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Frank Baker is a man of few words, and some of those have just four letters

During a City Council vote today on a proposal he didn't like, Councilor Frank Baker (Dorchester) voted "present" and then, forgetting to mute himself, let fly a hearty "fuck them."

The measure, sponsored by at-large Councilor Julia Mejia, is aimed at letting people cook certain items at home and then sell them; Mejia said the measure would particularly benefit "minority and immigrant entrepreneurs" who don't have the capital to buy or rent a full commercial kitchen.

The proposal required two votes, one on a proposed change to the city zoning code to allow the use, the second to set up detailed regulations for regulation and inspection of the new home commercial kitchens. Baker's short outburst came during the first vote, on the zoning change:

Both proposals passed 12-0-1.

It was unclear if Baker was hating on Mejia and other sponsors of the measure or on the people it would help. However, he has tangled with Mejia before. In January, during a discussion on whether to try to eliminate the special elections that might have been needed had Marty Walsh left for Washington before March 5, he verbally slapped Councilor Ricardo Arroyo (Hyde Park, Mattapan, Roslindale), took a dig at then Councilor Kim Janey (Roxbury) and then made fun of the way Mejia pronounced "what's up."



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When I'm mayor frank is gonna be my lt mayor

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You know trying to protect the public health in a time of pandemic and all. His very mouth washed out with soap words does not however negate the fact that this is a really bad idea.

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Why not publicly say so and vote against the measure, rather than vote "present" and then spout off when he thinks no one can hear him? Seems like he's not willing to publicly stand up for his beliefs here.

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Because Mejia and Arroyo will then go to Twitter and say he voted against minority entrepreneurs. Its a no win situation with some of these ridiculous proposals. Instead of trying to improve the city, several councilors seem more concerned with branding their political careers through stupid resolutions and laws that have unintended consequences and leave us citizens holding the bag once they make it higher office or a corporate gig.

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Frank could have won the local internet for a day if he's just used the P* word instead of present. Oh well.

* Not the one from the Cardi B song.

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Just imagine how Baker reacts to Mejia's idea of letting 16 and 17 year olds vote.

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And then his defenders will jump on here to make the argument he won't actually make.

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No one’s forcing you to eat it. These kinds of home businesses already exist unregulated. Some home kitchen inspections (although I do believe them to be government overreach) will only make these businesses safer.

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Home kitchen businesses are legal and regulated in other towns. There's no reason why someone living in Boston shouldn't be allowed to do it when someone in the suburbs can.

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Sure, just ask Typhoid Mary.

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The captioning got it wrong.

Theszak has been right all along!

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He is spot on. Most of the council is more interested in pushing their agenda for a small subsection of the city. This is a horrible idea. Why on earth would anyone want to pay for food from someone’s house? Restaurants are dirty, imagine a home with a handful of cats or dogs and then PAYING for some meatballs or a sandwich? Get outta here with that nonsense.

And the actions of that body over the last year+ is a poor reflection of this city. Specifically, Arroyo and Mejia, their smugness and HUGE chip on their shoulders highlight the fact that some people in this world are not capable of handling power (CC has very very little). Concentrate on trying to make the lives of your constituents better.

Frank maybe a little too old school for today’s Boston but at least he has the guts to call BS. Rest are pandering bozos

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This. Mr Baker definitely needs some polish but the political posturing by Mejia and Arroryo has got to stop.

I also wonder if city council thought about how this impacts ISD and its budget. ISD can’t even handle what they have on their plate now. Try getting a permit for a kitchen remodel, it takes weeks to months. Then forget about even trying to get sign-offs from the inspectors in this decade. The AirBNB and rental registration laws are equally as useless and unenforced by ISD.
This is going to turn into a who-you-know adventure to get one’s kitchen approved and hands more power and case load to the ZBA which I thought they were all against and wanted to abolish? Wtf is right.

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Maybe the city should then hire more ppl in ISD? I love my city but we are horrible to small businesses.

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Pre-covid, there were regular inspections and restaurants were graded. ISD ought to have plenty of money from fees, given the amount of construction going on in the city, and permit fees from the at-home operators once they apply. But yes, ISD doesn't do much to enforce rules about illegal units, AirBnB, and signs, to name a few problems.

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Spot on I get it nobody swears anymore.LOL City councilmen/women are regular people believe it not. I wish more people would be more honest maybe the City would be safer and friendlier. Food should be served in restaurants, Worship in a Church, etc. NOT in neighborhoods !! Enough is Enough. Born and Raised here went BPS work For the City and dam proud of the city. Kudos to Baker and Bring back old school to a point.

