16 years 7 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
5/5/09 - 11:06 am Raw data feeds available? Dorchester and Mattapan crime mapping 9
4/16/09 - 10:57 pm Even less advanced robots can go far Robots Finding Their Way - How Robotics are Defining Today’s and Tomorrow’s Devices 1
4/13/09 - 11:56 am Sweet! But what's the deal with copyrights? Mapping colonial Boston 2
4/1/09 - 8:16 am Logan vs. Schiphol T vs. Tube 6
3/21/09 - 7:14 pm Not flat, say I Coyote on the Charles 3
3/17/09 - 1:47 pm Plenty of geeks don't get it either How many clueless mainstream media types does it take to whine about Twitter? 5
3/6/09 - 8:44 am I'm outraged! Globe Metro columnists set their sights low 28
3/6/09 - 8:40 am Snarky comment Riding The Zamboni 1
3/3/09 - 11:47 am Link, please? Wicked Evil vs. Wicked Local 4
3/3/09 - 12:02 am We're the one for you New England... When Dana Hersey came down from the Movie Loft 10
3/1/09 - 8:28 pm Arlington snow emergency - but overnight only No school in Boston tomorrow 25
3/1/09 - 5:25 pm Somerville, Lynn, Everett No school in Boston tomorrow 25
2/28/09 - 11:36 pm Ahhhh, those were the days Hey, kids, it's Saturday! What's on Channel 56 today? 5
2/27/09 - 12:12 pm I call Godwin's Law You can lead a kid to college, but you can't make him think 16
2/24/09 - 9:19 am We should definitely spread this one around Something Dorchester doesn't have a lox on 2
2/13/09 - 10:50 pm Geez, think big! Milk: It does a photographer good 1
2/13/09 - 9:16 am Love that dirty water.. Longfellow Bridge no longer falling down 4
2/3/09 - 5:02 pm The 10 kinds of LinkedIn users Joining the gainfully unemployed 139
1/30/09 - 10:43 am So, Adam.. Reilly to Globe: Buy UH, Hire Gaffin 36
1/19/09 - 4:21 pm Dear Adam - go for it A question for photographers 25
1/12/09 - 3:40 pm I'll chip in.. The Atlantic reports of the woes of the New York Times (and how that affects the Boston Globe) 22
1/8/09 - 9:54 pm I think I saw it, but was stuck.. It's always Labor Day Weekend on Storrow Drive 1
1/7/09 - 10:16 am How would we differentiate? Maybe we need two French Toast Alerts 11
12/19/08 - 1:44 pm SNOWMAGEDDON! (flickr group) Snowtweeting 3
12/19/08 - 1:37 pm Aren't we all missing something? Like a recipe? Alternatives to French toast 29
12/18/08 - 1:59 pm Y'all crack me up Can Boston cops crack this case? 6
12/17/08 - 11:47 pm Gettin' new Blizzaks Thursday morning Why are you reading this? You should be out buying bread, eggs and milk! 14
12/16/08 - 3:46 pm How... 1960's of them Can the Roche Bros. deli counter become even delier? 3
12/12/08 - 3:03 pm Thank the gods for working @ home Governor declares state of emergency; reports of ice, flood damage everywhere 39
12/11/08 - 10:16 pm Drat, I just had a good riff on them No more Lander in the morning at Mix 98.5 25
12/10/08 - 6:08 pm Come to the dark side Forget French toast: A new alert for days like this 9
12/10/08 - 10:18 am Pulitzer vs. President? Cambridge considers renaming Harvard Square street 7
12/5/08 - 9:54 am Anyone else get requests from NowPublic for photos? Merry Christmas, Belmont! 6
11/6/08 - 12:43 am Just to clarify.. Detailed local results 6
11/2/08 - 10:48 am Who remembers T tokens? Who remembers T passes? 6
10/29/08 - 11:50 am Sweet! Would someone please QC Sec. Galvin's website? 7
10/22/08 - 8:42 am It must have melted... Ice-cream issues in Arlington 4
10/21/08 - 8:20 am Can I PGP encode mine? Local doctor to expose himself on the Web 1
10/13/08 - 8:39 am My question is: Wehrmacht takes Stow 3
10/1/08 - 8:09 am Yum, cows! Skinny Cow Suze Orman 5
10/1/08 - 8:00 am Cats and dogs, living together... Popcorn, Cat Food and Dog Food 11
9/8/08 - 2:49 pm I'm surprised commenters aren't flocking here Baaad news 19
9/3/08 - 12:06 pm Well? Did *anyone* sardine their rental? Everybody into the pool: When will the first truck be peeled back like a sardine can on Storrow Drive? 42
8/26/08 - 3:03 pm I'll stoop to say.. Everybody into the pool: When will the first truck be peeled back like a sardine can on Storrow Drive? 42
7/28/08 - 12:17 pm They never reuse numbers? We need new license plates 9
7/26/08 - 9:24 pm Oooooh, more lines! Still waiting 4
7/17/08 - 9:53 am Methinks you missed the link Movie backlash 6
7/16/08 - 2:33 pm Go for it, Adam! New commenting rule 46
7/15/08 - 11:43 am The power of AdWords for unrelated concepts When will the nightmare end? 7
7/15/08 - 11:32 am No fair! When will the nightmare end? 7


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