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Police: Guy comes out of Fenway bar with a beer and a gun

Both illegal for him to have, so police arrested David Wood, 20, of Dorchester on a raft of charges early this morning outside Who's On First, 19 Yawkey Way - including being an armed career criminal.

Two pals, Percy J. Palmer, 23, of Dorchester and Anthony Williams, 24, of Cambridge were charged with disorderly conduct after, police, say, they tried to interfere with Wood's arrest and to turn a large crowd against police.

Who's On First now faces a hearing before the Boston Licensing Board to explain how an underage person wound up getting served a beer.

Innocent, etc.

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He had pot too, and last I checked Yawkey way is a school zone....which from what I remember makes every crime much, much worse.

"Who's On First now faces a hearing before the Boston Licensing Board to explain how an underage person wound up getting served a beer."

The BLB is such a waste of taxpayer money. Here, let me save you a hearing:

"At the booking desk, officers found a Massachusetts identification card in someone else’s name in suspect Wood’s pocket"

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"Who's On First now faces a hearing before the Boston Licensing Board to explain how an underage person wound up getting served a beer"

Well, he had a gun. Free beer with every drawn gun.

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"career criminal" before 21! (So all that discipline from Dad was unsuccessful?)

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The guy with the gun and several priors buys a beer illegally, probably with fraudulent identification, and that's somehow the bar's fault. What a city.

Remember, Bostonians, you keep electing this (expletive.)

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Where do you see someone claiming that "Who's On First" is responsible for the gun?

Not sure if you live around here (by the way you address everyone reading this site as 'Bostonians' in an accusatorial fashion I would say you don't live around here - maybe you're Scott Brown's neighbor) but "Who's On First" is no stranger to underage drinking and general trouble.

It is their job to make sure no one gets in with a fake id - no matter how good the fake is.

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1) I didn't see anybody claim that WoF was responsible for the gun. They're not.

2) I live in Brighton. You lose. I'd be happy to be Scott Brown's neighbor...I voted for him, and respect what he stands for.

3) Bar professionals excel at keeping minors out. Sometimes, however, they are human and get skunked with a fake. It happens. People like you who seem to wish to declare World War III on the bar are anti-business.

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