10 years 8 months

Just a gal that lives in Hyde Park.

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/19/24 - 9:45 pm But then you would complain 311 complaint of the day: All the noise, noise, noise, noise down in West Roxbury 10
9/9/24 - 11:32 pm When I was in Hyde Park, 311 complaint of the day: Dorchester's not the Berkshires, enough with the child-eating coyotes 30
7/2/24 - 5:06 pm The area in Readvillecused to Train engineer in Readville loves him some air horn at 1:10 in the morning 36
6/10/24 - 10:57 am Cool! I went to visit a Revamped restaurant could make a Basque difference for Beacon Hill 5
4/23/24 - 4:34 pm My grandmother was driving in The Sumner of our discontent 9
4/23/24 - 4:28 pm Plus commercial tenants pay Dark-money group has gotten a lot of press warning about the collapse of Boston's office market 11
4/23/24 - 4:24 pm It actually started in Dedham Mayhem in the streets of Back Bay as drag racers try fancier digs than their normal Roslindale strip 28
4/12/24 - 4:04 pm Hackers are going to hack. Statewide 911 system goes down 5
4/8/24 - 12:05 pm It goes through Westwood, Developer proposes replacing auto-repair garage with apartments on Washington Street near Hatoff's 35
3/31/24 - 6:13 pm You'll have to pull the milk South End chocolate bar wins approval 7
3/31/24 - 5:58 pm The protest was at the Copley Gaza protesters shut Longfellow Bridge 39
3/13/24 - 1:17 pm Good. The amount of people in Governor wants to pardon everybody with misdemeanor marijuana convictions 6
3/12/24 - 3:55 pm My grandfather, a student Kennedy School postdoc was planning a coup in his war-torn homeland but didn't realize his arms dealers were really federal agents, feds say 16
3/12/24 - 3:50 pm The little pothole that could Citizen complaint of the day: One Mission Hill pothole is soooo deep 9
3/12/24 - 3:45 pm Part of it is part of living Board rejects more permanent entertainment license for Chinatown dim-sum place 19
3/5/24 - 4:10 pm They have been here a long Be wary of door-to-door paving contractors with Irish or British accents and insipid company names, police say 28
3/5/24 - 2:35 pm The prices in the Another alleged Heath Street gang member charged with drug offense 2
3/1/24 - 12:10 pm Of all the places to practice Citizen complaint of the day: Courthouse station not the appropriate venue to practice Olympic skateboarding 16
2/28/24 - 12:23 pm Is that a city of Boston park Where the trees are 13
2/28/24 - 11:56 am I did some tree stuff for Where the trees are 13
2/14/24 - 4:07 pm Probably not. It is for The World-Class City: Boston will soon get a place where you have to make a reservation to get ice cream 59
2/14/24 - 12:18 pm I live in Norwood currently Newton church had quietly been housing up to 30 migrant families, went public yesterday after rumors began spreading 32
2/6/24 - 12:30 pm My grandfather lived in an Citizen complaint of the day: Part of Chestnut Hill is so in Boston 29
2/6/24 - 10:39 am They also think they are Dorchester civic group comes out swinging against more development - not in Dorchester, but next door in Milton 32
2/1/24 - 2:43 pm I took my test in Brockton. Dorchester driving instructor admits bribing RMV employee to approve licenses for people who hadn't taken driver's tests 12
2/1/24 - 2:26 pm I am an Atrius patient and With for-profit hospital system crumbling, Boston councilors also worry about impact of for-profit urgent care on non-profit neighborhood health centers 33
1/30/24 - 3:23 pm I do not need to live in Some Savin Hill Avenue residents sue to block plan to enlarge single-family home into three condos 35
1/30/24 - 2:27 pm When I was homeless, I called Some Savin Hill Avenue residents sue to block plan to enlarge single-family home into three condos 35
1/30/24 - 2:17 pm Would you move to Detroit or Some Savin Hill Avenue residents sue to block plan to enlarge single-family home into three condos 35
1/30/24 - 1:35 pm So I should live in a Some Savin Hill Avenue residents sue to block plan to enlarge single-family home into three condos 35
1/26/24 - 2:15 pm And what is proposed would Mayor, lawmakers try yet again to get reduced fares at commuter-rail stops in Boston 22
1/26/24 - 2:02 pm Is anyone else rooting for Citizen complaint of the day: It may be injured and blind, but one Back Bay rat is still menacing 21
1/26/24 - 2:01 pm A nurse friend told me that New mother at St. Elizabeth's died from internal bleeding; doctors used to have devices to stop that, but they were repossessed by their maker because the hospital couldn't pay for them 33
1/26/24 - 1:58 pm Is this one of those cases Berklee student from China convicted of stalking, threatening a pro-democracy student 22
1/25/24 - 12:26 pm This is good. I lived in Mayor, lawmakers try yet again to get reduced fares at commuter-rail stops in Boston 22
1/23/24 - 1:44 pm duplicate. Judge orders first and future fines for Newton teachers union 34
1/23/24 - 1:43 pm It should not be illegal. Judge orders first and future fines for Newton teachers union 34
1/22/24 - 1:12 pm And yet, there is still ice Citizen complaint of the day: Choking clouds of salt 42
1/22/24 - 10:35 am Bad time for Ipswich Street, Driver slams into two pedestrians in the Fenway then keeps going 9
1/19/24 - 1:45 pm You can go to Milton or Hyde Park cafe to close doors 9
1/19/24 - 1:43 pm Given the price of things, if Book your Valentine's Day wedding at Boston City Hall now 8
1/19/24 - 12:57 pm Or the 32? The one that Wu looks to extend free service on three bus lines 22
1/18/24 - 4:22 pm Would it violate HIPPA since Mass General Hospital to experiment with drones to deliver medicine and even medical equipment to patients at home 16
12/26/23 - 12:06 pm I drove from Lynn to Norwood. The fog settles in 3
12/20/23 - 1:22 pm It is about frigging time! Mayor, police commissioner apologize to two men falsely accused of killing Carol Stuart in 1989 - and to Boston's Black community 20
12/19/23 - 1:59 pm WBUR has been covering things GBH to bolster racial and socioeconomic coverage 2
12/19/23 - 10:30 am Did it get damaged in the A whale of a time downtown 4
12/1/23 - 3:53 pm Was that the one between Long overdue, the new North Washington Street bridge could finally begin carrying traffic this month 15
12/1/23 - 3:52 pm Old Northern Avenue Bridge Long overdue, the new North Washington Street bridge could finally begin carrying traffic this month 15
12/1/23 - 12:14 am No she was one of the New apartments approved for Brighton Center 5


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