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Man takes limo for a spin from downtown to Saugus

A limo driver got out of his car outside the Ritz around 7:15 a.m. Somebody else then jumped in and drove away. Police tracked the vehicle GPS to Storrow Drive. Scott Breaker reports he made it all the way to Rte. 1 in Saugus, where the local constabulary stopped and arrested him at the Main Street exit off Rte. 1.



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given how frequently I see people who leave their cars running while they get out to pop into the 7-11 or the like. Sad commentary on the times that people are that lazy they can't be bothered to shut their cars off when they leave them unattended.

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I agree to a point. However, in this case the chauffeur was literally standing next to the vehicle and was simply checking with the doorman to find out where to stage. In fact, the same tracking system that helped us recover our vehicle so quickly also assists us in making sure that all of our vehicles adhere to the the state's five minute idling law. In this case, the chauffeur was not being lazy.

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to shut off the engine and put the keys in his pocket before leaving the vehicle, even if it was just to talk to the doorman. In one word - LAZY!

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I already spelled chauffeur for you....yet, you still can't get it right....

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... he realized you were trying to sucker him into spelling an american word ... in ... French!

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The car belongs to the guys over at United Worldwide in Brighton. Without a doubt the finest independently owned company in Boston.

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