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Don't leave your porch light on tonight
By adamg on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 7:40am
Jennifer Forman Orth, our go-to guru for invasive species, predicts:
With temps expected to be in the 60s today, we're probably going to see a big emergence of winter moths today/tonight.
And just in time for the emergence of zillions of sex-crazed male moths (the females all just laze about on trees, awaiting suitors), the state has posted its winter-moth survey for you to report the presence of these bugs.
Free tagging:
Already here
I saw lots of winter moths last night, and, yep, they were all over my front door because the light was on.
They were all over our porch in Roslindale, for the same reason, since we were coming home from the Thanksgiving hunt (OK, a trip to Roche Bros., but still). Not the worst I've ever seen (we were able to keep them out of the house), but tonight could be worse.
No no no no no
Put *extra* lights on, because we need more survey data :-)
(the females all just laze
Sounds like my ex-wife.
Hours of Feline Entertainment!
Yes, we have them. We were using the floodlights so we could keep working on a patio project while it was so warm out.
We turned the lights off when the cat hit the rear sliding door for the umpteenth time.
I saw some of the lady moths crawling on the side of the shed. You don't see them and think "moth" though.
(yes, filled out the survey, thanks).
Flutter, flutter
Yep, had a million of them hanging around last night. It's so weird how they just appear all of a sudden.
Motel 6 (cybah speaks)
But what if you're Motel Six? You need to keep the light on for ya.
Ya I know I said I wouldn't be back, but some kind words from Elmer helped. Along with I was just having a very bad day on friday.. so much so I was going to punt this Linux box out the 22nd floor of my building. Combined with the prodding I get on here, I was on F I R E friday. (so much so I ran 2 extra miles at the gym)
Ya so I am back.. I guess I couldn't stay away from yall.
Welcome Back
If I threw my linux box
Out the window so far down
Would I start to regret it?
Or would I smile and watch it slowly fall, fall, fall?
(did somebody say there would be Cake?)
The Cake Is a Lie
The Meme is Stale
The Meme is Stale
Assume the the party escort
Assume the the party escort submission position and a party representative will escort you to the party.
It's like you never left, right?
Space saver issues, trains dying, traffic reporting.
Anyway, glad you're still going to be commenting.
Oh, Thank Goodness That Crisis Was Averted!
*smiles at Elmer*
In addition to my old light
In addition to my old light on my little barn , I got a set of Christmas lights on the window , that lures the summabytches away from the house , out to the woods. Then they meet the Zapper......