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Unlike sidewalks, nobody legally required to clear snow from Boston hydrants


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There is a law but as you can see it's only towards the private citizen who piles snow on a hydrant. With the amount of snow this winter it seems like a losing battle. Firefighters are out at all hours of the day shoveling hydrants.

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"Firefighters are out at all hours of the day shoveling hydrants."

Really? Because I haven't seen a single firefighter doing this...

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While out last Friday, a hydrant in front of a firehouse was not only not cleared properly, they had dumpsters on the street blocking the hydrant. Nice example they're setting...

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If you live - or own property - and your nearest hydrant is not shoveled out, what are you waiting for? Are you going to sit at home waiting to die in a fire because the city should really do it?

Never mind the landlord, or the business, or the church or the city. Just get out and do it. And don't worry if someone is getting away with shirking - when you're trapped in a burning building, will you be thinking about those slackers or your own ass?

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If you can't see/don't remember where they are, your local fire department will be more than happy to help out. I called mine the other day expressing that I was planning on shoveling them out and they called back in less than 5 mins with the exact locations on my street.

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Well stated. If you're out shoveling and there's a hydrant there, why wouldn't you shovel it? Fires don't make appointments and it could be your house that burns down because you didn't take 10 mins. to clear it out. That should be incentive enough.

What's worse, some residents feel it's OK to bury hydrants when removing snow from THEIR car or property. Height of ignorance and dangerous to boot.

Oh well, a downside of the 'new' Boston.

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And if you are lucky enough to be a pedestrian, young, elderly, or handicapped in the City of Newton . . there is no requirement for resident to clear their sidewalks of snow and ice at all.

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Drove behind the Brighton D14 Boston Police Station today and notice the very top of a hydrant poking out from a melting snow bank. Nice that even the police can't take the time to shovel them out.

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Wouldn't it be a win for all concerned to have the on-duty crew drive the fire truck around the neighborhood and shovel out the hydrants?

You've got folks who are already at work and on the payroll - on standby waiting for an alarm.

You've got a truck they can use to get around.

If an alarm should come in while they're shoveling, they would ditch the shovels and proceed directly to the fire: no increase in dispatch time.

The hydrants would then get shoveled at no extra cost to anybody.

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But they still can't do all 13,000 hydrants. It's not like they spend all their time just sitting around the firehouse making lasagna with Hunts tomato paste.

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are jakes sitting in the firehouse during snow season?

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There are around 1400 firefighters in Boston; if there are 13,000 hydrants asking each FF on average to shovel out ten hydrants personally would be kind of an awful lot.

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When I've seen them do it in Cambridge, an engine with a complement of firefighters drives along and stops at each hydrant. Would take a while, and I doubt they can do all the hydrants in a day, even if they didn't save their backs for actively fighting fires.

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All we have to do is place a box of donuts right next to a hydrant right as it starts snowing...

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Shouldnt there be some kind of identification system?

Hydrants in rural roads usually have a 5 foot red pole sticking up to it's easy to find.

In California, every hydrant location is marked my a blue reflector in the middle of the street.

You could do the same here, even without the reflector. Just add a blue (or red) blob at the center yellow line of the road.

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