Member for 7 years 3 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 1/1/21 - 6:16 pm Union Busting Citizen complaint of the day: Is everything OK at the Union Oyster House? One of their letters is dark 18 1/1/21 - 6:06 pm And Boston man killed in New Year's Eve crash on Rte. 24 in Stoughton 5 12/19/20 - 11:11 pm I Don’t Know Bodycam videos show cops going after protesters downtown after that George Floyd vigil on May 31; officials to investigate 44 12/19/20 - 11:00 pm Hey wait a minute Dorchester man faces gun charges after parking-space dispute 14 11/19/20 - 8:37 pm Sure Chinese takeout, Middle Eastern market and yogurt place in Roslindale Square could be replaced with six-story residential building 37 11/18/20 - 7:51 pm That’s Even Scarier Maryland company admits it sold the MBTA hand sanitizer with no sanitizer in it 18 11/2/20 - 12:55 pm Legalese Police fire beanbags at knife-wielding man they say demanded they shoot him, on Franklin Street downtown 12 11/2/20 - 12:38 pm That’s Right Suffolk softball player strikes out in suit against teammate who accidentally hit her in the head with a bat 6 5/15/20 - 4:21 pm Don’t Know BU student says online learning sucks; wants a refund 68 5/14/20 - 1:30 pm Agreed BU student says online learning sucks; wants a refund 68 5/12/20 - 9:44 am Because It’s Often Lethal Bicycle, package thief sought in Allston 8 5/7/20 - 1:10 pm raccoon So a raccoon runs into Maverick station ... 7 5/4/20 - 10:04 am Crime Man stabbed in East Boston 7 3/23/20 - 6:34 am Could Be Correct Everybody's trying to duck this virus 19 3/20/20 - 7:19 pm That’s genius Coronavirus conundrum at Jamaica Pond 30 3/19/20 - 10:07 pm “Zazmat Suit“ There weren't any perverts in white vans kidnapping little kids and State Police say there aren't any robbers in white vans doing bogus house-to-house 'coronavirus checks' 5 3/16/20 - 9:31 pm Makes Sense BPL workers demand officials shut Boston libraries 27 3/16/20 - 8:21 am That’s Great BPL workers demand officials shut Boston libraries 27 2/14/20 - 8:57 am It’s True Rowdy teens do damage in Macy's; one arrested after pulling out a stun gun and Mace, police say 32 1/31/20 - 8:58 am Hmm ... If you happen to be in Fujian, China and see this woman, let the FBI know 21 1/21/20 - 8:35 am Sure Neponset River gets approval of seal 14 1/21/20 - 8:28 am Matawan Creek 1916 Neponset River gets approval of seal 14 1/7/20 - 6:26 pm Rumor Has It The ultimate dry dock: One mapping service declares retired Navy destroyer now berthed in Franklin Park 17 1/6/20 - 12:02 am Disagree Citizen complaint of the day: An elastic situation that's out of hand on Beacon Street 18 1/2/20 - 5:49 pm Appreciated Two alleged Orange Line toughs arrested after harasssing passengers, physically attacking one, police say 12 12/31/19 - 4:04 pm Please Don’t Lining up in the cold rain to hear one of our better known Massachusetts presidential candidates 122 12/25/19 - 5:47 am Sure Citizen complaint of the day: Treeless limb in cloudless sky 4 12/23/19 - 5:00 pm ETA Boards Back Up Time to load up with dread: Is the entire T dead? 31 12/23/19 - 4:28 pm So Time to load up with dread: Is the entire T dead? 31 12/23/19 - 4:19 pm Surely We’d Know Time to load up with dread: Is the entire T dead? 31 11/8/19 - 12:01 am Times Change 93 gridlocked as vice president is driven down from New Hampshire to look at old luxury cars in Brighton 37 10/19/19 - 5:54 pm Fill in the Blank Shawmut Avenue shut by multi-car, multiple-injury crash 3 10/19/19 - 5:49 pm Got It Several youths detained for attack along Southwest Corridor Park in Jackson Square; one charged, others had to wait for their parents to take them home 16 10/19/19 - 12:14 pm . Several youths detained for attack along Southwest Corridor Park in Jackson Square; one charged, others had to wait for their parents to take them home 16 10/19/19 - 12:13 pm . Several youths detained for attack along Southwest Corridor Park in Jackson Square; one charged, others had to wait for their parents to take them home 16 10/17/19 - 7:09 pm I Think It Matters Outside of the Courts Several youths detained for attack along Southwest Corridor Park in Jackson Square; one charged, others had to wait for their parents to take them home 16 10/15/19 - 5:42 pm Speak for Yourself! Waiting for the trolley in old Boston 19 10/10/19 - 3:55 pm Impossible? On the impossibility of mapping Boston neighborhood lines 44 9/26/19 - 1:43 pm Perfect Storm of Forces Uno now zero in Back Bay 15 9/26/19 - 1:35 pm For a Minute Alleged Cambridge car burglar gets punched in the face repeatedly - and is also arrested 7 9/12/19 - 6:10 pm I Really Don’t Little lost Dorchester dinosaur seeks way home 4 8/15/19 - 10:54 am Love This! Massachusetts has 351 cities and towns, but Roslindale only has 276 streets 4 7/20/19 - 12:39 pm True The heat is on 15 7/19/19 - 10:17 pm Best Advice The heat is on 15 7/6/19 - 12:14 am Lacks Creativity and Anger Management Shirtless man charged with stabbing supermarket worker who told him he needed a shirt; police say he and pal then attacked three who came to victim's defense 7 7/6/19 - 12:14 am Lacks Creativity and Anger Management Shirtless man charged with stabbing supermarket worker who told him he needed a shirt; police say he and pal then attacked three who came to victim's defense 7 7/5/19 - 12:50 am So Sad Somebody in Wellesley put a raccoon in a cage, then tossed the cage into a pond 9 7/3/19 - 1:02 pm At Least 3 a Week Who goes there? 7 7/2/19 - 9:47 pm Timely Who goes there? 7 6/20/19 - 8:04 am Snail Mail Boston to expand leaf pickup and test out food-scraps collection 28 Pages123next ›last » My articles Post date Title 10/9/18 - 5:11 pm Turkey Trots to Ashmont Farmer’s Market Tuesday