Krispy Kreme kame to Massachusetts with a bang. It kwit last month with a whimper, kwietly klosing its Dedham store - its last kounter north of Unkasville, Konnektikut. In the end, I guess nobody kared.
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Krispy and delicious
By Rhea
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 3:13pm
The first time I tried these doughnuts, I scarfed about a half-dozen myself. Honestly, though, a gal's gotta watch her weight, so I only went back once after that. I guess I contributed to the chain's downfall. That, and their sudden over-expansion into new markets.
No One Wants a Whole Wheat Donut
By cubiclegirl
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 3:38pm
I actually did a report on Krispy Kreme for my finance class last semester and I went into it assuming that their financial problems were because of the Adkins diet & over-expansion. What I found though was that their downfall was actually due to a TON of horrible accounting and fraud.
That, plus the fact that they really seem to believe that a whole-wheat donut is going to turn customers back to them. I don't think anyone has ever told them -- no one wants a whole wheat donut.
All this talk of donuts has
By Amy
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 3:41pm
All this talk of donuts has me wanting a nice chocolate glazed and an iced coffee. Damn.
That will teach them to mess
By Susie
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 3:42pm
That will teach them to mess with the God that is Dunkin Donuts. Mwahahaha.
Maybe for the best
By Donut Fan
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 3:57pm
I love Krispy Kreme, and like many others, couldn't stop eating them when I first encountered heavenly rings on a trip to Atlanta. Nobody was more excited than me when KK made the foray to Massachusetts, but in the end, it was kind of disappointing. Part of the appeal had always been the infrequency of opportunity. I live 10 to 15 minutes from the Dedham store, that's just too close for them to be special. I look forward now to again being able to eat half a dozen with a clean conscience, with the excuse that I won't often get the opportunity.
Too much of a good thing
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 4:09pm
I have to admit, I loved the damn things and the kids loved to see them made. I could eat a half dozen easy and we also loved to carry them further north as our entre to NH ski country when we visited family.
I do agree, however, that having some in town was too much of a good thing. I appreciate Kelly's moving in to the vacated space.
I also think I would have mourned them more if I hadn't discovered Donuts with a Difference in Medford Square. Mmmmmmmm. I make sure I pass their door only once a week on the way to work or all that cycling to and fro won't save me.
DD, not KK, for Boston
By Abby
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 4:13pm
Well, I'm from Atlanta and live in Raleigh, NC (VERY historically Krispy Kreme towns), but the truth is that growing up, the DD was closer, and I always liked it more. When I was living in Boston, I actually liked having one on every block. Boston is DD town. KK just doesn't fit. I always thought KK donuts were nasty. Now I will never eat another one as long as I live (see why in my video made at the KK here in Raleigh): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcuE5Z6hpns
(Yeah, so what? I pimped my own video, but it's freakin' funny!)
The only thing better
By adamg
Thu, 08/02/2007 - 4:26pm
Would be to combine that with the East Boston Italian-sausage competition.
By Maggie
Fri, 08/03/2007 - 9:52am
Dunkin' Donuts never really impressed me. I grew up with LoriAnn's in Charlestown. DD couldn't hold a candle to their chocolate frosted. I had a few friends from down south who raved about the KK. I always meant to try them. Funny thing is, I never did. I have driven past them here and on road trips down south. It just never happened. I was always told that you had to go to an actual KK donut shop when the light was on to get the whole experience. Oh well, my loss.
Real KK Shops
By Abby
Fri, 08/03/2007 - 10:16am
I've been to the real shops with the light on, the factory-type ones. And the donuts are wonderful when you first bite into them. They kind of melt in your mouth, but then... (shudder) there's that fat that sticks to the roof of your mouth afterwards, and that's where I really lose interest!