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Man charged with trying to open a door on a flight to Boston and then trying to stab a flight attendant


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Passenger 3 followed him. Passenger 3 observed TORRES try to stab FA5.

Passenger 3 took TORRES down to the floor and restrained him with the help of fellow passengers.

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people would die"

Pssst, FBI, US Atty's Office, or whoever wrote the complaint - that wasn't really an "admission" of much of anything, since his alleged "knowledge" was anything but.


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..."TORRES admitted to thinking..." rather than "...admitted to knowing," but I imagine his state of mind and intent are more important than his knowledge of physics, legally speaking.

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He admitted to knowing that IF he opened the door, many people would die. He didn't know that he couldn't open the door, and guess what, that doesn't matter.

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..."I knew that if I opened the door people would die. I also knew I wouldn't be able to open the door, so I had no intent to kill or injure anyone." Depending on what they charge him with, state of mind, intent, motive would matter quite a bit.

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But at that point the burden of proof is on him, no? He already stated that he knew people would die if he could open the door. It seems pretty obvious to anyone who wasn't born last night that he didn't know that he couldn't open it, and that his intention was to do so. So, if he knew he couldn't open it, why did he disarm the door, why did he unlock the slide, and why did he do all that and then go get a spoon to stab someone with?

Whatever contortions some lawyer is going to go through in an effort to save his ass -- and it ought to be quite amusing -- no jury on earth will buy it.

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...whatever they call a terrorism charge ("I just wanted to scare people!") would be a slam dunk, and probably a worse sentence if convicted. But I bet they argue he was mentally impaired, alcohol or drugs or MAGA. I agree though...I expect he will get slammed by a jury if it gets that far.

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What is being debated in this thread? He's NOT being charged with attempted murder or terrorism related crimes at this point.

He is charged with

one count of interference and attempted interference with flight crew members and attendants using a dangerous weapon

This is a very serious crime in the eyes of the law.

49 U.S. Code § 46504 - Interference with flight crew members and attendants

An individual on an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States who, by assaulting or intimidating a flight crew member or flight attendant of the aircraft, interferes with the performance of the duties of the member or attendant or lessens the ability of the member or attendant to perform those duties, or attempts or conspires to do such an act, shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both. However, if a dangerous weapon is used in assaulting or intimidating the member or attendant, the individual shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.
(Pub. L. 103–272, § 1(e), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1244; Pub. L. 107–56, title VIII, § 811(i), Oct. 26, 2001, 115 Stat. 382.)

Based on the facts alleged by the government, it certainly seems like that crime was committed. Other crimes may have been too, but charges haven't been brought for those at this time, as best I can tell.

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Deserves the Bronson Award for Bravery

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Oh, no, wait, that got swept under the rug.

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TORRES admitted to knowing that if he opened the door many people would die.

TORRES admitted to knowing nothing about how airplanes work, since the cabin pressure makes it impossible to open the door during flight. They should have just let him try for a while. (TORRES must be a graduate of Midvale School for the Gifted)

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Just really really unlikely on most aircraft.


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The whole reason most experts think Cooper is dead (ignoring that he'd be ancient at this point) is because the plane was flying super low when he jumped out.

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Because it’s dull you bloody twit, it’ll hurt more!!!

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Uh... is he...?

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Yes, he is.

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Let this be a reminder. That door should have been guarded to being with. More people like Torres slipping through the cracks (no pun intended) around us every day. Everyone's fallen asleep since 911 in the Covid Age .

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Guarded by whom?

Are you aware of how many emergency exits there are on the average commercial jet?

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It seems like air travel has become a version of riding the T, albeit a more expensive version.

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NewsCenter 7 at 9:00 pm last night showed footage of him threatening to kill every man on the plane. I wonder why he was so specific?

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