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Some people are just not meant to dance


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it's something minor like iliotibial band syndrome. If he's not, it's a damaged ACL.

Either way, when you can't put weight on the leg at all, a trip to the HIC (hobble-in clinic) or ER would be in order...not a post to LJ.

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Spatch is talented that way.

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Sure hope you didn't interpret that post as one of those "hey guys my smile is crooked and I keep saying 'bof fri fleu', do you think it's something serious?" types of posts. I do have an appt scheduled at the people fixing place (have to get a referral from my PCP to see a specialist) and know darn better than to ask Dr. Internet for diagnoses. But at 11:00 in the evening, it makes for a dandy story to write about.

And that's as far as it goes, Internet-wise. I refuse to Twitter from the doctor's office or update Facebook statuses or whatnot.

(However, the pain isn't as bad as it was yesterday and I've been able to put some weight on the leg without it giving out, which helped greatly when I was in the shower and didn't really want to balance on tip-toe, so I am hoping it's something minor which will just need some PT and TLC for a while.)

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