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We're, um, number 1 - in Nazi public circle jerks, ADL says


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I would suggest it should be recognized that it is more obvious in a place like Boston when these types are in town. We have more inclusive events than some of the states with lower incidents. We also don't have the same outlets for them to express their hate with things like confederate flags and what not. There is a reason why most of them cover their faces, they don't want people to know they are doing this. In some other areas they would simply just go to the Nascar track and openly express their hate.

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The Nazis will either end up at Andrew station or Broadway looking for trouble, this year they may find it.

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Since it appears that they are going to be met with violence and the T is an extra special poo show on Evacuation Day, they are going to come in vans or rental trucks.

Think smarter.

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Two if by T. If they expect to be greeted with "violence" then they will welcome that. This is the goal of modern day protesting and counter protesting. Incite the other side until they become violent, which makes you the victim and the other side the bad guy. That strategy requires just one person with a short fuse to make it successful.

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They bus them in!

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They bus them in!

Irrelevant. It's happening here, and it's here that it needs to be dealt with. If you're doing certain things right, you are going to draw fire from these pond scum. It's how you respond that matters. Stop worrying that "oooh people gonna think Massachusetts = nazi" and start making Nazis unwelcome here.

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to the various Trump-era incantations about left-wing protesters

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This is disturbing any way you look at it, but it occurs to me that there might be a higher level of such things being *reported* in MA, vs. other places where it’s either easier to hide or tacitly condoned. And as you say, I’m sure MA is a target due to doing some things right.

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Every time these chucklefucks show up, they somehow manage to get themselves an escort from Boston's finest. Usually within a few minutes of setting up shop, actually. Funny how efficient BPD is in mobilizing to protect New Hampshire Nazis. Once the thin blue line arrives, you gotta wait until one of the Iron Cross brigade wanders off by himself shouting genocidal crap before you can break his jaw without getting yourself arrested or shot.

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"Cops and Klan go hand in hand"

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MA and NH contributed approximately the same number of Jan 6 prosecutions as a fraction of their population. NH had 3 from their population of 1.4M, and MA had 11 from our 7M. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965472049/the-capitol-siege-the-arrested-...

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I didn't see any "Neo-Nazis for Trump" signs at the January 6th insurrection though. I have a felling there are tougher laws regarding Neo-Nazi gatherings in Washington DC. I wonder if that's why congress is trying to strike down the Washington DC city councils revised crime laws?


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"Neo-Nazi", but there were plenty of them at the Capital on Jan 6, and they weren't hiding their identities, like the Proud Boys. Plenty of other new-Nazi shitheels were there, too, including NSC-131 and No White Guilt. Different logos, same loathsome, anti-American ideology.

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There were plenty of Nazi or Nazi-related shirts, sweatshirts, etc.

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MA has the fourth highest Jewish population. Cite: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/jewish-population-by-state which might put us on a target list.

Despite being a fairly liberal educated state, there is still antisemitism here. I like to joke that there are only two types of people who get excited when they find out I’m Jewish. A member of the tribe or creepy people.

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Also drawing fire for other reasons. So, yeah, agreed. Operation "Rescue" chose its target locations for a reason -- hell, they attempted to extort the town of Brookline for a reason, and when that failed, they went full on patriarchal fascist.

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That chart doesn't show actual numbers, just percent of population. It would be interesting to see the actual numbers for various states and DC.

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