16 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
12/6/24 - 8:39 pm At least the transit police Drinking and driving on trolley tracks don't mix, woman learns 9
5/18/24 - 7:59 pm It is just the third stop Green Line photo not taken in May, 2020 15
12/19/22 - 9:14 am Not always Driver slams into Roslindale Square building; takes out barbershop 53
8/3/22 - 4:19 pm Banker & Tradesman link goes Big-ass skyscraper could be in the works for area near North Washington Street Bridge 18
8/3/22 - 1:54 pm commuter rail Baker, T officials: Turn that frown upside down, Orange Line riders, because at 5 a.m. on Sept. 19, you're going to get faster, safer, more reliable service 82
7/25/22 - 10:37 am 24-28 Tremont Row at Scollay Square, ca. 1880-95 All diseases skillfully treated 12
5/31/22 - 7:37 am no parking? Developer unwraps plans for Seaport life-sciences building to replace garage around the corner from the Children's Museum 14
4/8/22 - 6:20 am update Fire halts breadmaking at Cambridge bakery 13
10/24/21 - 8:53 pm BJ's in Waltham had signs Shades of spring, 2020 8
3/26/21 - 2:05 pm Rosenfeld's bakes bialies too Bagels that somebody from New Jersey could eat 45
3/21/21 - 4:33 pm They were there around a On target 5
9/3/20 - 9:50 pm Ummm, the NY marathon starts BAA postpones registration for 2021 Boston Marathon 23
5/24/20 - 10:20 am Yes: https://goo.gl/maps End of the line for the old Lechmere station 36
3/12/20 - 6:03 pm same with waltham Just shut it down: Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Brookline, Burlington, Cambridge, Danvers, Everett, Lexington, Malden, Newton, Salem, Somerville and Winchester all closing schools 26
1/17/20 - 8:47 pm And the Fitchburg line is Orange Line tonight? Yeah, right 6
10/23/19 - 7:03 am "Station" is being very Newtonville commuter-rail station closed 'until further notice' 35
3/8/19 - 11:28 am parking Imagine navigating this snow mountain on foot; now imagine trying to do it in a wheelchair 74
3/5/19 - 9:23 am future Fitchburg Line riders feeling pain: Two hours with no train 5
2/22/19 - 10:23 am longevity Why all those new apartment and condo buildings look the same 30
1/23/19 - 8:56 pm seriously? Citizen complaint of the day: A Prius not fit for the road 27
12/11/18 - 2:48 pm newton crash Infant remains in critical condition after Revere crash 23
10/31/18 - 4:27 pm commuter rail Leaving is always the hardest part; long delays at North Station to start 27
6/4/18 - 12:31 pm 159 Summer Street Ginter in Gahm 11
5/22/18 - 12:14 pm I recall him saying that too. Inside the tunnel 19
5/22/18 - 11:28 am brattle street Inside the tunnel 19
5/21/18 - 4:54 pm Perhaps because you have MBTA to offer $10 weekend passes for commuter rail this summer 40
5/21/18 - 4:10 pm the whole weekend MBTA to offer $10 weekend passes for commuter rail this summer 40
3/2/18 - 4:12 pm power In Watertown, a wave of downed utility poles 9
1/25/18 - 2:47 pm totally agreed Harvard willing to spend millions more on train stations for its Allston megaplex - the permanent stop and a temporary one 27
1/10/18 - 5:06 pm I hope you stay young and What somebody in a wheelchair goes through after a Boston snowstorm 53
12/28/17 - 9:55 am The whole street was Another Unleashed By Petco store closing 18
12/12/17 - 12:02 pm artificially created gridlock Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191
11/20/17 - 11:11 am If you only ride buses, you CharlieCards 1.0 to be replaced by CharlieCards 2.0 91
11/20/17 - 9:55 am The current Charlie system CharlieCards 1.0 to be replaced by CharlieCards 2.0 91
11/20/17 - 9:45 am commuter rail CharlieCards 1.0 to be replaced by CharlieCards 2.0 91
11/16/17 - 4:46 pm And imagine a train from Something that could never, ever happen here 22
11/16/17 - 11:09 am timetables Something that could never, ever happen here 22
11/14/17 - 8:09 pm Link to text of bill? Bill would let cops fine phone-using jaywalkers up to $200 85
11/14/17 - 2:40 pm Video from the summer Bill would let cops fine phone-using jaywalkers up to $200 85
11/14/17 - 1:27 pm I'm talking about drivers who Bill would let cops fine phone-using jaywalkers up to $200 85
11/14/17 - 11:08 am concurrent signals Bill would let cops fine phone-using jaywalkers up to $200 85
11/14/17 - 11:02 am Really? Bill would let cops fine phone-using jaywalkers up to $200 85
11/1/17 - 6:17 pm Completely agreed. One Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89
11/1/17 - 4:32 pm If you order your pass online Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89
11/1/17 - 3:47 pm T contacts Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89
11/1/17 - 3:35 pm statement of fare Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89
10/29/17 - 9:58 pm correction Fire in rain 5
10/19/17 - 6:58 pm At least 11 according to this OK boys and girls. It's time to finally unmask the elephant in the room 61
10/17/17 - 8:43 am Have you actually tried the OK boys and girls. It's time to finally unmask the elephant in the room 61
8/17/17 - 10:14 am Not itself, but W4 intersects The most Boston intersection that ever Bostoned a Boston 28


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