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Police say hotel refused orders to shut down out-of-control Tufts vomit and piss party

Boston Police report officers issued a citation to the Westin Copley Place at the already infamous Tufts "Winter Bash" on Feb. 2:

Upon arrival officers observed numerous individuals leaving the 3rd floor ballroom, many of whom appeared extremely intoxicated due to alcohol consumption. When officers asked security outside the ballroom to shut the party down, security replied "No, they have 10 minutes left!" Officers observed several people later identified as Tufts University students passed out and throwing up in different rooms of the hotel. EMS treated and transported several students to local hospitals. An 18 year old female and 19 year old male were among the victims.

Officers issued licenses premises violations for the following offences: intoxicated patrons needing medical attention, under aged drinking, hotel security uncooperative, outside liquor brought onto license premise establishment and egress issues addressed with management.

The citation means a trip to the Boston Licensing Board, which has the power to suspend the hotel's liquor and innkeeping licenses for a set number of days if it finds the offenses serious enough - and something the hotel could have done something about.

Adam Castglioni posts a statement from the hotel's PR firm that all matters were resolved and no permanent damage was done to the hotel.



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Vomit and Piss party. Nuff said. I wonder if this is an option for the Westin's wedding receptions.

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Absolutely ridiculous that the Westin Hotel did not shut down the party, when Police asked them. What fools. You would think that a place as highly regarded as the Westin would hire people with common sense and a desire to maintain their reputation.

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Tufts laid down some very strict stipulations when they booked the contract that their staff- and only their staff- would be handling the security and discipline of rowdy students. And by handle, they mean cover up how bad things got.

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It's agreed that the Westin Hotel staff was way beyond stupid...and irresponsible not to shut down the Tufts University Party at the request of the Police. Here's another question; Why in the world didn't the Westin Hotel staff check everybody's I. D's when they arrived to make sure that no alcohol would be served to underaged people (they could've gotten their liquor license lifted for that.), and to make serious efforts to shut off drinkers who'd clearly had too much?

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Does the BPD have the authority to walk into any bar and shut it down becuase of its a piss and puke party?

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As agents of the Boston Licensing Board and the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs, they have the right to enforce license restrictions, which include not serving inebriated and/or underage patrons.

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No they do not. Only the fire department has that power; to shut the event down.

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No the Police Department cannot, they are a reporting agency. Where would the due process be? The Fire Department however can shut an event down.

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However, not closing the place down at the request of the police leads to a citation, which leads to appearances before the Licensing Board and the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing (who says Boston isn't world class: We have two licensing boards - which often hold two hearings on the same event!), both of which do have the power to shut a place down, either for a set period of days or permanently (although the later is almost never done).

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So BPD cannot order a hotel party to be shut down but they can cite and/or arrest drunk & disorderly or underage people drinking and bartenders who they observe are serving drunk or underage people people.

Can the BFD "shut it down" because of a fire safety issue? Any other reasons?

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Just like if you had an out of control party in your house, the cops come and tell you to shut it down. Then they warn you if they have to come back, they're gonna start cracking skulls.

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Will TD Garden be issued a violation for the incident involving the son of Commissioner Davis? After all, police were there for that one too. Overserving and allowing an impaired patron to drive? Or will that one be given a good leaving alone? Goose? Gander?

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You know perfectly well the difference between serving one patron who doesn't appear drunk and refusing police orders to close down a party with a hundred people vomiting, urinating, and needing to be hospitalized. This isn't goose/gander, it's elephant/kangaroo.

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Who is to say Davis wasn't shut off by the Garden staff? Who is to say Davis didn't shut himself off at the Garden thinking he'd sober up in time to drive? It's their job not to serve patrons that are noticeably intoxicated. It is not their job to make sure that patron doesn't leave their establishment and walk 5 blocks back to his parking garage, get in his car, and drive home.

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Drinking a couple of beers won't buzz a hardcore alchy, but adding some narcotics to the mix will induce a good stupor.

It isn't overserving if a sober patron buys some beer and proceeds to wash down other chemicals with it.

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a sober patron buys some beer and proceeds to wash down other chemicals with it.

is just stupid.

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Who is to say Davis wasn't shut off by the Garden staff? Who is to say Davis didn't shut himself off at the Garden thinking he'd sober up in time to drive? It's their job not to serve patrons that are noticeably intoxicated. It is not their job to make sure that patron doesn't leave their establishment and walk 5 blocks back to his parking garage, get in his car, and drive home.

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I mean, it's not like these guys stayed open late serving Chinese food or something serious like that.

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