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Mansfield woman charged with driving into off-duty Boston cop in Canton, then leaving him to die in the blizzard

WBZ reports the woman was charged with vehicular homicide, manslaughter and leaving the scene of a fatal crash in the death of Ofr. John O'Keefe.



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RIP. His poor family and friends. I hope they can find some peace and understanding.

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The article says:

Investigators said Read drove to the area with O’Keefe early Saturday morning, possibly shortly after midnight... I-Team sources say the two had been in a relationship and that investigators have video of the incident from a Ring doorbell camera.

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Wouldn't be the first time someone accidentally ran over a friend or family member. And with conditions as they are on the ground, it would be easier than usual to not notice.

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The greatest dangers to cops are covid and drivers. It’s mystifying why they often choose to fight against covid regulations and do such an awful job with enforcing traffic laws.

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his girlfriend left him to freeze to death

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This wasn't some accident on a street by a random driver. This happened outside a residence by a person known to the deceased. We don't know how or why this happened but to use the death of a human to score points about cops in general is gross (but completely within your character.)

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Should he have ticketed her before he froze to death?

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I don't understand why you use the word gross. It is just a fact that cops are hurt in car crashes more than the average person. It is not an anti-police assertion.

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...it IS totally irrelevant here. A totally irrelevant derail.

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The deceased was apparently hit by a car in a driveway of a residence and the operator drove off, leaving him incapacitated in a blizzard. The fact that he was a cop has zero bearing on the manner of his death in this case. If the guy was hit by a driver running a red light or some other piece of dangerous public driving, there's a point to be made about how police enforce traffic laws. That isn't what happened so instead Kinopio just took the chance to show us what a despicable person is behind the user name.

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Is he despicable? This knee jerk attack for stating the truth seems relentless.

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This is like commenting at a funeral that the deceased stole the milk money in fifth grade. Let it go.

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And cop bashing in this instance is proof of it.

This reminds me of when the son of a guy I knew was murdered, and a now banned commenter decided to track down every thing the deceased did as a kid, except that we have no information on this guy, except that he’s dead and was a cop. Would it also be okay with you if someone commented on the murder of a convenience store clerk the same way? It wouldn’t be okay to me.

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He made a general true statement about police officers. This case has more than one uncharged co-defendant but Kinopio isn't bringing that up.

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If the guy who runs my neighborhood bodega got shot to death, and I noted that the store sells lottery tickets and cigarettes and added that it's a common way for store clerks to go, would I not be an asshole for mentioning it out of the blue?

I'd certainly hope that you'd tear me a new one if I ever did that, but we know I would never stoop to Kinopio's level. I may be low, but not that low.

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your allegory fails. Save the virtue signals.

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This guy got hit by a car and was left to die in the snow storm. His occupation is immaterial. Kinopio is a fairly low troll. Why do you defend him in this case?

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cmon, his occupation has been front and center. K's comment came before much was known. He did not say anything about the victim. your outrage is fake and uninformed as usual.

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Once again, his occupation is immaterial to the incident. Kinopio just decided to take this guy's death as an opportunity to take a dig at the cops because that's the kind of asshole he is.

Look, if this were a cop who had hit someone with their car, even if they were off duty, I'd say that the comments were well within bounds, but the troll that is too much of a coward to defend himself did it at a time when those comments were not warranted.

You and I might disagree from time to time, but at least neither of us would stoop the way Kinopio did.

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There isn't anything inflammatory or dishonest in what he said.

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I'll remember what your definition of inflammatory is the next time we are in an actual argument. You might want to brace yourself for some comments that certainly won't be inflammatory.

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It isn't pleasant to talk about. You don't have to join in. But you do need to stop piling on the relentless grade school bullying of Kinopio. This is pathetic tone policing. And you don't have enough imagination to be inflammatory. You are just wrong.

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The projective way you try to shut down debate.

It's too bad that Kinopio can't fight his own battles, since unlike us, he's a coward who hides behind his keyboard and has fun attacking the dead.

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You make up things that Kinopio didn't say so you can virtue signal.

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What a troll you are.

You are truly horrible when you post things like this.

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Turned deadly?

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People are leaving some...interesting comments on the accused's page:


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Worked the past 14 years at Fidelity as an equity researcher

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Multiple “best professor at Bentley” comments. She has the same last name as the Dean of Business, I’m wondering if there is a connection?

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$50,000 cash bail

Damage to the rear of Read's car - she was calling people at 430a asking where O'Keefe was. She also told another friend the officer was hit by a plow.

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In the previous story, the autopsy results weren't released because they weren't "proper for dissemination" or something like that.

I guess I got my answer. They couldn't make them public because they probably needed to use the result to trap the girlfriend into admitting what she did.

Sounds like they went over the house, argued outside, she decided to leave, and he (inadvertently?) got ran over.

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There may have been a bit of booze involved. She was the DD, but the DD appears to have been drinking, too. From the Globe's writeup:

According to Lally, O’Keefe was at a bar drinking with friends and was joined by Read. The couple and the friends went to another bar, Waterfall, until shortly after midnight on Saturday, State Police wrote in an affidavit filed in court.

Read, O’Keefe and friends were all invited to an after-party at a home at 34 Fairview Road in Canton, officials said.

Around 4:53 a.m., Read, who spent most evenings with O’Keefe in his Canton home, tried calling and texting O’Keefe. When he did not respond, Read noticed a rear taillight on her black Lexus SUV was broken. She became frantic and enlisted two friends to drive with her over to Fairview Road to search for him, Lally said.

“' ‘I was so drunk I don’t even remember going over to your sister’s house,’ " Read allegedly told her friend.

So yes this sounds pretty tragic, has very little to do with O'Keefe being a cop and by all accounts he was a decent guy.

But at some point, when everyone involved is out drinking and driving, there's a bit of contributory negligence on everyone's part. Also, jesus, you're in your 40s, how do you have the energy for this? (And also, Live Boston can maybe tone down the hero worship.)

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He is dead...and he did adopt his niece and nephew. That's not something everyone does. And yeah it's kind of a big deal when a cop is potentially murdered.

What have you done for anyone else lately?

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what it takes for the DA to press real charges against people who kill people with their cars: you have to run over a cop. Drunk. And leave the scene.

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when is the last time you heard a story of a drunk driver hitting someone with a car and getting away with it?

I think she's privileged in that she's out on bail and not in jail.

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Do you know of situations where the Norfolk DA has let it slide on people who have hit and run? Or are you just pulling your JP Yuppie ACAB blanket tighter to you for comfort?

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"Wellesley police announced Monday that a Norfolk County Grand Jury refused to indict him."

Grand Jury is not the DA. See?

Brush up on your Criminal Procedure before dipping your toe in that retort pool please. Thanks.

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Let me introduce you to a ham sandwich. Grand Juries are a weapon of the prosecutor.



For the grand jury to not return an indictment, either the DA was a moron or he tanked it because he didn't have any interest in indicting the driver.

Brush up on reality before dipping your face in the dip.

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