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City Councilor Chuck Turner arrested at City Hall


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And this would be why Chuckie put out the "out to get me" line before they could get him. Next time, shovel your sidewalk - karma's a bitch.

The rest of the City Council say: "You can get busted for this stuff?"

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Now we know he can probably shovel snow, as he has demonstrated that he knows how to rake in leaves.

Unless shoveling snow or raking leaf was the original problem, who knows.

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So long Chuck, it's been good to know ya. You're gonna look great in orange.

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I just wanted to ask if he planned on hiring someone to shovel his sidewalks this winter while he's in prison.

Hey, Chuck, buh-bye.

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Well at least their crazy actions during the primaries made sense now... They didnt want the money train to end, it became more then just politics, it was the money they were raking for being on the state/city payroll AND the money they were taking in as bribes. It probaly wasnt even about race at that point, it was about keeping the money flowing, and he used race as a tool of last resort to keep his window to the bribes open. I thought his comments were sad before, at least he could justify it as a concern for a group that is sorely lacking representation in the state house (Gov and a few other reps not withstanding), or as a political move. Instead we see it was about pure greed for cash. Its very sad

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Could you please fix it?

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No bra stuffing, but, yes, a photo or two, here/a>.

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There is really only one part of this whole debacle that continues to amaze me. The amounts of money involved. Seems almost trivial, given how much some of these deals were worth. When you consider the risk involved, our fair legislators went for pennies on the dollar. Honestly, if I knew this, I may have opened a bar years ago.

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Emotionally extorting "cooperation", the Boston City Council staff director threatens to take citizens off the Council mailing list for public meetings notices. If you want to stay on the list or get on the list they demand you not make further enquiries about Council proceedings.

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...but you have a very long, famous, and proven history of pissing people off and a reputation as a nutjob.

If I were in the city government and you showed up, I'd probably have you escorted out by security in hopes that I'd nip your annoying habits in the bud and you wouldn't, oh, say, pester the shit out of me and my staff for years and years like you have over at BPL. It's no suprise or shock that BCC slammed the door in your face.

Like Richard Stallman, you're viewed as such a looney that you've lost any efficacy you once had.

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