Member for 16 years 6 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 3/20/18 - 6:17 pm Men can sign up as drivers or riders Rideshare driver charged with raping passenger 89 3/20/18 - 12:27 pm Tried it a few months ago Rideshare driver charged with raping passenger 89 8/4/15 - 2:28 pm I just replied again as anon since I often forget to log in Kosher food truck dropped the kosher because most of its customers weren't 43 5/1/15 - 12:48 pm Just because it is legal Expressive sad people on the T 74 4/24/15 - 7:41 pm The article states Governor calls for background checks on Uber, Lyft drivers 28 4/23/15 - 4:30 pm Agree If you're from Belmont, any of these people look familiar? 15 4/23/15 - 3:41 pm I get my pass through work So how will you celebrate Free T Day? 71 12/18/14 - 12:33 pm It wasn't someone using a friend's car Uber driver faces rape charges for ride that started in Boston 27 12/18/14 - 12:31 pm I can see that easily happening Uber driver faces rape charges for ride that started in Boston 27 12/12/14 - 2:44 pm You cannot request UberX from inside the airport State legislators to look at regulating Uber, Lyft and their ilk 37 12/9/14 - 7:26 pm I am female Green Line a mess; riders under duress 44 12/14/10 - 1:20 pm You don't Company that won prize in competition to encourage Boston startups is moving to San Francisco 19 7/30/10 - 12:29 pm People who don't own cars do take groceries on the T Perhaps it's time for local colleges to offer courses on how to ride the T 111 6/15/10 - 5:58 pm Non-resident parking spots on Comm Ave too City: People using outlying neighborhoods as alternatives to downtown garages 37 5/18/10 - 2:42 pm I got the impression that this person was new to the city The people who have no clue they actually live in Boston 49 5/15/10 - 1:51 am if they are going to pick and choose which rules to follow Hingham Catholic school accepts kid, then rejects him because it objects to his parents' sleeping arrangements 63 5/14/10 - 6:26 pm Catholic schools Hingham Catholic school accepts kid, then rejects him because it objects to his parents' sleeping arrangements 63 12/14/09 - 1:58 pm I don't think it is that surprising Wearing the hijab in Boston 16 12/10/09 - 12:02 pm I agree Survey says: MBTA not so bad 18 9/17/09 - 12:13 pm It's upstairs if you are leaving Harvard Meltdown on the Red and Orange lines 40 5/21/09 - 2:32 pm They were allowed Entire subway system loses power 73 5/7/09 - 12:42 pm On my bus routes people always give up seats It's safe to cough on the T again 22 4/14/09 - 12:42 pm I just know I tried doing it the correct way and it was a hassle Just when you thought you couldn't love the turnpike any more 35 4/14/09 - 11:49 am Individuals can't use them on cars with commercial plates Just when you thought you couldn't love the turnpike any more 35 4/14/09 - 11:16 am Good idea Just when you thought you couldn't love the turnpike any more 35 4/7/09 - 3:25 pm I have to do that too Your T bus challenge for the day 22 3/27/09 - 11:40 am and a signal problem at Alewife for the red line Rain confuses the trains 10 3/16/09 - 3:20 pm What I mean is Proposed city law on off-campus students could violate federal law 69 3/16/09 - 3:10 pm I don't get it Proposed city law on off-campus students could violate federal law 69 2/2/09 - 4:31 pm I think it's an age difference too, plus student vs working We drink differently than New Yorkers 25 9/1/08 - 9:11 pm Except that they're not really saying that GOP veep tryouts: Romney or Pawlenty? 113 9/1/08 - 1:45 am I have never owned a car living in this area Should she give up her car? 7 8/29/08 - 7:36 pm Yes, he was starting something new GOP veep tryouts: Romney or Pawlenty? 113 8/29/08 - 2:20 pm A 1 in 30 chance is 3.3333....% GOP veep tryouts: Romney or Pawlenty? 113 8/29/08 - 1:07 pm Many women have healthy babies in their 40s GOP veep tryouts: Romney or Pawlenty? 113 My articles