ford notes, the Harvard Club and the Eliot Hotel have teamed up to try to stop its propsed new hole 50,000-square foot office and retail complex.


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All the neighborhoods of Dorchester

My Dorchester posts a map showing the geographic boundaries of all the civic associations in Boston's largest neighborhood.

It might be my sleep deprivation talking, but if you look at the map, it sort of looks like a giant seal eating a kid with a backwards baseball cap on his head.


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Eating Taiwanese food with a Taiwanese friend in Allston

FoodieMommy reports on a trip to JoJo Taipei on Brighton Avenue in Allston with a friend from Taiwan:

JoJo Taipei is exactly the type of restaurant I love to discover. Inexpensive, casual, warm, friendly, and, best of all, serving food that you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere. ...

We Taiwan on in Roslindale.


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