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Hundreds in Boston protest George Floyd's murder

Protest at Peters Park

Several hundred, mostly masked, protesters gathered in Peters Park in the South End this afternoon to protest George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, then marched to Nubian Square to continue the protest.

Greg Cook reports protesters called for the arrests of the three officers who stood by as Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin killed Floyd by keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even as Floyd said he couldn't breathe.

Protesters marched down Harrison Avenue, stopping to protest outside the D-4 police station on Harrison Avenue, where they chanted "I can't breathe!" Most then continued marching towards Nubian Square. A few stayed behind, several were arrested and police fired pepper spray.

The Dorchester Reporter reports that about 100 people gathered for a standout in Dorchester's Peabody Square yesterday to protest the killing.

Separately, Mayor Walsh announced that he, Police Commissioner William Gross and local clergy will hold a prayer vigil tomorrow "in response to the acts of violence and racism experienced throughout the United States." It starts at 12:30 p.m. at City Hall, will be livestreamed on boston.gov.



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Your headline says "Hundreds". Greg Cook's says "Thousands". Who's right?

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it was like 300-500 people, then by the time the scuffles started it was down to maybe 100.

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Lazy reporting like this (I'm not blaming Adam here, i have a feeling Cook got carried away in his quest for breathless coverage) does a disservice to everyone.

To be clear I fully side with the protestors, believe America has failed, and is now disintegrating before our eyes but it's these kinds of stupid details that leave the door wide open for the Trümpian cries of "FAKE NEWS!" that only divide us more.

November's election is looking less and less likely and unfortunately, I don't think we recover from this criminal administration intact as a Union.


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They’ve been under democratic leadership forever, and Klobuchar (once a presumptive VP pick) did nothing to reign in a number of officers who killed citizens throughout her time as chief prosecutor, including the asshole who murdered Floyd (we all agree that video was horrible and all of the officers on scene deserve life in prison).

Was that because Orange Man Bad? The Trump angle is confusing.

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This is centuries in the making. https://www.americanprogress.org/press/statement/2020/05/28/485521/state...

Start here for larger context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_People%27s_History_of_the_United_States

Read your way through this, too: https://www.charisbooksandmore.com/understanding-and-dismantling-racism-...

And then keep quiet while the grownups are talking. You might learn something.

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I think you made my point... much appreciated. Please continue with your grownup discussion...

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Police officers in most rural areas and the south dont have contracts and can be fired at will. That’s one of the reasons.

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when orange man tweet stupid threat at own constituents. make sense or need explain more?

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If he threatened people, that’s not good. Let me know which tweet to review. Thanks

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Don't be so lazy. Do your own homework.

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Thanks for the link. I offered to look for it.

I’m sorry he worded it in a way you took as a threat. It’s not. When the looting starts (thugs) the shooting starts (by thugs).... which is what we saw. Fires and other forms of violence too.

Remember when the messiah (Obama, of course) used to refer to looters and such as thugs? I sure do. But he’s not the Orange Man, so its all good.

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not sure what he has to do with anything at all

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MSM is angry Trump used that word, but when the messiah used it, no problem. Thought that was obvious, but maybe not.

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what obama did and didn’t do?

donald trump threatened to turn the military on his own constituents. end of story. i don’t care if jesus christ did the same thing, we’re talking about donald trump.

i get the sense that you know it too, considering your little attempt at sleight of hand with the tweet.

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I missed him threatening to turn the military on his own constituents haha. I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about...

You’re making up weird shit that doesn’t exist.

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he didn’t say that. and if he did, he didn’t mean it. and if he did, you just didn’t get it. if you did, then others have said worse...

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Can’t help you with that one either. You feeling ok today? Lots of comments out of left field. Anyway, stay safe out there.

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Would you say that they had "exploded in anger?"

