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At the start of the pandemic, Massachusetts paid for 9 million face masks it then never got; now it's trying to get its money back


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For starters, those were gowns, not masks.

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It would be cathartic to write everything but Adam probably wouldnt put it up. I wont even type his FB page in hopes this gets posted.

Let me just say that this guy is a LIFELONG scam artist and doesnt have a pot to piss in.

Instead of getting blood from a stone, I have a MUCH better idea. WHO brought this clown to the State's attention? SPECIFICALLY, how did this obscure company with no history suddenly squeeze a fat check out of our State during a pandemic?

If I were investigating, I'd see how many people in our upper State Govt live in or near Acton and go from there. DONT. STOP. DIGGING.

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Basically, the state wired Company A money for masks. Then, without asking or telling the state, Company A transferred the money (less a nice handling fee, of course) to newly made-up Company B (technically to a third company, also based in Wyoming, acting as a sort of transfer agent for Company B). I don't think the complaint says how the state found out, though (but I might need to read the complaint more closely).

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My concern is which one of Charles' friends also happens to have pull in State Government.

Who specifically vouched for him?

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of how white collar fraud is treated gently.

Oh wow, they're refusing to sit down and talk with the AG's office? Guess AG loses, then.

Meanwhile they're kicking down doors for selling cocaine.

These guys are set for life, sure they can move to many foreign jurisdictions

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OK so the procurement system is broken if we can hand massive contracts over to paper companies that literally popped up over night with no real way of tracking them.

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There's a whole procurement system.

But recall what it was like in late March, 2020: Things are falling apart, we're in a state of emergency, hospitals and first responders are running out of protective gear and the federal government has just told states to screw. So in a desperate search to protect people, the state issued emergency purchase orders - which the governor's emergency declaration let it do.

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Wait for the next disaster and then make an end-run around the rules.

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Add in Jared stealing PPE that we bought, leading to Bob Kraft lending his plane to sneak stuff past the feds.

As I said then, you can't make this stuff up.

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...and "donate" $18k to try to clear it all up. Nice!

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