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Campaign roundup: Bill Linehan can't wait to quit


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What patronage gig is opening up that he wants to get? I'll eat my hat if this guy isn't in some position to boost his pension within 6 months.

Viceroy of the Board of Electors or something, you know, pays $130k/yr with vague responsibilities and no accountability...

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Why are elected officials allowed to quit, resign, etc. from their jobs before their term is up - with the exception of serious illness or death?

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He's quit on his constituents for far longer than that. I've contacted his office multiple times in an attempt to get a problem in the neighborhood fixed, and I never even got so much as a courtesy return call or email. Good riddance.

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How would you prevent someone from quitting? Send BPD to pick him up at his house and drive him to work everyday (though I highly doubt Linehan has been in the office every day in years).

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But you should be able to impose sanctions that punish him for doing so

Like a lifetime ban on lobbying or running for office ever again for starters.

With the exception of serious illness or death, leaving your office during your term is insulting to those who elected you.

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... the voters will take it out on him if he decides to run again.

Let me ask you a question: why would you want an elected official who doesn't want to be one? What good would come of that?

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"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

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to office, you're EXPECTED to serve your full term. Sorry, but "I want a different job" is NOT a valid reason to break that commitment.

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It's an ethics law thing. This way he gets a two and a half month head start on lobbying the city on behalf of his clients. I would imagine that his hourly "consulting" rate will make up for the loss of the city paycheck over this period.

He might have something planned, but it's not what you think it is.

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This would be a good time to update the laws such that the clock starts ticking at the end of their elected term, irrespective of when they've left the job.

Also change that "cooling" period to something like 10-15 years -- long enough that most of their friends wouldn't be in office anymore.

Of course, no one in office would ever support a change that makes them less money.

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10 year ban on lobbying and then a lifetime revolving door tax.

That would nip this crap in the bud.

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A little late for that...

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By the way, who passes laws, anyway?

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see u in six months...I'll bring a scally for u

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Never saw him, never heard from him, never voted for him.

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If you live in Boston, you did pay for him the last 10 years.

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Edwards came in 2nd

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Stupid mistake, fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

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Does this mean there will be a special election to fill his seat for the remainder of 2017?

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The City Council is functionally useless anyways. We could replace them all with scarecrows and we'd never notice a single difference in the way the city is run.

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A big difficulty for civic participation are the Council Central Staff unwelcoming unwilling attitude toward public enquiries. New Council Central Staff with greater expertise particularly with new technologies/software can make Boston City Council more open.

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