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I know it was just in jest but also in extremely poor taste. The fact that you can joke about it (and people actually liked it) shows how disconnected you are from your neighbors, friends, etc who are in pain right now. The universe is pushing back with great force right now after millennia/centuries of mistreatment in all forms. CHECK YOURSELVES PLEASE

Sidenote to Adam: I'm trying to figure out why my account has been disabled. Please email. Thank you

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Adam may not read your comment.

You may wish to e-mail him at "[email protected]" as a backup.

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I tried "Ctygrl" and it doesn't come up in the system.

As for the previous comment, his snark was more directed at me, because of the way I described Police Commissioner Gross "exploding in anger" in this post about Gross and the quintuple shooting the other night.

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Anyone that does not show emotion at a 'quintuple shooting' in his city ain't doing it right.

I, for one want the Commissioner to be good and pissed at a 'quintuple shooting'. Explode in anger? I want that.

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It’s important to have solidarity with Minneapolis and the rest of the country, but we should remember that we’re very fortunate to have one of the best police departments in the country before you feel the need to direct your anger at officers

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Last time I saw peaceful protestors on The Commons they were outnumbered by busloads of Staties in riot gear itching for a fight and sucking up that sweet Sunday overtime.

And sure, whatever, there are "good ones" if you say so, but if you happen to know some of these very fine people maybe ask them to step up because personally I'm still waiting for these "good cops" to say or do something meaningful and call out their brothers and sisters instead of having "coffee with a cop" like some Mayberry cosplay event.

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That ain't a 'Mayberry cosplay event.' It's the real world. Maybe you're just too old to see it. The rioters and looters will lose this one.

Unless, of course you want this to play out poorly.

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Reread my comment.

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While true compared to other police departments, don't think for one minute this can't and won't happen here. We have some real trigger-happy cops here too who see the people they serve as the enemy.

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Adam - Please stop posting generalizations from Anon accounts about "Real Trigger-Happy Cops".

It is disingenuous. It is a statement with no proof, just some random thought from an unchecked source.

You actually have a lot of Boston cops and other law enforcement people who read this site (and are on this site). I know, they've told me. I know a cop who I went to high school who is a good, good man. He has worked with nearly every person in the BPD on de-escalation and how to treat people with dignity and respect. He is one of the reasons that the BPD is not a bunch of Mickey Roche era idiots with clubs anymore. He is upset as hell with what happened in Minneapolis but sees the Camberville Sympathetic Contingent, labelling him and other cops as the enemy despite his good works and the good works of others.

People say Com. Gross blew up the other day. I saw a man concerned about his city and the safety of its people. I guess some transplant living in Allston from some white as fresh snow Philadelphia burb who is really into smashing the system sees it as oppression because it's you know, fight the power, until he gets married and moves to Shrewsbury.

Allowing someone past your gatekeeping, and it is your gatekeeping, with idiotic statements is detrimental to the credibility of this site. Thanks.

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This white dude from the suburbs is friends with a Boston cop who says that actually Boston cops are doing a great job, so no need to talk about police violence or reform in the Boston area - it's been completely solved forever. Phew, what a relief!

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A fung go will explain it to all to us. Apparent don't listen to old folks that know shit, just listen to him.

Commissioner Gross is a good man that cares about the people of his city. John Costello is absolutely right.

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the only reason we know about what happened to George Floyd and many like him is because of videos taken by bystanders and released, even as the official police line was that nothing wrong happened. As such we should keep in mind that we have no way of knowing how often things like this may have happened with the Boston Police Department and what lengths officers may have gone to to cover up for each other. As such as we should be vigilant about demanding more from our police and specifically demanding that they break the "thin blue line" and work to protect everyone instead of each other.

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...like John Danilecki? The BPD captain who stood by while his officers knelt on a protester's head?

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Police in Louisville taking aim at an NBC affiliate news crew. Direct deliberate aim, shooting pepper balls at the camera and reporter.


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Camerman took one right in the lens;


I hope we keep it together here but I'm even losing faith that the country can even survive this presidency.

