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Former governor returns to state to visit grandkids, slips, cracks head, needs stitches

CNN reports Mitt Romney had to spend some time in one of our finer local hospitals after he lost consciousness from hitting his head during a fall. Romney declined to say just what he was doing that led to the fall, and CNN did not specify where, exactly, he fell.

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I’ll take onomatopoeia for 100 Alex.

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But glad to hear that people can once again travel from state to state to visit relatives; I hadn't heard that Governor Baker's travel restrictions had been lifted.

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You can do anything.

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You could always travel here if you could produce a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival.

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That the son of the head of a car company who himself was a bigwig at Bain Capital has the resources to get a test. Heck, he could have even gotten tested before boarding the plane to Boston and have the results before the plane touches down.

Why not a test while on the plane? Simple. Romney flies commercial.

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No one is stopping or checking travelers to and from Massachusetts. It is all a farce.

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He's an old and rich and surely qualified for vaccination and smart enough to take it if offered.

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Romney was vaccinated back in December when it first became available.
They offered it to federal elected officials, and some said they were doing it as a PR thing to encourage everyone they represent to trust the vaccine.

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Pass another regressive tax hike because I don’t want your rich friends’ worthless insurance products, you RINO con artist.

He’s already rich, so why doesn’t he just sit somewhere and shut the (expletive) up?

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...complaining about RINOs?

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libertarianism is really about the friends we made along the way

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I vote for Libertarians. I’m myself unenrolled.

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The insurrectionists wanted to bust Romney's head and then he goes and does it to himself. They must be so mad about their latest failure.

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He was a good 1-term governor who decided to run for a second term and then turned into a Massachusetts-basher. He's back in my good graces as one of the few Republican Senators who actually allows himself to be critical of things he disagrees with, even if the rest of the GOP all falls in line against him.

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