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Walsh: Kids, cover your faces outdoors, for chrissakes

Mayor Walsh is fed up, if not yet fed up enough to make public face covering mandatory: "If you're a millennial and you don't want to wear a mask because it doesn't look cool, well I don't really care about that."

Walsh said that South Boston saw an increase over the past week of both people testing positive for Covid-19 and young people "running and walking on the beach with no face masks" - and that those two facts might very well be related. And you young'uns, stop going into stores without a mask - just because you think you're not infected doesn't mean you aren't, and you could be endangering store workers and other shoppers.

In addition to masking up, Walsh also said social distancing is vital to slow the spread of the virus: If you and a family member go out and see a couple friends and you call them over, and then they see some people and call them over, before you know it, you have a crowd in a circle and that defeats the whole point of social distancing, he said. If you go to a park and see a crowd, "turn around," he said.

Walsh added it's time to stop speeding, that just because there are fewer cars on the road these days, doesn't mean you're now a driver at Daytona.

Walsh gives a shoutout to cemetery workers: City-owned cemeteries have seen tripling of burials. The workers are now often the last people to say goodbye to the deceased. He tells people whose relatives have died: "Know they weren't alone, they were surrounded by caring people."

He continued that his goal is to re-open schools in September, but the key question is: How? Remains to be determined, and students and parents need proof it will be safe.

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Make it mandatory, Marty, or stfu already.

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Nope. That will likely cause some people to purposely not wear a mask. Look at what's happening in Michigan.

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Mr Mayor you owe millennials an apology. They are nurses, doctors, police officers, emt's firefighters, veterans, truck drivers, amazon workers, grocery store workers and nursing home workers. They are stay at home mothers and teachers. They are the ones who are risking their lives every day to keep this country going and they are the ones who will win this war with the invisible enemy.

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First of all every kid outside without a mask is GEN Z. Millennials get blamed for everything. Groups of kids from Milton and Dorchester are on the neponset river trail everyday on bikes and skateboards not social distancing no masks in sight.

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Stop blaming millennials for things that have nothing to do with us! Besides that, even if the the mayor had said it correctly, calling out an entire generation and blaming stuff on them is ludicrous. Grow up already

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Millennials are 23 to 38 now. Many of us have bad knees and the rest of us would have kids and mortgages if we could afford any.

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Exactly what I came here to say. Millennial here trying to take care of my two year old, work full time, while my spouse goes to work every day. I don't have time to be outside jogging and my anxiety is so bad I am not leaving without a mask.

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Stay safe and be well!

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Knows how you feel. We are constantly lumped in with the "Boomers".

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Some news articles have speculated Millennials will end up as the new Silent Generation because our collective financial losses and late starts will eventually translate to becoming noticeably quiet and culturally invisible as characterized for Silents.

It seems even if that is our fate, we won't be the next Silents. Because everyone will keep blaming us for every new trend and development.

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I took a long walk around my neighborhood in Fields Corner today, including everywhere from quiet residential streets to Dot Ave in the middle of Fields Corner. My observation is that those that appear to be under 40 were mostly not wearing masks. Those that appeared to be over 40 were mostly wearing masks.

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So everybody?

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Nobody is mentioning all the smokers out there puffing away and not wearing masks. They should knock it off and stop being selfish for once.

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I am a smoker and I’ve been smoking in my car before getting out and waiting until I return to have another. I’m also not out and about only leaving for the grocery store or in my own yard.

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"If you're a millennial young person and you don't want to wear a mask because it doesn't look cool you know you're in a low risk category, well I don't really care about that."

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"If you're a young person and you don't want to wear a mask because you know you're in a low risk category, well I don't really care about that."

An asymptomatic carrier who is an a low-risk category spews virus nevertheless, and is just as much a contagion risk to others as someone who is in a high risk category.

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More talk, more inaction!

Masks: Wear em or I’ll keep telling you to! Same goes for not standing in circles with your neighbors. MiLLeNiALsss!!!!

Speeding: We won’t enforce it, but stop it anyway. I’m serious guys...pretty please?

Schools: Eh, we’ll figure it out or whatever. September is so far away.

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Magoo remembers when Magoo was a wee laddie bicycle helmets did not look cool and no one including Magoo wore them. Now Magoo looks around, and to Magoo’s surprise everyone wears them. Magoo even took a bike ride just a few days ago and was ascared to go without a helmet. Magoo must have been a sight what with the face covering, quarantine beard and bicycle helmet. Magoo.

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Walsh needs to visit more parts of the city. Maybe in southie its only young people who arent wearing masks, I havent been recently. In West Roxbury it is people of all ages, even seniors, who aren't wearing masks, including in the grocery store. In parks and cemeteries where people are walking to get outside, its also all ages and less than 1/2 wear masks. Walsh hasn't made it mandatory for some political reason so he cant whine that people aren't taking masks seriously if he and Baker aren't taking it seriously enough to mandate it.
(I'm older than millennials so its not that he's targeting me, its the lying that bothers me).

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Masks in public, work, school, stores, etc., should have been done first, along with special attention to the vulnerable living in institutions like nursing home. Instead, the states shut down or economy and society, and encouraged people to stay indoors as much as possible. Good luck social distancing and wearing masks among family, room mates, house mates. This alone probably greatly increased infections and even deaths.

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I very much believe a major contributor to why Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea (plus Japan, China, and Vietnam but with qualifiers) to their success on their better outcomes are masks.

But here? Nope. People that want to wear masks are told they have to stop wearing it else they are fired. Others who wear it in public get shamed or even attacked. And then there's all the know-it-alls lecturing "Mask can't stop the virus" and all that stuff.

Now we are finally getting it. And good-will have burned so much that some groups are developing a new type of hostility to masks. I'm detecting people will start refusing to wear masks and shaming those who wear them as being unmanly and "living in fear". Maybe it would have happened anyways, but it like it will become a cultural marker. I just want to just be normal like it is in Asia and let it help us. Not become a new line of division and hostility.

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That's an awfully cynical analysis. Here's a more positive one:

In Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea etc. wearing masks in public has been commonplace since SARS broke out in 2003. That never happened here. In the USA in 2019, you'd never spot someone wearing a mask outside a hospital or a construction zone.

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... wearing masks seems to have been common since the late 40s or early 50s (for protection from dry cold air, from pollen, from colds, etc).

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Walsh said that South Boston saw an increase over the past week of both people testing positive for Covid-19 and young people "running and walking on the beach with no face masks" - and that those two facts might very well be related.

Did he bother to think that those same young'uns, or their equivalent might have been doing some congregating without face masks in a place that was say selling flavored tobacco products, or even in someone's house?

Indeed, based on what we know from the DHS and US Army @ Ft Detrick MD: a beach is probably the safest place for anyone to be running or walking with or without a face mask:

  1. Lots of open space to socially distance
  2. with lots of freely moving air
  3. and typically a lot of UV both direct and reflected

Political hacks tend to claim that their edits are informed by Science -- yet typically these are people to whom the entire concept of Science is foreign and the specific science involved is as if they came upon an incomprehensible foreign language [e.g. Click language auditorily, or written in Linear B].

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