11 years 10 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
8/14/21 - 3:14 pm I won't miss Jon Keller glaring at Callie Crossley... Beat the Press canceled 22
6/21/21 - 5:26 pm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Wirth_Restaurant The Red Hat is going away 19
1/16/21 - 7:28 pm RMV, application for renewal of registration City of Boston real-estate tax is due as scheduled 18
1/2/21 - 5:51 pm There'll be another quarterly payment 05/03/2021 City of Boston real-estate tax is due as scheduled 18
12/10/20 - 3:01 pm deed restricted property Board rejects four-story office building on edge of Nubian Square 14
12/9/20 - 6:32 pm Baby Bush brought us the Ownership Society Board rejects four-story office building on edge of Nubian Square 14
12/9/20 - 1:09 am When there is commercial space that is going unused. Board rejects four-story office building on edge of Nubian Square 14
10/31/20 - 3:23 pm Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital AKA BIDMC Jamaica Plain man charged with child pornography, making plans to rape an infant 7
9/15/20 - 10:39 pm Carrie O’Connor, a 38-year-old professor at Boston University, Woman crushed in Allston elevator mishap 22
8/12/20 - 4:41 pm In case you missed my reply on Warren Ave and St. Joseph Two shot in Malcolm X Park 15
8/11/20 - 4:41 pm Give me back the Queensboro Bridge of Not the NYTimes fame. Two shot in Malcolm X Park 15
8/11/20 - 4:03 am We had Washington Park... Two shot in Malcolm X Park 15
8/11/20 - 2:35 am Where is Warren Ave? Two shot in Malcolm X Park 15
8/9/20 - 1:18 am Warren Avenue or Warren Sreet? Two shot in Malcolm X Park 15
7/14/20 - 12:17 pm This isn't about "grey hair." Boston cops stop and frisk a newspaper editor in Roxbury 51
7/1/20 - 2:08 pm Back to Boston from the Clam Box I did see Romney for Gov signs Driving and renting while Black in eastern Mass. 35
7/1/20 - 1:29 pm hopefully? Driving and renting while Black in eastern Mass. 35
6/17/20 - 1:18 am What to eat and what to leave on your plate. Andelman brother who couldn't stop hating Black Lives Matter leaves Phantom Gourmet and family drive-in 16
1/5/20 - 3:28 pm Pity Pats Remember the Titans 28
10/7/19 - 7:55 pm Pepperidge Farm remembers, not a bit of 'Colonial Baloney' City to put the old Prudential naked-guy statue in an Allston park 17
1/9/18 - 8:17 pm Some incidents don't mean news to many siblings of the world Large fire erupts in Dudley Square 13
10/17/17 - 3:46 pm Mildred C. Hailey Apartments Construction sites nothing new in Boston 12
10/17/17 - 3:37 pm Mind the gap. The new Orange Line trains can get up to 63 mph and come with independent intellectual property rights 27
2/16/17 - 10:34 am Yes, just have cars circling during the snow emergency And so we come to that point in the winter where people respond to each other's parking notes 25
1/25/17 - 8:46 pm Turquoise Way is in the Mission Main projects Gunfire on Mission Hill Tuesday morning 1
1/24/16 - 9:39 pm Commonwealth Mall between Fairfield and Gloucester Streets Contemplating the snow 5
1/24/16 - 9:27 pm Standing is Abigail Adams. Contemplating the snow 5
1/24/16 - 9:21 pm Sculpture on the R is Phillis Wheatley. First name has two "i"s. Contemplating the snow 5
1/9/15 - 1:42 am State Police chases away drivers waiting for arrivals Police: Woman jumps behind wheel of cruiser at Logan, drives away 33
10/29/14 - 12:52 am Uncle Dale Boston DJ Dale Dorman dies at 71 10
9/27/13 - 6:11 pm delete, I posted to wrong story Puppy Doe vigil could bring thousands to Quincy 16
9/27/13 - 6:09 pm Looks like a Paul Szep drawing. Mapping Tuesday's mayoral results by ward 11
9/27/13 - 10:24 am Has Rush Limbaugh taken to voting? Hypocrite: Minister who complains about turnout hasn't voted since 1997 45
9/16/13 - 10:08 am Course or coarse? Driving on the turnpike can take its toll 8
9/13/13 - 1:00 am The Vault is/was a business group that made development plans. Back in the day, folks knew to cross at the green, not in between 61
9/13/13 - 12:52 am When Drake's was still baking at this location... Back in the day, folks knew to cross at the green, not in between 61
9/13/13 - 12:23 am Welfare riot? This is new Boston? Back in the day, folks knew to cross at the green, not in between 61
9/6/13 - 12:00 am Dracula is to alucarD as Lomasney is to yensamoL All the highways and parkways that never were 69
9/5/13 - 5:55 pm Langone would be a good start for a historical fussbudget. All the highways and parkways that never were 69
9/5/13 - 11:54 am Ruggles and (Columbus and Tremont) to Jackson Square was raised All the highways and parkways that never were 69
8/15/13 - 3:46 pm Boston Herald has the detail he was found in another state. Missing JP video-store owner found 35
7/31/13 - 6:04 pm Oh, I don't know the repeal of a section of DOMA, Election roundup: Only one candidate says he would march in the St. Patrick's Day parade 40
7/31/13 - 5:48 pm It's not easy being green... Election roundup: Only one candidate says he would march in the St. Patrick's Day parade 40
7/29/13 - 12:53 am Too much of a bad thing is even worse. Herald starting up online radio station 15
7/26/13 - 8:21 pm It is always open season on Gov Patrick for some. Comparison: Globe coverage of Boston's two most recent murders 148
7/26/13 - 7:53 pm The latest sighting of Elvis had him singing In The Ghetto: Comparison: Globe coverage of Boston's two most recent murders 148
7/16/13 - 9:29 pm Roslindale has Purple Line service to Needham and South Station City to dole out free cold water, ice cream this afternoon 38
6/28/13 - 9:00 pm Did I miss something? Mayor could kill two birds with one campaign-fund stone 26
6/18/13 - 11:18 am For those without a program... In their wedding finest at Trinity Church 14
6/18/13 - 12:49 am Crowns In their wedding finest at Trinity Church 14


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