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Boston's most powerful politician bestrides the Atlantic like a Colossus


UPDATE: The Limerick Leader has revised its story and now calls Linehan merely ONE of Boston's top politicians. You know what this calls for, of course:

There once was a paper in Hibernia
That seemed to confuse Boston with Serbia
A man named Linehan
They called the top strongman
Gave local writers a hernia

Bah, you think Bill Linehan is running away from a stupid breakfast? What need does Boston's most powerful politician have of a roast when he can spread his graciousness to the auld sod? Or so we gather from reading a paean to Linehan in the Limerick Leader, the newspaper in the Irish metropolis where Linehan will be spending St. Patrick's Day.

BOSTON’s top politician will be the guest of honour at Limerick’s St Patrick’s Day parade this year. ...

Meanwhile, Boston’s second most powerful politician, Mayor Marty Walsh says the start of a new daily service between Shannon and Logan Airport will aid business opportunities between the two cities.

H/t Gin Dumcius, who keeps up with the Irish press like nobody's business.



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Linehan may be the #1 in "Stab city", Marty is #1 in Galway.

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So LInehan is going to the Stab City parade, and Mayor Marty is from a part of the Dot called Stab & Kill. Nice.

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Why can't this city elect better politicians? World class leadership in science, innovation, industry, healthcare, education, finance, art, media, and sport, yet we consistently have throwbacks and holdovers from the 1970s in office.

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Not that I disagree that our elected officials suck but can you name any US city with a really smart leadership who deliver good services without corruption?

Local politics has always been the most slimy and likely always will -- little oversight, lots of authority, easy elections.

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Local government is most slimy? What country have you been you living in the last ten years?

Compared to the large-scale institutional corruption of federal prosecutors exempting the strong and hammering the weak, pork and waste in federal procurement, including military purchases unwanted by the military itself, intelligence agencies which break the law, spy on Americans, and lie about it, a foreign policy that seeks to manipulate the government of the Ukraine and gets lots of people killed in many countries, among other faults, local government is pristine.

I'd rather have Marty Walsh and the Boston City Council, including that fool Linehan, running the country than Obama and the Congress right now.

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"Sure, they're jerks at a local level, probably bigger jerks than Obama was at a local level, and oversee a blatantly authoritarian local police department, but I'm sure that if local politicians had access to more powerful levers of power, the power would be used responsibly. After all, look at classic local politician Ronald Reagan."

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Nicholas, who said this? Or is it your own quote?

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I don't disagree with you but the city council has access to relatively small sums of money so the corruption appears to be relatively small in comparison with the upper branches of government. To become an elected official with any authority on any level you need the backing of special interests (such as Marty Walsh to unions, many US Senators to the Tea Party, etc) and these groups don't lend their support for free. That's what you get when you have a city/state/nation of apathetic, misinformed voters.

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And who informs most of the voters? Media outlets (public & private) with incestuous ties to political parties and self interested corporations or unions.

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Since when is "the Examiner" actual reputable journalism?

And you want violent? Try much of the rural South.

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The murder capitols of the US are almost exclusively rust belt cities and a few Californian nightmares.

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"The FBI web site recommends against using its data for ranking because these rankings lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting cities and counties, along with their residents." From Wikipedia.

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don't hate on me, I retweeted w/out crediting him.

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Which is it?

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Malarkey is of American origin. Nothing Irish about it.

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Which means you don't have to have to see Very Important Bill or Stab City when driving from West Cork to Galway. Win Win.

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him not being around for the parade and how he doesn't want to hear any shit from the old townies about Linda Forry.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Bill turns this into an annual trip.

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I am disappointed. That is all I will say.

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There once was a bhoy named Bill
A Haitian girl thwarted his will
He was cut to the quick
And flew off to Limerick
Where he ended up drinking his fill.

Linehan is a clown. The sad thing is that the Leader story is probably based on quotes from him. He probably believes he's Boston's most powerful politician.

No class. When Linda does well, or at least OK, he'll look even smaller.

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he could be walking into an ethics violation.

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C'mon folks, this is required of us.

Unhappy with breakfast selection,
Bill Linehan fled in dejection.
Said Dorcena Mc Forry,
"Oh Billy, don't worry!
You just have to win an election."

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Southie pols usually do the booking
For the Patty Day breakfast cooking
But Bill Linehan
Is not much of a man
If he can't try some Irish Black pudding

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Linehan was vexed about breakfast
Got his shamrock knickers in a twist
So he crossed the ocean
To become the top man
Where they let folks march with a limp wrist

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In flight from a putdown domestical
To green isles he went on a questical.
The Cowardly Linehan
Will just lose his mind again
When the Wizard cannot find his testicles

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Is he taking Michelle Wu with him, she must be so proud of her mentor.

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Assuming the original reporting was correct, the Limerick website has now changed their headline, with the word "ONE" capitalized. Linehan is a sore loser and a coward. Good choice for Council President you losers, and that means you, Michelle.

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