7 years 6 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
7/11/19 - 4:05 pm Thanks for remembering Adam !!!!!! City Council to consider turning Election Day into a holiday 17
7/2/19 - 9:44 pm hahahahahahahaha Other states notified RMV of Mass driver arrests and citations; RMV ignored hundreds of them 31
1/28/19 - 3:46 pm I agree with much of what you say MBTA wants to raise fares 79
1/28/19 - 2:38 pm Keep voting for people who don't use the T nor advocate for it MBTA wants to raise fares 79
12/18/18 - 7:44 am Love me some Keytar! A bear for all seasons 9
11/23/18 - 7:53 am What a wonderful guy. Melrose man makes Thanksgiving dinner for whoever wants to come over 3
11/21/18 - 9:08 pm I agree with you. Ms. Pressley goes to Washington 25
11/21/18 - 7:45 pm Althea has been working on her staff for a couple months now Ms. Pressley goes to Washington 25
11/21/18 - 3:56 pm I'm seriously interested! Which policies don't you like? Ms. Pressley goes to Washington 25
7/25/18 - 10:56 pm Big Congratulations !!!! WBUR host to move from local to national issues 4
7/24/18 - 4:11 am You folks are just clowning around right ???? How the BPS school-assignment system made schools even more segregated: Nobody checked the results after tinkering 54
7/13/18 - 8:53 am Finally Not your father's parade: Gay vet named to organize St. Patrick's parade in South Boston 13
6/28/18 - 2:38 pm He's ok One Dorchester shooting victim was city-council candidate long active in anti-violence work 10
6/28/18 - 10:56 am A man who speaks his mind One Dorchester shooting victim was city-council candidate long active in anti-violence work 10
5/21/18 - 8:57 am I don't want any Commies in my car...... Plate of shrimp: Shrimp bandit hits South End Whole Foods again 33
5/20/18 - 10:02 pm Most people spend their lives avoiding tense situations.... Plate of shrimp: Shrimp bandit hits South End Whole Foods again 33
5/18/18 - 2:59 pm Every morning at 8 am and at sunset... They took the Constitution out for a little spin today 1
5/17/18 - 5:05 pm WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Court not clowning around as it approves small expansion of Somerville circus school 17
5/16/18 - 1:19 pm Make sure to take a motorcycle safety class! No Keytar Bear this summer 14
5/4/18 - 10:40 am Incumbents!!! What could be wrong with the Red Line this hour? There's a train stuck without power 13
4/24/18 - 11:30 am Payaso ran as an Independent Senate candidate charges city of Cambridge is out to get him; sues 74
4/11/18 - 8:13 pm They don't really care about voter turnout People who register for Boston parking permits would be automatically registered to vote under councilor's proposal 59
4/3/18 - 9:47 pm Upton Sinclair White-noise machines vs. live band 14 stories down: Live band wins 23
4/3/18 - 6:20 pm plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose... BPS says late kindergarten placements due to state rules 30
3/26/18 - 7:24 pm Late Riser's club, etc. Globe spins off the online radio station it set up after WFNX went away 16
3/22/18 - 1:19 pm Triste Frank Avruch, our first Bozo the Clown, dead at 89 41
2/25/18 - 9:27 pm My thoughts exactly The two-newspaper town: I-93 shutdown edition 49
1/5/18 - 9:55 am gasp....not gaps In praise of Boston TV news crews 8
1/5/18 - 8:08 am Abominable! At least somebody enjoyed today 4
12/28/17 - 10:51 am Motorcycle Ice Racing Time was, people skated on Jamaica Pond, and they liked it 33
12/15/17 - 12:47 pm Good schools everywhere? Wu vows to vote against school budget without changes in elementary start-time plan 30
12/14/17 - 1:57 pm What a great project :) Visiting every city and town in Massachusetts, one ukelele pluck at a time 6
12/8/17 - 6:43 pm Clowning Around ! Bankrupt Boston Herald sold to newspaper chain that already owns most of the area's suburban papers 56
12/5/17 - 6:43 am What a disaster. Madison Park can't catch a break: BPS puts director on leave 14
12/4/17 - 1:00 pm We are the clowns.... Senate president to step down during investigation of husband's activities 30
11/30/17 - 8:45 am I had the same thought Council takes first step towards building a new Boston Arts Academy 37
11/29/17 - 10:19 am I was going to comment on this thread Boston pays nearly $1 million in IRS penalties for sloppy accounting 17
11/27/17 - 6:55 pm And here is ... BPS was paying some workers off the books with money from funds meant for student activities 38
11/27/17 - 1:27 pm hahahahaha!!!! Keep electing the incumbents !!! BPS was paying some workers off the books with money from funds meant for student activities 38
11/16/17 - 1:37 pm Who are the clowns ??? Something that could never, ever happen here 22
11/7/17 - 6:51 am Let's all vote for the clown :) One shot in car on Massachusetts Avenue in the Back Bay 27
11/6/17 - 3:02 pm First Fridays.... Hubba Hubba owner dies 7
11/5/17 - 2:43 pm That's why I'm running as an independent WBZ 1030's new owners making workers reapply for the jobs, refusing to honor union contracts 64
11/1/17 - 6:10 pm Good kid looking for a way out Gerrod Brown was 16 when he was shot to death last night 12
11/1/17 - 1:18 pm Need support for public transportation at all levels Unreliable service catching up with the T: Revenues down as commuters abandon it 71
10/31/17 - 8:28 pm Only politicians are scared of this clown.... Seems legit: He's got yer balloons right here 9
10/26/17 - 10:30 am Rabbit Season! What's up, doc? Troopers catch rabbit on Zakim after daffy pursuit 8
10/26/17 - 10:28 am PERFECT PLACE FOR A CLOWN!!! Announcing Luxury Waters, Boston's newest residential tower you can't afford 53
10/23/17 - 2:41 am Ahhhh, the joys of campaigning..... Campaign roundup: Clown wars 35
10/18/17 - 9:46 am No tax breaks or money giveaways to the 1% Worcester proposes throwing a ton of tax savings and just plain money at Amazon 35


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