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Our own Gregor Samsa

Aw, our own Mittster is already running for president again.

The Outraged Liberal ponders Romney taking a different tack in 2012 to outflank hard righters like Palin and Huckabee:

... Could we be witnessing yet another metamorphosis, with Romney blooming as new (pretty) face and voice of the "pragmatic" wing that is expected to emerge? ...

Jay Fitzgerald doesn't doubt it for a second:

... Of course there'll be another metamorphosis -- and another and another. When Mitt finally develops a consistent message, we'll know he's not running anymore.


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I'm too lazy to Google. Any relation to Kaiser Soze?

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In The Producers, Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel are trying to find the worst play ever written. Mostel picks up a script and starts reading.

Mostel: Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to discover that he had been transformed into a giant cockroach.

(He ponders this for a moment.)

Mostel: It's too good.

(He tosses the script aside and continues searching.)


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