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Dumbass who wouldn't leave a group of women alone at a Roxbury bar gets chased out by them

Boston Police say a man who tried talking to a group of women at Slade's - and who began verbally abusing them when they ignored him - wound up being escorted out of the bar by a bouncer, and chased by the women, who decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.

BPD Detective John Kelleher told the Boston Licensing Board this morning that he pulled up in front of Slade's, 958 Tremont St. shortly before 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 28 to see about a dozen women screaming at one man as two bar staffers tried to keep them away from him.

Kelleher said the man, a Navy guy from Rhode Island, first spotted the women sitting at a table inside and tried to talk to them, but that they did not want to return the favor. "When ignored, he became hostile," and began yelling insults at them, he said. A Slade's employee saw what was going on - near the end of a private event - and escorted him outside. The women followed.

None of the women wanted to press charges or give their names to police, and an officer gave the man a ride to South Station, from where he said he would travel home.

But a Slade's manager reported the guy showed up again and tried to get back into Slade's. He wasn't allowed in.



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Thanks, Officer Friendly.

My guess is that the guy wasn't exactly sober so why did he get a free cab ride to South Station?

How would that all look if angry Navy boy decided to hurt someone (or worse) when he came right back to Slade's?

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They figured it was the quickest, easiest way to get him out of the area.

I don't know what police are like in other big cities, but BPD tends to do stuff like this (anecdata: Last fall, after my car was totaled in Hyde Park on the way back from a quick supermarket run, the responding officer gave me a ride back to my house, which was not something he had to do - I did not even ask - and for which I was very grateful).

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He was accosting women and being beligerant.

Not quite the same thing.

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That is the law right?

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Slade's isn't the place to meet a nice lady, but great food & drinks if your a tipper. Good music and comedy shows. But meeting a nice woman ? Stick to Rhode Island where the woman smile & give conversation when you ask a question.

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You are an entitled little git.

Women do not OWE anybody a smile or a conversation.

Get lost and leave us alone.

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God forbid the women go there for that great food & drinks, huh?

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no person is obligated to maintain conversation with you or smile at you just because you want them to, woman or otherwise.

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But Slades has the best chicken in Boston, hands down.

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That sounds like physical assault. The guy could've had charges pressed, not the women.

The guy returning to the bar after the police gave him a ride to the station is moronic.

Too bad they don't get along, because the guy and these women all sound like idiots who should be kept away from others.

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But, yeah, if you run a bar, I'd think if you have a large group of people screaming at one person, it makes sense to try to separate them.

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I know that we should all strive to take the higher ground/not sink to their level or whatever, but $@#% if the women giving him a taste of his own medicine doesn't make me very happy.

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"When ignored, he became hostile," and began yelling insults at them, he said.

THIS is why women don't take the oh so common "safety" advice of "just ignore it".

We can't because we are not allowed to ignore these little incels unless we want to be blamed for the trouble they cause.

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So the problem is we have a hostile drunk abusing women and the solution is to drop him off at South Station where there are hundreds of females? South Station has become the dumping ground for the mentally ill, drug addicts, runaways, and problems local police can't or don't want to handle so they ship them all into South Station.

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Ive been in Slades dozens of times its a great friendly establishment. That guys a loser he should leave people alone especially females.

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