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Bruins fans like their beer more than Celtics fans


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Short of banning all alcohol sales at games, how can this possibly be prevented?

Based on my experience, I'd say most inclined minors are drunk before they even show up at the Garden.

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As a 14 year Bruins season ticket holder (who doesn't drink) I could testify to how strongly the Gahden enforces their alcohol policies regarding age. Crowd watching is the best part of intermission. Everyone has to show a valid license - even 80 year old guys. They just don't make exceptions. Plus they have a staff of workers that go around and double check the IDs of young looking people holding drinks. I've seen those people ejected (my assumption is that someone passed them the booze.) However, on the way out of every game, I see lots of nip bottles and half pints of Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort and all sorts of aperitifs. There's very little the Gahden can do about that.

Now if the issue was over serving, I think the board would have a case because there are way too many people out of control during the games holding legally purchased drinks from the Gahden. These are the people that, typically, ruin everyone else's good time.

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MY WIFE and I held season tickets for a couple of years. I concur with Peter. Everyone gets carded, and they sometimes don't even accept perfectly legitimate ID.

I'm 55 and MY WIFE is 57. I've been asked for ID every time I've purchased alcohol at The Garden. She does not have a drivers license, but she does have a MA ID card. She has been refused service with that card, even though (forgive me, honey) she in no way appears underage.

Obviously, someone else bought the kid the beer and handed it to him. Duh. It happens. Posting huge signs stating that huge fines will be levied for such action, and also that PERMANENT ejection and loss of any season tickets will occur, might help (if the fines are actually collected and suspensions levied.)


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Tell you when i was 16 or even 18 we drank befor and snuck pints in, just life some adults.

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As to what a 16 year old kid was doing holding a beer: Society told him he couldn't have it, so now he wants it even more.

Sheesh, for a lady with two college degrees, she comes across as a complete rube sometimes.

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So, in a stadium with 20,000+ people, one person bought a 16-year old a beer...and the Licensing Board has to take action? Come on. If they had video footage of the kid buying it at a stand with a fake ID, maybe the Board would have to get involved...but, as it is, what are you expecting them to do? Have compliance lackeys in every section in plain clothes?? It's a drunk 16-year-old. Lock him up, make his parents pick him up, and tell the Garden that it better not ever be discovered that they sold him the beer directly. Next.

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Police had no evidence of where the kid got drunk or got the beer, either.

Police did call his mother. And when she told them she couldn't pick him up for a couple of hours, they put him in protective custody until she could.

Just because the board holds a hearing, doesn't mean they'll find a violation occurred or even issue any sort of penalty (granted, yes, it does mean the Garden had to have some guy in an expensive suit swing downtown).

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Bruins fans drink a lot.

In other news, the Pope is catholic and the sun is hot.

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A microcosm of the drinking at these games can be found by dropping by Sullivan's Tap before each type of event. I can pretty much guarantee there aren't any 16 year olds drinking there or even inside the doors. :)

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Any adult over the age of 25 who gets drunk at a sporting event is a loser and needs a life.

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Uh. What?

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