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Norwood man IDed as Brookline neo-Nazi sticker hanger; also charged with smoking pot in public

Brookline Police report arresting a pot-smoking alleged Nazi fan after somebody reported him for putting a white-supremacist sticker on the back of a town No Parking sign Tuesday afternoon.

Noah William Bogosh, 22, whose last known address was in Norwood, was charged with vandalism, police say. Police described the encounter between arriving officers and Bogosh:

The partrol sergeant noted that Bogosh was smoking marijuana. When asked if he had come from NETA, Bogosh responded "yes". The sergeant explained the police presence because Bogosh matched a description of someone that was defacing public property. Bogosh pointed to a nearby town of Brookline trash container and stated “I just put stickers on.” The sticker was observed on the trash can inside the park, it said “BETTER DEAD THAN RED. PATRIOTFRONT.US” with a depiction of a red communist symbol with a blue arrow going through it. A show up identification took place and upon seeing the party stopped by officers in the park the reporting party immediate identified Bogosh.

The Parks Department was contacted and advised and sent personnel to remove the stickers after being photographed by Police.

The reporting Officer conducted an online search which indicates several organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League have classified Patriot Front as a white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and neo-fascist group which utilizes imagery of accepted American values to promote its broader alt-right ideology. Patriot Front supports White Supremacy, Anti-Semitism and Fascism.

Bogosh was placed under arrest for 2 counts of 266:126A Vandalism of Property and also issued Town by law Citation T41001 for 8.38.2 public consumption of marijuana.

Innocent, etc,



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when your rather unique name gets Googled.

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Yo MC you know that's right! yeah

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You can get arrested for smoking pot in public too? Wow. I must see at least 4 to 5 people a day smoking pot in public a day just during my lunch hour.

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I see moving violations 4-5 times a day too. Most of the time they don't get stopped.

Don't think I would want that though. That would be a hell of a police state.

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You can't have a picnic in a public park with a glass of chardonnay or Bud Lite either...

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a d you too can keep our streets safe from the evil scourge of the DEVILS LETTUCE!!

(eyes rolling back into my head)

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im honestly shocked they wrote him up for that. that's usually a law reserved for people of color

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You can in Brookline, because (a) the Brookline PD knows perfectly well that the only dispensary in Greater Boston is there, and (b) the Brookline PD has little else to do.

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You might just get off with a warning.

But if you jump a subway turnstile smoking a joint and carrying a loaded weapon, then maybe you need your ass kicked by the police.

(Chris Rock, obvi.)

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gives an undeservedly bad name to connoisseurs of fine cannabis.

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Two DUI arrests in Florida. (In fairness, not sure if he was convicted on either.)

Also, probably bright. A chess club guy and apparently once-promising undergraduate. Curious about how he ended up at this sorry pass.

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Also, probably bright. A chess club guy and apparently once-promising undergraduate. Curious about how he ended up at this sorry pass.

If you're under the impression that intelligent, well-educated people can't be attracted by white supremacist ideology, I have some bad news for you. I would surprised if there's any more of a "story" here than "Doesn't like brown people and thrives on resentment".

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that I've met in person or online speak and write like they dropped out of middle school.

I recently ran across this really entertaining podcast by a comedian who joined Mensa as a joke, wrote a magazine piece about it that wasn't especially flattering, and then discovered that the organization contains a lot of toxic right-wing assholes. No surprise there.

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The intelligent, well-educated garbage people are working in the Trump administration.

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of bizarrely self-important oddballs and assorted social outcasts who harbor some very interesting thoughts of many things and will remind you of their membership into said organization as many times as humanly possible.

For me, it's kinda like a foghorn as in "turn this ship around and tack the hell away from this person asap."

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"Bright" dudes (almost always dudes in my experience) are especially at risk for this, it seems. I've seen it happen multiple times: a clever boy generally coasts on intelligence and personality through high school, gets to college, has trouble because they're no longer given credit just for being smart, doesn't have the work ethic or motivation to overcome the trouble, leans in to resentment of the people they see succeeding around them (women, minorities) and becomes a smug, aggressive, alt-right pothead dropout.

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.. smoked anything in a public place where their smoke affects other people gives a bad name to ”connoisseurs“, including connoisseurs themselves.

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Whose smoke affects other people...

Like those emitting car exhaust?

Oh well, enjoy your last ten years.
The Mad Max Era is approaching....

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reporting local nazis is basic community service.

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The police must really have a strong case against him if they're including a smoking marijuana in public charge.

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Weed, not meth? There goes his Nazi cred

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Say. Isn’t that somewhat relevant?

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You'll notice the word "report" is hyperlinked. Click on it and you'll find photos of the stickers.

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Since it's illegal in general to be putting stickers on public property like this, I assume the police are going to now be cracking down in general on this kind of obnoxiousness, and going after every act of sticker vandalism out there, right?

This wouldn't be a case of selective enforcement of a rarely-enforced law simply because people didn't like the content of this guy's sticker, right?

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The reporting Officer conducted an online search which indicates several organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League have classified Patriot Front as a white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and neo-fascist group which utilizes imagery of accepted American values to promote its broader alt-right ideology. Patriot Front supports White Supremacy, Anti-Semitism and Fascism.

Is there any indication the defendant did anything more than affix a sticker with a patriotic message? While I appreciate well written police reports, the above information is extraneous without showing that the defendant is part of any hate group or meant anything more than "Better Dead Than Red," an opinion shared by many reasonable folks including most of our decorated war heroes. The crime would be the same if he had affixed an Elizabeth Warren sticker but it's doubtful that the officer would include in his report that Warren had been credibly accused of lying and racism for listing herself as "American Indian" on official forms. Let's hope for everyone's sake that the opinion of the very partisan, far-left Southern Poverty Law Center isn't the determining factor on which vandals get arrested in Brookline. Would a vandal placing a CoExist sticker have been arrested or lauded? Same crime.

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a sticker with a patriotic message?

I knew I could count on you.

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Not just forms, but "official forms"!

Does she pay rent for the amount of time she spends inside your head?

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"a very partisan, far-left" organization: members of radical-right hate groups, and apologists for radical-right hate groups.

Which one is Fish, again?

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I realize you wouldn't be one to use any when you were a cop, if you actually were, but it's a thing.

There are a lot of laws that are only enforced if the behavior or its context is actually harmful. A coexist sign might get your personal knickers in a twist, but if we apply the "reasonable person" standard, it's clearly a sentiment that promotes a positive message (even if it's one I find to be annoying lip service) and wouldn't make a reasonable person feel unsafe. Stickers supporting hate groups that don't believe folks of certain identities have a right to stay alive, on the other hand, would make a reasonable person feel like someone in their midst wants to firebomb Jews and lynch Black folks, so, um, yeah.

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Let's see, I've got my bingo card here...we've got:

  • Characterization of racist message as "patriotic"
  • Bullshit assertion that "Better Dead Than Red" is a "reasonable" opinion
  • An emotional appeal to the authority-mantle of the military
  • Obligatory dig at Elizabeth Warren
  • Use of "racism" to mean something that's not racism (look at THEM not at ME)
  • Labeling of an organization dedicated to ending white supremacy as "very partisan" and "far-left"

Damn. I don't even need the free square.

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