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By adamg - 12/11/22 - 10:36 pm
Brighton Avenue crime scene

Brighton Avenue crime scene. Photo by Live Boston.

Update: Suspect arrested.

Boston Police report a man was shot outside 128 Brighton Ave., near Harvard Avenue, around 2:35 a.m. Read more.

By adamg - 12/1/22 - 10:32 am
Rendering of proposed 175 N. Harvard St.

Rendering by Architectural Resources Cambridge of Boston.

Harvard University yesterday filed plans with the BPDA to build a new home for the American Repertory Theatre at 175 North Harvard St. that would include two theaters able to hold up to 1,000 people as well as a 14-story, 264-unit apartment building that would be topped with "a beacon effect" as an homage to Allston. Read more.

By adamg - 11/23/22 - 12:05 pm

The Japanese consulate has organized a ramen crawl for Friday - get ramen at the listed noodle joints in Boston, Cambridge, Somerville and Medford and collect stamps - when you get five, that's enough to get a T-shirt proving that the day after Thanksgiving, you ate a lot of ramen.

By adamg - 11/21/22 - 9:18 am
State troopers on the Charles

Troopers in the search. Photo by Live Boston.

The Cambridge Fire Department and Live Boston report that Boston and Cambridge firefighters and police and state troopers started searching the Charles River at the Anderson Bridge at JFK Street after receiving a report of a person jumping into the water. They were still searching around 7:45 a.m.

By adamg - 11/17/22 - 9:09 am
Starbucks workers on strike in Cleveland Circle

Strikers and supporters outside Cleveland Circle Starbucks. Photo by Saul Tannenbaum.

Workers at several Boston Starbucks walked off the job this morning as part of a nationwide strike, including: Cleveland Circle, 1304 Commonwealth Ave. and 217 Western Ave. in Brighton, 874 Commonwealth Ave. at BU and Federal Street downtown.

By adamg - 11/15/22 - 2:32 pm

The daughter of Boston Opera Company co-founder Randall Kulunis yesterday filed a negligence suit that alleges her father might have lived had he not got stuck in the elevator of his Allston condo building for half an hour with EMTs who were trying to get him to the hospital after he fell ill. Read more.

By adamg - 11/14/22 - 10:00 am

Fretful that Harvardians are not fighting fiercely enough because they have no mascot, only a color, the school's undergraduate government is looking at creating an official mascot for the school in the form of a turkey - and it's allocated $1,000 to buy a large turkey outfit to test out the idea at The Game this weekend, where Yale fans will no doubt give the idea the respect it deserves. Read more.

By adamg - 11/11/22 - 1:28 pm
Possible next steps in BU expansion

Possible BU expansion sites in green, including decks over the turnpike.

Boston University recently filed a 10-year, $1-billion "institutional master plan" that calls for a new research building, possibly up to 16 stories, and a new premium student dorm, along with an expansion of solar panels across the campus and a major rehab of the Warren Towers dorms on Commonwealth Avenue. Read more.

By adamg - 11/7/22 - 1:05 pm
Dead hydrant in Allston

A concerned citizen beams up a 311 complaint about the situation at Empire and North Harvard streets in Allston:

The fire hydrant is dead, Jim.

By adamg - 11/1/22 - 6:03 pm
Rainbow over Allston/Brighton

Roman S. caught the rainbow over Allston/Brighton late this afternoon.

Joe Sangiorgi spotted it over Rte. 107 in Revere: Read more.

By adamg - 11/1/22 - 2:45 pm
108 Allston St. rendering

Allston Street on the left in this rendering by Choo & Co.

The Zoning Board of Appeal today rejected plans for a row of five condo townhomes in Allston that would face an elongated driveway rather than the street. Read more.

By adamg - 10/28/22 - 11:19 am
Rendering of proposed 1035 Commonwealth Ave.

Rendering by Monte French Design Studio.

A developer has filed plans to replace the old City Sports at 1035 Commonwealth Ave. in Allston with a six-story, 55-unit residential building with retail space on the ground floor. Read more.

By adamg - 10/27/22 - 1:58 pm

A federal judge in Boston has ordered a Rhode Island sovereign citizen to pay attorneys for a Herb Chambers dealership $41,457 for the time they had to spend cleaning up the legal mess he created for the dealership after it refused to give him the free Range Rover he wanted. Read more.

By adamg - 10/26/22 - 9:25 am
14 Gardner St. rendering

Rendering by Sousa Design.

The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday approved landlord Anwar Faisal's plans for a 38-unit condo building at 14 Gardner St. - but only after seeking assurances he would really sell all the units as condos this time. Read more.

By adamg - 10/25/22 - 8:52 am

It's like the old bar joke: " 'Say, we don't get many big rigs in here.' 'At these heights, I can see why.' "

Alrighty then: A driver with a professional driver's license didn't plan out his route, ignored the "CARS ONLY" signs, got on Soldiers Field Road inbound overnight and, boom, storrowed his expensive vehicle smack into the Grand Junction train bridge by the BU Bridge. Read more.

By adamg - 10/21/22 - 12:31 pm
Rendering of 1234 Soldiers Field Rd. proposal

Rendering by RODE Architects.

The Davis Companies have filed plans with the BPDA to replace the old Boston Skating Club and a low-rise hotel on Soldiers Field Road in Allston with a four-building complex that would include 435 apartments in an 18-story tower, 93 condos, a 195-bed hotel, a 200-person entertainment hall and retail space. Read more.

By adamg - 10/19/22 - 10:32 pm

Jill Rosati, Arts District Boston: Ringer Park Mural

Jill Rosati shows how she and some helpers turned a couple of decaying walls along the tennis and basketball courts at Ringer Park in Allston into a new mural.

By adamg - 10/15/22 - 4:42 pm
Mansplainers on the move

Nancy shows us the 100 or so men who started marching down Comm. Ave. at the Allston Planned Parenthood to mansplain about a medical procedure none of them will ever need. The Million Thousand Hundred Mansplainer march against abortion was supposed to end up at the State House, but would anybody be surprised if most of them exhausted themselves mansplaining long before they got there?

By adamg - 10/14/22 - 9:22 am
Flipped over truck at Grand Junction bridge

Live Boston reports that around 2:30 a.m., the driver of a box truck slammed into the train bridge under the BU Bridge, flipping the truck on its side, spilling fuel all and his cargo all over the road and briefly getting himself entrapped before being rescued by firefighters. Read more.

By adamg - 10/11/22 - 1:24 pm

The Dig reports on a new DIY spot.

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