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By adamg - 10/1/23 - 11:50 am

Cambridge Day reports on allegations involving two candidates.

By adamg - 9/30/23 - 11:10 am

The MBTA had to roll out buses to replace the Red Line between Alewife and Harvard this morning after a train exhaled its last at Porter Square, the deepest station on the line. Things are now back to what passes for normal these days, the T reports.

By adamg - 9/27/23 - 9:40 am

MIT News reports on research by an MIT linguistics professor and one of his students on an emerging phrase in English: "Whom of which." Read more.

By adamg - 9/26/23 - 11:26 pm

The Globe reports on new wicked slooooow zones on the Green Line Extension, in particular in spots where the rails have gotten slightly closer to each other, an issue that left at least one expert with 40 years of experience scratching his head because rails in use generally widen in distance, not narrow.

By adamg - 9/25/23 - 11:08 am
Listening for bats

Listening for bats. Photo by Greg Cook.

Greg Cook reports going on a bat-listening tour at Mount Auburn Cemetery the other day. Christopher Richardson, a bat biologist at Boston University, led a group of would-be bat listeners at dusk - as part of a long-term project to study both the bats and the role of cemeteries as urban bat sanctuaries.

By adamg - 9/25/23 - 10:01 am

The MBTA had to shut Red Line service inbound from Harvard Square after paper in rubbish barrels along the tracks underneath Quincy Street caught fire around 9:30 a.m. Read more.

By Sasha Patkin - 9/11/23 - 10:13 pm
Little Amal surrounded by lanterns on Harvard campus

Little Amal surrounded by lanterns on Harvard campus. Photo by Sasha Patkin.

Why do people throw their energy into art when there are so many real and terrible things happening in the world that also deserve attention? This was one of the many questions which flitted across my mind as I sat on a bench in Harvard's Science Center Plaza Thursday night. Read more.

By adamg - 9/6/23 - 2:28 pm

Dan Kennedy gets the scoop: The Globe is planning to bolster its coverage of Boston suburbs in general, with two editors and four reporters - and with one of those editors and reporters assigned specifically to what the honchos call "Cambridge and Somerville - Camberville if you will." Or Cambridge Day turf.

By adamg - 9/6/23 - 9:00 am

Harvard's officially inaugurating its new president in a couple of weeks, and so, the Crimson reports: Harvard to Pause Visits From Heads of State Ahead of President Gay’s Inauguration.

By adamg - 9/5/23 - 1:53 pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports Rangzen Tibetan Place in Central Square in Cambridge has closed after 25 years.

By adamg - 8/30/23 - 10:11 am
Smoke belching manhole

Smoke-belching manhole. Photo by Matty Wags.

Cambridge Police report a manhole exploded on Brattle Street in Harvard Square around 8:34 a.m. No injuries, but "Harvard Square is closed to vehicle traffic, and pedestrian traffic is restricted" and, really, police would prefer if you avoided the square altogether, even if you are parents moving your kid into a Harvard dorm. Read more.

By adamg - 8/29/23 - 9:44 am
New bright-yellow CARS ONLY sign being installed at Storrow Drive entrance

Photo of new signs going up by DCR.

DCR announced yesterday it's replacing the dark CARS ONLY signs at ramps to Storrow Drive, Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive with glaring yellow in-your-face CARS ONLY signs. Read more.

By adamg - 8/24/23 - 2:19 pm
MassDCR says please don't hit our bridges

DCR is out with an online ad spot that urges newcomers to Boston to keep their rental trucks off the river roads - set to just the sort of plaintive music you'd expect on a late-night ASPCA ad:

For just zero dollars a day you can not hit a bridge or overpass on Storrow Drive and and Soldiers Field Road in Boston and Memorial Drive in Cambridge. ... The bridges, and the trucks, will thank you.

By adamg - 8/23/23 - 8:26 am

Cambridge Day gets the scoop: Momma’s Grocery + Wine, 2304 Mass. Ave. in Cambridge, is now selling maple creemees.

By adamg - 8/9/23 - 10:43 pm

For the second time in nine months, a federal court has ruled that Harvard is out the $15 million it sought from a legal insurer because it missed the deadline for notifying the company it would invoke the policy for excess bills related to its decade-long, and ultimately unsuccessful, court battle against a group that didn't like its affirmative-action policies. Read more.

By adamg - 8/3/23 - 5:14 pm
GLX Constructors logo

Four construction firms that teamed up to build the Green Line Extension say the company that designed key components of the new trolley line screwed up to the tune of more than $35 million in cost overruns, and they are demanding payment, in a suit filed today in Suffolk Superior Court. Read more.

By adamg - 8/2/23 - 2:31 pm

Cambridge Police report that a driver turning left onto Mason Street from Brattle Street slammed into a bicyclist around 8:54 a.m. yesterday. Read more.

By adamg - 7/30/23 - 11:27 am

Cambridge Day reports on a deal to replace Raven Used Books, which is closing to the public today so it can move to Shelburne Falls.

By adamg - 7/27/23 - 10:09 pm
Rainbow over Harvard Square

Maria Daniels, in Harvard Square, was one of many people who looked up after the rain stopped this evening.

In Jamaica Plain, Handmaid saw the rainbows, too, but also a still angry cloud: Read more.

By adamg - 7/26/23 - 7:12 am

Cambridge Water Department crews are on Portland Street between Hampshire and Washington streets, dealing with a major water-main break that happened early this morning.


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