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Mansplainers hold a parade

Mansplainers on the move

Nancy shows us the 100 or so men who started marching down Comm. Ave. at the Allston Planned Parenthood to mansplain about a medical procedure none of them will ever need. The Million Thousand Hundred Mansplainer march against abortion was supposed to end up at the State House, but would anybody be surprised if most of them exhausted themselves mansplaining long before they got there?



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Proceeded to call the counter-protesters fascists while dudes with cowboy hats lectured about how Jesus will banish us all to hell, and eventually shambled off with their robust police escort.

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Calling the counter protesters fascists? Let's go all in on rendering all words meaningless. We shall call them communist feminists.

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Counter-protesting is itself a facist activity. It's a passive-aggressive attempt to get in-your-face and provoke violence to drown out the message from the other side.

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We've already established that words no longer have meanings. No need to beat the point to death.

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Counter-demonstrators said they wanted to find ways of undermining the Men’s March; a few dozen reproductive rights supporters donned clown costumes — brightly colored wigs and makeup — and walked along with the march, playing horns and drums.

As the abortion opponents repeatedly prayed, the so-called Boston Clown Music Parade played “Pop Goes the Weasel.”

“We need to show they are clowns, and drown their noise out,” said Emily Neumann, 35, of Boston, who walked along the Men’s March course while banging on a drum. “We don’t tolerate this kind of fascist nonsense in Massachusetts.”

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This was being cooked up in a thread on r/Boston when somebody posted a pic of a flyer.

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This is just...nonsense. There's really no other word. Do you ever get tired of looking stupid in public? Is this some variation on a public humiliation fetish that I hadn't heard of before?

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Now don't you have some algebra homework to do? Eighth grade is hard, I know.

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Protesting is a right under the Constitution. Your statement is that an protest is Fascism. Therefor you are telling us that a Fascist behavior is considered a right in the US.

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Seriously, these guys should find a sport to watch so the rest of us don't have to keep watching over our shoulders for what they will do next.

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Hey guys, keep your mouths shut or your zippers up.

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For the general betterment of fatherhood.

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I would be happy to preform a free vasectomy for any man opposing a abortion.

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field trips were part of Incels Anonymous meetings?

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Shannon Lowney, 1969-1994, Murdered by a misogynist terrorist.


I won't forget you.

RIP Lee Ann Nichols, murdered by the same terrorist:

The death of women is where this woman-hating madness leads.

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Is a hero to these cretins.

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Terrorist aided and abetted by other terrorists.

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Murderer & terrorist who acted alone.

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Nope. He was engaged with the same organizations that were supporting Eric Robert Rudolf.


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...needs to google "stochastic terrorism".

John Salvi most certainly did not act alone in any meaningful sense.

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Choice "wins" on the values of freedom, small government, and privacy. But if we're scoring based on "murder" then pro-life wins by a landslide. The deaths of several abortion advocates and doctors at the hands of a handful of pro-life wackos is rounding error in comparison to the zillions of baby murders resulting from abortion itself.

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Get real.

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… in Park St on the Government Center/ Union Sq platform around 3:30 with their placards sporting slogans like, “Personhood Now!” & “Love Will End Abortion (crossed out) Child Killing”. The uniform of the day seemed to be blue blazers and khakis and a couple of the group were high school age. A priest in collar and cassock was also with them.

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Tax the churches.

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Normally I don't believe that doxing is a good. But Catholic priests are obligated to stay out of political activities. This is a political activity. He is violating his oath. So doxing him is deserved.

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A priest in collar and cassock was also with them.

Should've asked that priest if he performs baptisms on fetuses. Or funerals for stillbirths.

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...he probably would, given the opportunity? Do you really want to know the answer?

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If someone is going from Allston to the State House aren't they marching "up" Comm Ave, or have I been wrong all my life? Or does it not matter one whit?

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Up and down directions on streets reference the street numbers. Heading down a street means you are going from a section of the street with higher numbers to a section of the street with lower numbers. In this example, the Atrium building at Packard's Corner, is 1079 Comm Ave., whereas the building on the corner of Comm Ave. and Arlington St. is 1 Comm Ave. So the direction of the march was downward. Geological elevation doesn't enter in to the concept.

As to your second question, it does matter in most cities, much less so in Boston, because #Boston

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