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Restaurants are dirty

This is not the great opposition defense you think it is.

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I am in a lot of commercial kitchens for work. They are a lot cleaner than my house and than nearly everyone I know who does not have a maid twice a week.

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The dude voted present and then only said what he said because he thought he was muted. That's literally the opposite of guts.

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Do you hear a dog whistle?

“Pushing their agenda for a small subsection of the city”

Boston’s been a majority minority city for a while now, and our politicians are finally starting to work for us. These businesses already exist. I see postings for them on social media all the time. If you think it’s gross, don’t eat it. I’ve yet to hear of mass poisoning from food cooked and sold from someone’s personal kitchen.

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We get whining about being an oppressed while characterizing the "other" as a small group making trouble.

Isn't this part of the GOP platform?

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thanks for stopping by

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This is one of the dumbest comments in awhile. It takes guts? This coward didn’t vote and was only heard because he’s too stupid to press the mute button.

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Growing up in Dorchester 'Fuck them ' was used as an utterance to complete a sentence.

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Or was that Southie?

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Maureen didn’t miss a beat!

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She actually grew up in the neighborhood, worked real jobs, raised normal kids, and did nonpolitical things in the community which weren't for show. She was never on the take, which is one reason why she is still working, the other reason being she has a functioning brain and enjoys it.

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Yes, I know Maureen well.

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So he is feeling irrelevant so he wallows in irrelevance by making his vote irrelevant?

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What's wrong with a little rough language ? Its not as dangerous as salmonella or as expensive as fighting tenants who withhold rent due to another tenants "Cottage Industry" destroying their quality of life. It's certianly not as horrifying as running into a Homicide Scene and live streaming it. Meija said F U to the Police and that victim's family. a little real word perspective please. Politics are not for the thinned skinned.

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I'm a big fan of rough language but you should have made this a mainline comment.

It has nothing to do with my comment at all.

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that Marty isn't around to tell him what to do every day.

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My sense is that Frank is fundamentally unhappy with his job. The Frank I knew years ago is a good man. He always came across as solid, a bit taciturn but an excellent neighbor. As a City Councilor I see an aspect of him that leaves me sad. Sad because I see a man who is simply unhappy. I hope for him that he either finds a way through this unhappiness, whether that includes running again for City Council or starting a different career. He has plenty to give; but maybe the role of a City Councilor is not the best place for him anymore.

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Marty, Buddy and Frank. Made their bones enabling speculators to drive their salt of the earth neighbors right out of the neighborhood. Frank now stands alone on the darkened stage, delivering the final monologue.

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To all the struggling/dying existing restaurants that have been trying to make it work during the pandemic, 12 councilors vote to say ‘fuck them’ and change the rules so they can pander to idiocy. Thank you for not joining this clown parade Frank.

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We're not talking restaurant type meals, but only stuff that is not dependent on temperature - stuff like bread, jams, and other things that can just sit on a shelf.

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Also, "pandering" is, I guess, one way to describe serving the constituency that democratically elected you to represent their interests in local government. "Restaurants are hurting, so we shouldn't allow more people to be able to produce and sell food products" is complete horseshit, unless you are proposing to nationalize (localize?) the food industry and control who can and cannot participate in that economic sector.

Anyone who wants to make this sort of argument better be opposing any new restaurant license applications, since the restaurants we already have are struggling to survive, we shouldn't allow any additional of these businesses to operate right now.

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I can't wait for him to find a new job.

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Ha! try having Andrea Campbell as your City Councilor! Do nothing but use the office as a bully pulpit to enact her personal agenda! At least Frank Baker is a local buzz kill, not answering to PAC money from the finance industry.

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Just saying. Not defending him, just stating that not everyone thinks like you.

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When his was the only name on the ballot for district 3 councilor, yes, he won the vast majority.

Put someone else’s name on the ballot next to his, and let’s see what happens.

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Imagine if there was someone running against him in that race.

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You are all talk. Always.

You live in his district yet you are always sniping at him like a little rat dog that everyone can ignore because you mean nothing.

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since he clearly isn't willing to defend himself. At least not publicly, at least.

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Frank is great. A neighborhood kid who grew up and didn’t come from somewhere else trying to change the place we all grew up in and loved. I applaud him having the testicular fortitude to stand up and protect the health and well being of his constituents. Commercial food being cooked in houses can and will make people sick because there will be little to no inspections. Plus this will be another hit on our local restaurants who have already been bent over the barrel for the last year. All others should be ashamed for pandering. Thank you Frank for once again protecting the neighborhoods.

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He didn't even vote against the measure! I did as much to block this measure as Frank Baker - where's my praise?

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