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Bubba the bakery bandit bites bullet; pleads guilty

Alan "Bubba" Daughtry of Dorchester pleaded guilty last week to a string of robberies of bakeries, convenience stores and other small shops last year, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office announced.

Daughtry, 37, got a 12-year prison sentence and 10 years of probation for holding up stores from Kenmore Square to South Bay, the DA's office says.

Another man was initially charged with the crimes, but charges against him were dropped after the holdups continued. Prosecutors say it was Daughtry's last heist, at Famous Footwear at the South Bay mall on July 14, that did him in:

At about 6:30, he entered Famous Footwear carrying a shoulder bag and asking where the safe was. When an employee responded, he allegedly displayed the barrel of a gun from inside his bag.

"This is a stickup," the robber said. "I will shoot you if you move."

The suspect then walked the manager to the front of the store, where she gave him an undetermined amount of money from the store’s safe. The money was placed into a footwear bag and the man fled the scene.

Boston Police detectives interviewed both witnesses and assembled a photographic array that included Daughtry’s picture. Independent of one another, both witnesses picked out Daughtry's photo and positively identified him as the man who had robbed them.



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