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Level 3 sex offender charged with raping 10-year-old girl in Dorchester

The Herald reports.



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Horrifying. Lock this vile evil POS up and throw away the key.

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This is why violent, repeated sex offenders like this piece of filth should not be released. "Rehabilitation" for these crimes does not work, it never has worked, and it never will.

Maybe instead of developing idiotic three strikes laws for non-violent drug offenders and spending untold billions of tax dollars on the war on drugs, we should be devoting our resources to eradicating these animals from our streets.

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... but it doesn't sound he was ever convicted and/or sentenced to serve time commensurate with his crimes. There's no report about the disposition of the two college student rape charges. Sooner or later, you'd think they'd get something to stick. What went wrong there?

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sad to hear about this tragedy., thoughts and prayers to the family.

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If he's a level 3 sex offender what the hell was he doing near a child?

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The Herald story is about as shitty and confused as they come. Here's a much better accounting of this guy's past actions and misdeeds: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/08/04/felon-with-long-criminal-rec...

I'm sure the girl's aunt feels like shit now, but she really needs to make better judgements for the girl's welfare. How well did she know this "friend" if he's got this kind of past and she decided to let him drive the girl anywhere alone?

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About a year before that incident, in February 2011, a tenant of Foreman’s in a Dorchester apartment told police he had grabbed her by the throat, threw her to the ground, and kicked her, but the assault charges were later dismissed.

A level three sex offender AND a landlord! Another bright spot in the Boston housing market!

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Though if he had to do what some have to do, it was probably awkward when the whole "By law, I am required to tell you..." conversation started.

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OFF with his balls.

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but with this record this man should never leave prison again ever. Ever.

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... to reassess the sentencing terms for these crimes? Keeping public lists isn't working. How about KEEPING these offenders in jail where they belong.

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Are we sure his last name isn't Remy?

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Why is he on the street

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That's why one can go online an look at level 3 sex offenders and where they live. It's so the public can know who the truly dangerous sex offenders are out there, or at least the ones who have been convicted and evaluated.

If you don't like the law, change the law, and hope that the eighth amendment doesn't come back to bite you in the ass.

But yes, in hindsight it would have been better if he remained in jail.

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You can look online and see where they live IF they actually register. Furthermore, many of them claim to be homeless or are homeless and therefore don't have to register or can't register an address.

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And not registering means a trip back to state custody, even without doing what people are so afraid of you doing that they make you sign up for the registry.

Look, this guy is not the poster child from rehabilitation, obviously, but until the laws change, this is the way it is. Heck, even looking at what he was charged with but could not be prosecuted for, this guy was bad news.

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We do it with virtually every mammal that interacts with humans, except humans, to combat this very behavior. His balls should have been gone long ago. I don't think our sentience exempts us from the absolute need to curb the sexual appetites of some males who can't or won't control them.

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Supply evidence that this is an effective treatment.

Other than "Will is mad and thinks it will work so lets do it".

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Would cutting off someone's privates completely stop the behavior? Not that I would advocate that, but there has to be some hormone treatment that could eliminate these sexual urges?

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I want to see evidence that such an approach would work. If it would, it could be offered to inmates, some of whom might actually volunteer if it meant freedom and self-control.

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Or a bull?

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Rape is a crime of power over and degradation of the victim, not one of sexual need.

Castration has been offered and tried by inmates. Prove it works. Show me evidence of efficacy or a study that this works to prevent reoffense, given that rape isn't sexual.

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Rape is a crime of power over and degradation of the victim, not one of sexual need.

Yes, and castration of domestic animals is not specifically about curtailing their sexual urges, it's about curtailing their aggression and dominance.

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Humans are not dogs or cows.

Also, I still don't see any data or research validating the assertion, which I asked for.

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is to prevent overbreeding. And it is totally irrelevant in any discussion about rape.

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castration of domestic animals is very much to prevent obnoxious behavior: roaming, fighting, urine spraying in cats, general baddassery in bulls.

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However, the ASPCA and other animal welfare organizations don't seem to mention these other benefits of spaying/neutering in their publicity campaigns on the subject.

And spaying a female cat does not 100% insure that the cat will never spray urine again. I've had two female cats over the years that have disproved that theory (true, it's less than before they were spayed, but it's still an issue).

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And he still humps the hell out of every male and female dog he sees. I know it is supposed to calm dogs down, but some dogs aren't really that effected.

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But it is not a cure all. If you are going to use castration as a tool to reintegrate a specific sex offender into society, careful judgement must be made as to whether castration will have the desired effect on that individual. http://www.jaapl.org/content/33/1/16.full

For the populations studied, castration reduces probability of recidivism from 40-50% to 1-10%. Thats a factor of at least 7 in all but one study. Our system obviously can't even handle making sure Level 3's are registered, or keep pedophiles from working at daycares. It needs all the help it can get in my opinion.

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Like I said, some places were experimenting with voluntary programs, and there had to be some research on it.

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He'd just use an object instead. Rape is about anger and domination; sex is just the tool.

This is a case where permanent sequestration from society is pretty much the only solution. Of course, they haven't walled off Manhattan Island yet...

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and so does aggressive and violent behavior. Natural levels decrease with a man's age, and so too does violent crime.

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Show this is true in human sex offender populations.

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Saw the Cambridge Police this afternoon arrest Bruce Harris, a homeless man last heard from when he was groping and harassing women on the Red Line. This time, he got turned in for masturbating on a bench in front of a Mass Ave church. I'm afraid to find out what he'll be arrested for next time.

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Disgusting though it is, masturbating on a bench in front of church is not the moral equivalent of forcibly and/or violently assaulting someone.

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