It's a race between Covid and civil war as to what's gonna kill us all first.

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Turn your pessimism around or you’ll be miserable

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Damn. That's some good shooting. Right in the lens. That's some Carlos Hathcock level shit.

'I hope we keep it together here but I'm even losing faith that the country can even survive this presidency.
It's a race between Covid and civil war as to what's gonna kill us all first.'

No, not at all. We'll be fine. Covid is about a 0.26% overall death rate. Latest CDC numbers. As far as civil war, don't believe the bullshit artists. Antifa thugs get busted left and right over state lines. Feds can do that.

We will survive, there will be an election in November.

Bad news...Trump wins, landslide, House goes Republican, Senate picks up a few members.
More 'Bad news'...more local elections fall to the Republicans than fell a while back...

So, cheer up. Better times are coming.

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So Boston all the sudden is not social distancing? I thought Boston was all about social distancing and keeping people inside?

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First, unlike in the "Reopen" rallies, pretty much everybody was wearing a mask.

Second, one thing I've learned is that cameras, especially when the zoom lens is in use, tend to compress the actual distance between people in crowds. Yes, in general, it's not a good idea to get into a crowd even with a mask on, and what happened at D-4 involved some people getting in the face of cops, but no, we haven't suddenly turned into Lake of the Ozarks.

Third, compared to the turnout for past demonstrations in Boston, the number of people involved was relatively small, so many people did stay away.

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FWIW, every police officer I know believes ex-Officer Chauvin should have been arrested immediately. The Chief should have put the handcuffs on him. I would add that I believe all four should have been arrested for premeditated murder with extreme cruelty. The length of premeditation is for the jury to decide but there are grounds to make the arrest. During the almost nine minute knee-on-neck atrocity, Officer Chauvin, a trained first responder, was fully aware that Mr. Floyd couldn't breathe. Training and common sense should have told the officer that his actions were killing the man. He had time to deliberate and persisted. That's an arrest for first degree murder all day long. The others would be arrested on the joint venture theory. They may not have plotted to kill a black man that night but by standing by and doing nothing, they gave their approval for the murder and allowed it. Arrest them and let judge and jury see and hear the evidence.

I believe a lot of the rioting could have been prevented by swift arrests of the officers, an arrest that the authorities knew they had to make anyway. The good news is the charges can be increased but the bad news is the damage done and lives lost. I think officers are disgusted by what happened to Mr. Floyd and stand with the peaceful protesters. As for the reflexive blaming of Trump by some here, keep in mind that Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota is entirely run by Democrats who looked the other way on almost two dozen prior complaints against this ex-officer. If the Trump administration can be criticized on this, AG Barr should have quickly brought the inevitable federal death penalty charge of Violation of Civil Rights involving death, a capital punishment case. That won't matter as much a month from now. Terrible situation all around. Prayers for Mr. Floyd and family.

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But do understand that in Minneapolis, the 4th night of "rioting" was led and conducted by "some very fine people". The MN Governor and AG have both stated that 100% of those arrested last night were not from the area, and that right wing hate groups have been encouraging their members to go to Minneapolis to "get their riot on".

This is why they are not discouraging bringing in the military - the hate groups want a race war and would happily turn Minneapolis into another Tulsa.

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Missed the memo on that. Can you send a link at your convenience? Thanks in advance, dear.

EDIT: since you kindly provided links for me earlier, here’s one for you. So much for that far right thing and 100% of arrests being outsiders huh?


Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance

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did someone with a brain take over this account?

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Minnesota is entirely run by Democrats who looked the other way on almost two dozen prior complaints against this ex-officer.

nobody criticizes democrats more than actual lefties. american establishment democrats are only a tad less authoritarian leaning than republicans.

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You left out the fact 4 officers were injured.

But on the bright side, a hell of a lot less violent then we’ve seen across the county. ANTIFA must not have felt safe riding the commuter rail from mommies basement in Concord.

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