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Man shot near Dudley Square, dies


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When you point it at someone and pull the trigger, they can get seriously injured or die. Why do we allow people to own these killing machines? Why do we allow people to own the ones that can kill 26 people in 5 minutes? Goddamn!

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It's the person behind the gun bruh. Most of these folks own these illegally anyway. Nobody lets them use em, they just get em. Real question is, what makes someone want to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger, knowing they'll kill or seriously injure the person?

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They don't want psychopaths in the marines who frag Americans.

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It's both, the person behind the gun AND the gun. You can and should regulate the sale and use of any tool whose sole purpose is taking a life, just as much as you should investigate the background of someone who wants to own such a device.

The vast, vast majority of gun owners are good people, that want to defend themselves and their property. I'll support them. As long as they'll do the responsible thing, and promote laws that minimize gun casualties (banana clips?! really? really?! to defend yourself?)

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Mns after finish talking about how people lost respect for human's life at school, I came across this young man bleeding to death layin' face down...made me think about life from a different prespective

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This is really sad. For one I had just seen Cliffy not to long before he was murdered and two, he has a little daughter that will never know who here father is. I have lost far to many friends around my way. Roxbury needs to get under control. The police patrol the streets when nothing is happening but when a shooting or stabbing occurs they are nowhere to be found. They claim they care but they don't. How many more black teens need to die before the city feels they should do something? Rest In Paradise Cliffy you will be missed around the way.

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What I don't understand is why people like to bemoan persons who have done NOTHING and contributed NOTHING at all to anyone. I knew Cliffy and no I don't feel sorry that he died. He was a menace when he was a kid and I'm sure he wasn't doing anything with his life as an adult either. What we REALLY need to do is stop putting these "waste of space" people on a pedestal. -__- I don't hate cliffy but I'm sure he got his just deserts. So I won't be saying R.I.P I'm saying..let this be a lesson to all the young men in Boston who are doing NOTHING with their lives except making illegitimate babies, smoking weed and wasting their lives away. - just saying

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If you have nothing nice to say don't say nothing at all. Cliffy was not a menace as a child. Cliffy has always been an out going, friendly and kind individual. If you was in his bad side well you did something to him to not like you. Granted he wasn't the best person in the world but who is? No one is perfect and we've all made mistakes or lived life the wrong way. He had to do what he had to do to survive. He had a rough childhood. But I'm not about to get into that. You can think what you want. But have some respect for the Non Living.

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Have some damn respect! How dare you bash Cliffy. To know him was to love him, and you must have either been jealous of him or someone he wasn’t friendly with. He was a friendly, outgoing and very loving person.. Your just miserable and a waste of space!!!

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