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Alleged butt grabber grabbed on bus at Dudley station

Morales MBTA Transit Police report arresting a Dorchester man for indecent assault and battery on a 28 bus Saturday afternoon - thanks in part to the bus driver, who refused to open the doors for him as she pulled into Dudley station.

According to a police report, Jose Morales, 28, was sitting near the front of the bus around 2:20 p.m., Saturday, when the bus stopped at Warren and Circuit streets, and he stood up and grabbed the left butt cheek of a woman sitting in front of him. She screamed she'd just been grabbed and stood up - at which point Morales grabbed her again, police say.

The bus driver told police Morales tried to get off the bus, but she instead kept the doors closed until she got to Dudley station, where police were waiting.

The T reports Morales is the 14th person arrested for indecent assault and battery on its system this year.

This past December on the 28:
The bus wasn't the only thing that was jerking between Dudley and Ruggles Friday afternoon

Innocent, etc.

Sat, 09/03/2011 - 14:20
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A tipsy crane

Tipped over crane

A roving UHub photographer forwarded this shot of a crane that tipped over this afternoon at 82 Ballou Ave. in Dorchester.


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Three guys went to a lot of effort to steal a safe from a Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin' stealer

Wellesley Police report they are looking for three guys who broke into the Dunkin' Donuts on Rte. 9 eastbound just after the Natick line sometime early this morning and made off with a safe:

Two men using a yellow "fat max" bar make forced entry through the drive-thru window. ... The two men struggled with the window, finally made entry. One of the men opened the rear door allowing a third male to enter the store. Suspect #2 wearing a mask, used a sledgehammer to force open an office door. Once inside, suspects remove small Sentry style safe from a drawer and fled through the rear of Dunkin Donuts.


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Police officer shot in Woburn jewelry-store robbery

AlertNewEngland and Stephen Walsh report on the manhunt for the suspects - one of whom may have gotten shot himself - in the botched robbery and shooting at 186 Cambridge Rd.

Last Dec. 26, another Woburn officer was shot and killed after a robbery at the jewelry department at Kohl's on Washington Street.


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Court extends protection of law against stupid evictions to tenants getting evicted before law was passed

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that a 2010 law aimed at protecting tenants of foreclosed apartments against evictions "without just cause" also applies to tenants who were in the process of being evicted before the law went into effect, but who never left their units.

Fannie Mae took possession of a Springfield apartment complex in 2009; in January, 2010, it ordered all of the tenants out. At least one tenant, however, fought them and didn't move. In September, that tenant, Jose Nunez, filed suit to block the eviction under the state's new tenant foreclosure law, which went into effect the month before and which required owners to provide "just cause" for the eviction. As the state's highest court noted:

The notice did not state any cause for termination of the tenancy, and Fannie Mae has conceded that it did not have just cause for the eviction.

Fannie Mae argued the new law couldn't be applied retroactively and that the way it was worded meant it could never evict Nunez even if it had an actual valid reason, because the law required notification within 30 days of the foreclosure, which happened before the law was enacted.

The court, however, said the state legislature was not that illogical, that it could still attempt to evict him with just cause.

The court added that because Fannie Mae continued to try to evict Nunez after the law went into effect, its efforts to evict him were now covered by the law.

Somewhat trickier was Fannie Mae's argument that the law abrogated property rights it had before the law went into effect, in this case to throw somebody into the street just because it felt like it.

Here, the court made a distinction between somebody who buys a house and tries to evict a tenant so that the purchaser can live there and a giant lender who buys the property simply as an investment:

We conclude that a modest reduction in the value of a real estate asset arising from the limitation on Fannie Mae's ability to evict tenants is not the sort of burden that is so unfair as to render [the new law] retroactive in effect. Rather, like a new property tax, zoning regulation, or other "uncontroversially prospective statutes," [the law], at worst, simply "may upset the reasonable expectations that prompted those affected to acquire property."


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Local company jumps deeper into mulch

Harvest Power of Waltham, which makes mulch, among other things, announced today it is buying Coastal Supply Co. of Delaware, which makes mulch, among other things.

And no doubt, they were singing this tune today: Mulch maker, mulch maker, make me some mulch ...


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Be on the lookout for some expensive guitars

Stephanie Clarkson reports Starlab, the practice space and recording studio in Union Square, was broken into over the weekend:

Both of Stephen Konrads's guitars were stolen (a fireglo Rickenbacker 360 and a brown Fender Telecaster '69 Thinline with a pearl pickguard) along with both of Wayne's basses (a sunburst Fender Jazz Bass with pick-up covers and a natural finish Rickenbacker 4003). Also Chris Duggan's black Gibson Les Paul and a Mac Pro with a cinema display were stolen.


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You peel it, you own it

BostonZest reports on the rebellion among some markets against people who peel corn in the store to see what it looks like and offers tips on checking for good corn without denuding it.


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Boston vs. Seattle

Sure, the weather was good, the people nice and the scenery stunning, but Rebecca Pacheco reports she was chafing under an Irene-imposed extended stay in Seattle:

I'm a native of Cape Cod and a Boston resident. And in both circles, inclement weather is a point of hearty New England pride. I felt like I was missing out. I recalled Hurricanes Gloria and Bob and the Halloween Nor’easter of 1991, which inspired local author Sebastian Junger's Perfect Storm and, later, became a film starring Mark Wahlberg. What if I missed the meteorological inspiration of another Mark Wahlberg movie? I liked Seattle well enough, but I found a few things unsettling.


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Teen charged with Saturday murder in the South End

Ricardo Arias, 17, of Roslindale, will be arraigned today on charges he gunned down a South End teen Saturday night, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Arias, to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court, allegedly pumped several bullets into Alex Sierra on W. Brookline Street before fleeing with an accomplice in a gold minivan.

The accomplice was arrested Sunday and is expected to be arraigned on charges of begin an accessory after the fact to murder and unlawful possession of a firearm, the DA's office reports. His name was not released because he is 16 and will be arraigned in juvenile court.

Sierra grew up in the Villa Victoria development around the corner from where he was murdered. The minivan was found not long after in the area of the Mission Main and Alice Taylor projects in Roxbury, where teens have long feuded with kids from Villa Victoria. In 2009, records show, Arias lived on Prentiss Street, in the Alice Taylor project.

Innocent, etc.


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