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French Toast Alert Level: 1 Slice / Low. Explanation.


By adamg - 1/20/09 - 8:48 am
And it wasn't much

Mini-van turning onto Beech from Washington in Roslindale this morning, long after the weekend snows had ended.

By adamg - 1/19/09 - 10:18 pm

Above: A yearning tree in Beverly, by Brian Lewandowski (used under Creative Common). Below: A lonely bus shelter in Newton, by Ben Ostrander (copyright Ben Ostrander).

By adamg - 1/19/09 - 5:30 pm

Or as Lori Magno puts it:

So I must have missed the updated forecast that went from 3-6" to the 16+" we received since Saturday night.

By adamg - 1/18/09 - 10:18 pm
City Hall in the snow

From the hard edges of City Hall to the soft contours of the hills of Brighton, BehindDarkEyes made the snowfall her beat today.

Brighton in the snow

Copyright 2009 BehindDarkEyes.

By adamg - 1/18/09 - 2:33 pm
Oh, Robin!

Paul Keleher took this photo this morning out his front window; reports this might be the last visit from a robin because the berries on the tree there are almost all gone.

Photo reposted under Creative Commons.

By adamg - 1/16/09 - 9:16 am

That was the reading from the thermometer on our back deck around 8 a.m. up here in the Clarendon Hills along the Roslindale/Hyde Park frontier. It's now up to a balmy 2 degrees.

By adamg - 1/15/09 - 9:06 am

Kalim Saliba braved the elements for this shot of the sun going down over the Charles.

By adamg - 1/15/09 - 8:54 am

NECN informs us of this fact:

... In the morning hours around Copley Square, only those who needed to be out and about actually were doing so. Runners who typically start their morning with an wakeup jog chose otherwise. There was very little hustle or bustle. ...

And, yes, of course they interviewed a couple of utility guys glad to be able to warm up by going down a manhole.

Ed. Note: Last night, Boston School Superintendent Carol Johnson robo-called us to remind us to bundle the kidlet up this morning. I wonder how much that call cost.

By david_yamada - 1/14/09 - 1:37 pm

Given that I've preached about neighbors who don't clear their walks, I was taken aback this morning over this situation:

Although we cleared our sidewalk during the weekend snow storm and put down de-icer, yesterday the biggest melting snow pile caused a stream of water to flow towards the street, and last night it froze up, leaving about a 3-foot long patch of ice on our sidewalk.

By adamg - 1/13/09 - 12:05 pm
Charles at night

Saul Blumenthal took this cool photo the other night.

By adamg - 1/12/09 - 5:05 pm

In case you missed it, and in case you're driven nuts by people who shovel their driveways onto the sidewalk or street, you have to read Swirlygrrl's Special Queen Snowflake story.

By adamg - 1/12/09 - 9:33 am

The Avenger discusses her neighbors, one of whom had "Asshole" keyed into her car when she parked in a shoveled, but unclaimed spot, another of whom refuses to shovel his walk:

... After the snow packs down due to foot traffic it turns to ice. I nearly died there one day so I took it upon myself. I wrote on an envelope " Shovel please" and strategically placed it. I should have known, the note never disappeared and no shoveling happened. How people can be so ignorant stuns me. They take the time to shovel a spot and leave their sidewalk shear ice. ...

By Brett - 1/9/09 - 1:36 pm

The Globe throws down the gauntlet against Brunchers: stay home Sunday, they say, predicting "up to 10 inches in some places." The Weather Underground concurs; snowfall is currently predicted to hit Boston around midnight Saturday.

By adamg - 1/7/09 - 11:18 am

How to walk on ice for people too stupid to figure it out for themselves.

I could stare at that first slide all day (or maybe I should, you know, work). The third slide is worthy of a Three Stooges short - and it packs quite an existential wallop, when you think about it (will the guy with the ice pick help out the guy trying to tuck in his chin as he falls backward on the ice, or will the hapless loser forever find himself falling, falling, falling?). The second slide, eh, it exists solely so you can get from the first slide to the third.

By adamg - 1/7/09 - 9:55 am

Karen Wise wonders when they stopped being synonyms.

By adamg - 1/6/09 - 10:34 pm

One for those of us inside 128 who, despite the best efforts of ActionNews StormTeam DestructionWatch with the flying, twisting plexiglass graphics and ActonShots of Harv and Dick huddling in great concern over a monitor, just aren't panicking (wife and kidlet report Roche Bros. in West Roxbury was no more insane than usual) and one for people west and north of 128, who have already felt one lash of Icy Death and so spent today stocking up on more than just bread, milk and eggs. Kelly reports on conditions in the greater Littleton area this evening:

I just got back from the grocery store, and based on my near-death experience, I'm calling High.

Yes. YES. I know. I am ashamed. We succumbed to the mass hysteria gripping the region and went to the grocery store after work today, with the original idea of "bopping in quickly" to pick up the requisite toilet paper, milk, bread and dog food, but leaving the store $100 lighter and with a overflowing grocery cart.

Apparently, every other resident of town had the same idea. ... So anyway, we have 10 cans of soup and a GALLON of milk and dog food AND a generator AND 50 feet of extension cord. ...

And if only that were the end of the desperation. Wait until you see what else she bought at the supermarket.

By adamg - 1/5/09 - 10:32 am

I think my number was five, although I could've gotten that down to one if I hadn't also tried to scrape off my wife's car in addition to mine.

Don Martelli, meanwhile, turns into one of those crabby bloggers the MBTA is always ignoring:

When conditions are icey, can you please alert bus riders on the 110
from Revere to Wellington Station in Medford that the bus will be
bypassing the Park Ave hill due to conditions? You have a website.
Use it. How about text alerts? ...

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