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Freaky-eyed snowpeople emerge in Roslindale

Snowman and snowwoman with weird eyes in Roslindale

Jessica Burko reports her kids made these snowpeople today with a kit her mother-in-law gave them for Christmas and that the eyes are freaking her out and making her wonder what sort of evil creatures her kids have loosed on the neighborhood.

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is giving a left-handed Nazi salute.

Tisk, tisk.

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This is Universal Hub, not Pornhub. You'll have to indulge your Nazi fetish somewhere else.

Anyway, here's the song "Snowman" by the Glass Beef by Charlyne Yi & Paul Rust (hahaha, remember MySpace):

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I am a snowman after all
Very short, not too tall
Don't look down
Or I will frown
Where are my legs and my balls?

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Are they the spawn of the "MOMO Challenge" ?

Panic in the streets ?

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These kids might be on to something with these creepy, funny art brut snow sculptures.

Who would park in a shoveled-out spot with these two snow goons staring and watching? Haha

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