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I for one welcome our new T-riding alien overlords

Weird sign at Forest Hills

"Cookbooks for sale," this sign at Forest Hills probably says.



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Refreshments available in all cars.

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Quick - call Martha Coakley! And the bomb squad!

All your base are belong to us.

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To Serve Man

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Because the pun only works in English. What if they'd decided to speak to us only in French instead?

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À Servir l’Humanité

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Eating people on the Orange Line? The joke's on the aliens.

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Special sauce, lettuce, cheeze.... don't ask about the special sauce.

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"How to Cook Humans"

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The title is "How to Cook for Humans"

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"How to cook forty humans"

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T stations are full of hidden wonders. My guess is that this will be a new sign to announce approaching trains, lighting up when appropriate. The alien message has been there for quite some time now.

Elsewhere in Forest Hills, are the little-known "hold bus" lights. These have been around since the old station and exist in most others that have a formal bus platform. When an Orange Line train is approaching the station, the "hold bus" light goes on and drivers are supposed to wait for the train to arrive and take those people. Of course, hardly any of them do that nowadays and it never happens in peak service hours.

Where are these lights? Look in the busways for small incandescent lamps over the bus platforms. There are usually 2 per busway. The "Next train approaching" recording is triggered by the same track signal that lights these lights. The same signal also shuts off the trackman's "safe to proceed" signal for when trackmen are walking the rails to make repairs.

It's old technology re-purposed for the digital age.

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...view these lights as warnings to hightail it out of the station (maybe even a minute or so early) so as not to be burdened with any actual riders on their bus.

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...the Doctor, or I will Exterminate!



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The missing panel from this sign probably said "Police Call Box".

There's a similar light box missing its panel at the front end of Charles/MGH outbound.

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I think they are replacing the "Police Call Box" signs with "Passanger Assistance" signs as the call boxes actually have two push to talk buttons, one to call the T Polic and another to call the customer information center.

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Awesome reference to classic twilight zone, but I can't be the only one to get the Simpsons reference can I?

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