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Enjoying the snow we weren't supposed to get

Snowy Arboretum just past the Archdale bridge

Mark Smith walked under the Needham Line arch at the end of Archdale Road in Roslindale and into a snowy Arnold Arboretum this morning.



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Sorry for being *that* person today.

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Thanks, fixed. I should know that.

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WBZ was forecasting snow for today since last Thursday.

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They were forecasting snow for Plymouth County. Boston was forecast to get maybe a few flurries and some freezing rain.

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And that's EXACTLY what we got. A coating at best. I scraped it (notice "scraped", not "shoveled") off my East Boston sidewalk and stairs in 4 minutes flat. And no need to shovel the car out at all. I honestly think people have been so conditioned by the local news, who go wall to wall at practically the slightest flake of snow now, that they now think such a small amount is significant.

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Down here in Roslindale, we got more like 2-3 inches. Yes, it was light and fluffy and easy to shovel, but it was definitely more than just a few flurries.

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Look, I didn’t catch the forecast last night, but again, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights channel 4 mentioned the possibility of over an inch. They’ve been obsessing about getting that amount for the past month, so the possibility of achieving that was mentioned.

In short, if you were surprised that it snowed today, you were either uninformed or misinformed.

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And they were NOT calling for 3 inches of snow anywhere inside Boston city limits.

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The NWS is a good source, but they are far from perfect. I did track down Sara Wroblewski's report from yesterday night (skip to 1:30 for it.) She nailed it. And to be clear, she uses NWS data for her forecast.

I recommend reading the print newspaper to get in depth coverage of stories (and to allow the reporters to keep on getting paid) and I recommend watching TV news weather reports to get the narrative of what will be coming up in that field of interest. Much better than the two lines NWS gives you.

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to claim "my" street parking spots until Labor Day.

/No white shoes or space savers after Labor Day

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Mattapan got real Currier and Ives-esque around 8 AM this morning. Very large, fluffy flakes coming down at a rapid rate.

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rather than sneakers

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Oh, it was just a dustin'.

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